require 'base64' require 'macaroons/serializers/base' module Macaroons class BinarySerializer < BaseSerializer PACKET_PREFIX_LENGTH = 4 def serialize(macaroon) combined = packetize('location', macaroon.location) combined += packetize('identifier', macaroon.identifier) for caveat in macaroon.caveats combined += packetize('cid', caveat.caveat_id) if caveat.verification_id and caveat.caveat_location combined += packetize('vid', caveat.verification_id) combined += packetize('cl', caveat.caveat_location) end end combined += packetize( 'signature', Utils.unhexlify(macaroon.signature) ) base64_url_encode(combined) end def deserialize(serialized) caveats = [] decoded = base64_url_decode(serialized) index = 0 while index < decoded.length packet_length = decoded[index..(index + PACKET_PREFIX_LENGTH - 1)].to_i(16) stripped_packet = decoded[index + PACKET_PREFIX_LENGTH..(index + packet_length - 2)] key, value = depacketize(stripped_packet) case key when 'location' location = value when 'identifier' identifier = value when 'cid' caveats << when 'vid' caveats[-1].verification_id = value when 'cl' caveats[-1].caveat_location = value when 'signature' signature = value else raise KeyError, 'Invalid key in binary macaroon. Macaroon may be corrupted.' end index = index + packet_length end macaroon = 'no_key', identifier: identifier, location: location) macaroon.caveats = caveats macaroon.signature = signature macaroon end private def packetize(key, data) # The 2 covers the space and the newline packet_size = PACKET_PREFIX_LENGTH + 2 + key.length + data.length if packet_size > 65535 # Due to packet structure, length of packet must be less than 0xFFFF raise ArgumentError, 'Data is too long for a binary packet.' end packet_size_hex = packet_size.to_s(16) header = packet_size_hex.to_s.rjust(4, '0') packet_content = "#{key} #{data}\n" packet = "#{header}#{packet_content}" packet end def depacketize(packet) key = packet.split(" ")[0] value = packet[key.length + 1..-1] [key, value] end def base64_url_decode(str) str = str.delete('=') p str str += '=' * (4 - str.length.modulo(4)).modulo(4) p str Base64.urlsafe_decode64(str) end def base64_url_encode(str) Base64.urlsafe_encode64(str).tr('=', '') end end end