require 'llt' require 'llt/core/api' require 'llt/segmenter/api' require 'llt/tokenizer/api' require 'sinatra/base' require 'sinatra/respond_with' class Api < Sinatra::Base helpers LLT::Core::Api::Helpers register Sinatra::RespondWith get '/segtok' do typecast_params!(params) text = extract_text(params) seg = tok = sentences = seg.segment(text) if sentences.any? threads_count = (t = ENV['THREADS_FOR_LLT']) ? t.to_i : 4 threads = [] sentences.each_slice(slice_size(sentences, threads_count)) do |sliced| threads << do forked_tok = tok.fork_instance process_segtok(forked_tok) do sliced.each do |sentence| forked_tok.tokenize(sentence.to_s, add_to: sentence) end end end end threads.each(&:join) end respond_to do |f| f.xml { to_xml(sentences, params) } end end def slice_size(sentences, threads) sent_size = sentences.size size = sent_size / threads + 1 size <= 0 ? sent_size : size end def process_segtok(tokenizer) if tokenizer.db.type == :prometheus StemDatabase::Db.connection_pool.with_connection { yield } # This should NOT be needed, the block above should solve that. # I have no clue why the connections don't close by themselves... StemDatabase::Db.connection.close else yield end end end