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E5display_tasks_and_comments      E3Unknown show task mode: 'E'+         Eterminal_width  Edynamic_width E%dynamic_width_sttyE+stty size 2>/dev/null  E%dynamic_width_tputE+tput cols 2>/dev/nullE unix?  Ehost_os Ewindows?EtruncateEE...   E+display_prerequisitesE trace    Esort_options E+standard_rake_optionsE --allE-AEShow all tasks, even uncommented ones (in combination with -T or -D)E#--backtrace=[OUT]E}Enable full backtrace. OUT can be stderr (default) or stdout.E--build-allE-BE}Build all prerequisites, including those which are up-to-date.E--commentsE3Show commented tasks onlyE--describeE-D [PATTERN]EuDescribe the tasks (matching optional PATTERN), then exit.E--dry-runE-nEODo a dry run without executing actions.E--executeE-e CODEEAExecute some Ruby code and exit.E--execute-printE-p CODEEiExecute some Ruby code, print the result, then exit.E%--execute-continueE-E CODEE1Execute some Ruby code, EUthen continue with normal task processing.E --jobsE-j [NUMBER]E}Specifies the maximum number of tasks to execute in parallel. EI(default is number of CPU cores + 4)E'--job-stats [LEVEL]E1Display job statistics. EULEVEL=history displays a complete job listE--libdirE-I LIBDIREoInclude LIBDIR in the search path for required modules.E--multitaskE-mE=Treat all tasks as multitasks.E--no-searchE--nosearchE-NEeDo not search parent directories for the Rakefile.E--prereqsE-PE]Display the tasks and dependencies, then exit.E--quietE-qEODo not log messages to standard output.E--rakefileE-f [FILENAME]EWUse FILENAME as the rakefile to search for.E--rakelibdirE--rakelibE-R RAKELIBDIREWAuto-import any .rake files in RAKELIBDIR. E-(default is 'rakelib')E--requireE-r MODULEESRequire MODULE before executing rakefile.E--rulesE7Trace the rules resolution.E--silentE-sEMLike --quiet, but also suppresses the E9'in directory' announcement.E9--suppress-backtrace PATTERNEeSuppress backtrace lines matching regexp PATTERN. E3Ignored if --trace is on.E--systemE-gEKUsing system wide (global) rakefiles E7(usually '~/.rake/*.rake').E--no-systemE--nosystemE-GEYUse standard project Rakefile search paths, E;ignore system wide rakefiles.E--tasksE-T [PATTERN]E]Display the tasks (matching optional PATTERN) E=with descriptions, then exit. E-AT combination displays all of tasks contained no description.E--trace=[OUT]E-tEoTurn on invoke/execute tracing, enable full backtrace. EMOUT can be stderr (default) or stdout.E--verboseE-vE?Log message to standard output.E--versionE-VE9Display the program version.E--whereE-W [PATTERN]E3--no-deprecation-warningsE-XECDisable the deprecation warnings. E)select_tasks_to_show     E'select_trace_output| }  E stdoutE stderrEUnrecognized --E option '   Ehandle_options  Erake_require  E .rake ECan't find     E-find_rakefile_locationE..   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