# frozen_string_literal: true
# This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb
# web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb
# Plugin to detect tomcat
# Comment from Andrew Horton - this plugin includes code for a 404 page probe which should be incorporated into whatweb itself
# v0.3 by Andrew Horton
# renamed plugin from Tomcat to Apache-Tomcat, added aggressive /RELEASE-NOTES.txt to get version, added footer version, added /manager/status tests
# to-do, an invalid HTTP verb to a .JSP will reveal Tomcat if nothing else does, e.g. XXX /foobar/.jsp HTTP/1.0
WhatWeb::Plugin.define "Apache-Tomcat" do
@author = "Louis Nyffenegger"
@description = "Apache Tomcat Web Server"
@website = "http://tomcat.apache.org/"
@version = "0.3"
@matches = [
# Apache tomcat in title from default page
{ name: "tomcat in title",
regexp: /
Apache Tomcat<\/title>/ },
# CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/index.html
# by default tomcat homepage contains this file name
{ name: "catalina home",
regexp: /CATALINA_HOME\/webapps\/ROOT\/index\.html/ },
{ name: "/RELEASE-NOTES.txt", url: "/RELEASE-NOTES.txt", version: /Apache Tomcat Version ([0-9\.]+)/ },
{ name: "/RELEASE-NOTES.txt", url: "/RELEASE-NOTES.txt", string: /(\$Id: RELEASE-NOTES[^\$]+)/ },
{ name: "Java Stack Trace Error", regexp: /org\.apache\.tomcat\..*java\.lang\.Thread\.run/ },
{ name: "Tomcat admin /manager/status", url: "/manager/status", text: "tomcat" },
{ name: "Footer", version: /Apache Tomcat\/([0-9\.]+)<\/h3><\/body><\/html>/ }
# get a random page to check for default 404 tomcat page
def version_from_404(target)
new_url = "#{target.uri.scheme}://#{target.uri.host}:#{target.uri.port}/#{randstr}"
info = []
new_target = WhatWeb::Target.new(new_url)
if new_target.status == 404
v = new_target.body.scan(/Apache Tomcat\/([456]\.\d+\.\d+)/)[0]
info << { name: "Tomcat version", certainty: 100, version: v } if v
def aggressive(target)
info = version_from_404(target)
rescue StandardError => e
p e
# TODO version can also be retrieve from 500 error page