require 'logger' require 'colored' module FastlaneCore # rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength module Helper # Logging happens using this method def self.log $stdout.sync = true if is_test? @log ||= # don't show any logs when running tests else @log ||=$stdout) end @log.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| string = "#{severity} [#{datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%2N')}]: " if $verbose string = "[#{datetime.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}]: " unless $verbose second = "#{msg}\n" if severity == "DEBUG" string = string.magenta elsif severity == "INFO" string = string.white elsif severity == "WARN" string = string.yellow elsif severity == "ERROR" string = elsif severity == "FATAL" string = end [string, second].join("") end @log end # This method can be used to add nice lines around the actual log # Use this to log more important things # The logs will be green automatically def self.log_alert(text) UI.header(text) end # Runs a given command using backticks (`) # and prints them out using the UI.command method def self.backticks(command, print: true) UI.command(command) if print result = `#{command}` UI.command_output(result) if print return result end # @return true if the currently running program is a unit test def self.test? defined?SpecHelper end # @return [boolean] true if building in a known CI environment def # Check for Jenkins, Travis CI, ... environment variables ['JENKINS_URL', 'TRAVIS', 'CIRCLECI', 'CI', 'TEAMCITY_VERSION', 'GO_PIPELINE_NAME', 'bamboo_buildKey', 'GITLAB_CI', 'XCS'].each do |current| return true if ENV.key?(current) end return false end # Is the currently running computer a Mac? def self.mac? (/darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil end # Use Helper.test? and instead (legacy calls) def self.is_test? self.test? end def self.is_ci? ci? end def self.is_mac? self.mac? end # Do we want to disable the colored output? def self.colors_disabled? ENV["FASTLANE_DISABLE_COLORS"] end # Does the user use the Mac stock terminal def self.mac_stock_terminal? !!ENV["TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION"] end # Does the user use iTerm? def self.iterm? !!ENV["ITERM_SESSION_ID"] end # All Xcode Related things # # @return the full path to the Xcode developer tools of the currently # running system def self.xcode_path return "" if self.is_test? and !self.is_mac? `xcode-select -p`.delete("\n") + "/" end # @return The version of the currently used Xcode installation (e.g. "7.0") def self.xcode_version return @xcode_version if @xcode_version begin output = `DEVELOPER_DIR='' "#{xcode_path}/usr/bin/xcodebuild" -version` @xcode_version = output.split("\n").first.split(' ')[1] rescue => ex UI.error(ex) UI.error("Error detecting currently used Xcode installation") end @xcode_version end def self.transporter_java_executable_path return File.join(self.transporter_java_path, 'bin', 'java') end def self.transporter_java_ext_dir return File.join(self.transporter_java_path, 'lib', 'ext') end def self.transporter_java_jar_path return File.join(self.itms_path, 'lib', 'itmstransporter-launcher.jar') end def self.transporter_user_dir return File.join(self.itms_path, 'bin') end def self.transporter_java_path return File.join(self.itms_path, 'java') end # @return the full path to the iTMSTransporter executable def self.transporter_path return File.join(self.itms_path, 'bin', 'iTMSTransporter') end # @return the full path to the iTMSTransporter executable def self.itms_path return ENV["FASTLANE_ITUNES_TRANSPORTER_PATH"] if ENV["FASTLANE_ITUNES_TRANSPORTER_PATH"] return '' unless self.is_mac? # so tests work on Linx too [ "../Applications/Application", "../Applications/Application" ].each do |path| result = File.expand_path(File.join(self.xcode_path, path)) return result if File.exist?(result) end UI.user_error!("Could not find transporter at #{self.xcode_path}. Please make sure you set the correct path to your Xcode installation.") end def self.fastlane_enabled? # This is called from the root context on the first start @enabled ||= "./fastlane" end # Path to the installed gem to load resources (e.g. def self.gem_path(gem_name) if !Helper.is_test? and Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(gem_name).any? return Gem::Specification.find_by_name(gem_name).gem_dir else return './' end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ModuleLength end