require 'rake/tasklib' class SystemBuilder::BoxTasks < Rake::TaskLib # FIXME we can't count box instances .. the first box doesn't "see" next ones @@multiple_boxes = nil def self.multiple_boxes=(multiple_boxes) @@multiple_boxes = multiple_boxes end def self.multiple_boxes? @@multiple_boxes end attr_reader :box def initialize(box, &block) init @box = if Symbol === box else box end @box.named_mode = self.class.multiple_boxes? yield @box if block_given? define end def init ["#{ENV['HOME']}/.system_builder.rc", "./local.rb"].each do |conf| load conf if File.exists?(conf) end Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |t| load t } end def define namespace do desc "Create disk/iso images" desc "Shortcut for dist:disk task" task :dist => "dist:disk" task :inspect do puts box.inspect end namespace :dist do desc "Create disk image in #{box.disk_file}" task :disk do box.disk_image.create end desc "Create iso image in #{@iso_file}" task :iso do box.iso_image.create end desc "Create NFS image in #{@nfs_file}" task :nfs do box.nfs_image.create end desc "Create upgrade files" task :upgrade do rm_rf box.upgrade_directory mkdir_p box.upgrade_directory ln_s File.expand_path("#{box.build_dir}/filesystem.squashfs"), "#{box.upgrade_directory}/filesystem-#{box.release_name}.squashfs" ln_s File.expand_path("#{box.root_file}/vmlinuz"), "#{box.upgrade_directory}/vmlinuz-#{box.release_name}" ln_s File.expand_path("#{box.root_file}/initrd.img"), "#{box.upgrade_directory}/initrd-#{box.release_name}.img" FileUtils::sh "tar -cf #{box.upgrade_file} --dereference -C #{box.upgrade_directory} ." box.create_latest_file "#{box.dist_dir}/latest.yml" end desc "Create all images (disk, iso and upgrade)" task :all => [:disk, :iso, :upgrade] end namespace :build do desc "Configure the image system" task :configure do box.boot.configure box.boot.clean end desc "Clean the image system" task :clean do box.boot.clean end end desc "Clean build and dist directories" task :clean do unless File.exists?(box.root_file) and system "sudo fuser $PWD/#{box.root_file}" sudo "rm -rf #{box.root_file}" end FileUtils::sh "rm -rf #{box.upgrade_directory}" FileUtils::sh "rm -f #{box.build_dir}/*" FileUtils::sh "rm -rf #{box.dist_dir}/*" end task :buildbot => [:clean, "dist:all", "buildbot:dist"] do # clean in dependencies is executed only once FileUtils::sh "rake #{}:clean" end def latest_release_number YAML.load(["name"].gsub("#{}-","") if File.exists?(box.latest_file) end namespace :buildbot do task :dist do target_directory = (ENV['DIST'] or "#{ENV['HOME']}/dist/#{}") release_number = (latest_release_number or box.release_number) mkdir_p target_directory sh "gzip --fast --stdout #{box.disk_file} > #{target_directory}/#{}-#{release_number}.disk.gz" cp box.iso_file, "#{target_directory}/#{}-#{release_number}.iso" cp box.upgrade_file, "#{target_directory}/#{}-#{release_number}.tar" cp box.latest_file, "#{target_directory}/latest.yml" end end desc "Setup your environment to build an image" task :setup do if ENV['WORKING_DIR'] %w{build dist}.each do |subdir| working_subdir = File.join ENV['WORKING_DIR'], subdir unless File.exists?(working_subdir) puts "* create and link #{working_subdir}" mkdir_p working_subdir end ln_sf working_subdir, subdir unless File.exists?(subdir) end end end end end end