= milia
Milia is a multi-tenanting gem for hosted Rails 3.1 applications which use
devise for user authentication.
== Basic concepts
* should be transparent to the main application code
* should be symbiotic with user authentication
* should raise exceptions upon attempted illegal access
* should force tenanting (not allow sloppy access to all tenant records)
* should allow application flexibility upon new tenant sign-up, usage of eula information, etc
* should be as non-invasive (as possible) to Rails code
* row-based tenanting is used
* default_scope is used to enforce tenanting
The author used schema-based tenanting in the past but found it deficient for
the following reasons: most DBMS are optimized to handle enormous number of
rows but not an enormous number of schema (tables). Schema-based tenancy took a
performance hit, was seriously time-consuming to backup and restore, was invasive
into the Rails code structure (monkey patching), was complex to implement, and
couldn't use Rails migration tools as-is.
== Structure
* necessary models: user, tenant
* necessary migrations: user, tenant, tenants_users (join table)
== Dependency requirements
* Rails 3.1 or higher
* Devise 1.4.8 or higher
== Installation
Either install the gem manually:
gem install milia
Or in the Gemfile:
gem 'milia'
== Getting started
=== Rails setup
Milia expects a user session, so please set one up
$ rails g session_migration
invoke active_record
create db/migrate/20111012060818_add_sessions_table.rb
=== Devise setup
* See https://github.com/plataformatec/devise for how to set up devise.
* The current version of milia requires that devise use a *User* model.
=== Milia setup
*ALL* models require a tenanting field, whether they are to be universal or to
be tenanted. So make sure the following is added to each migration
t.references :tenant
Tenanted models will also require indexes for the tenant field:
add_index :TABLE, :tenant_id
Also create a tenants_users join table:
class CreateTenantsUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :tenants_users, :id => false do |t|
t.references :tenant
t.references :user
add_index :tenants_users, :tenant_id
add_index :tenants_users, :user_id
add the following line AFTER the devise-required filter for authentications:
before_filter :authenticate_user! # forces devise to authenticate user
before_filter :set_current_tenant # forces milia to set up current tenant
catch any exceptions with the following (be sure to also add the designated methods!)
rescue_from ::Milia::Control::MaxTenantExceeded, :with => :max_tenants
rescue_from ::Milia::Control::InvalidTenantAccess, :with => :invalid_tenant
Add the following line into the devise_for :users block
devise_for :users do
post "users" => "milia/registrations#create"
=== Designate which model determines account
Add the following acts_as_... to designate which model will be used as the key
into tenants_users to find the tenant for a given user.
Only designate one model in this manner.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
end # class User
=== Designate which model determines tenant
Add the following acts_as_... to designate which model will be used as the
tenant model. It is this id field which designates the tenant for an entire
group of users which exist within a single tenanted domain.
Only designate one model in this manner.
class Tenant < ActiveRecord::Base
end # class Tenant
=== Designate universal models
Add the following acts_as_universal to *ALL* models which are to be universal:
class Eula < ActiveRecord::Base
end # class Eula
Note that the tenant_id of a universal model will always be forced to nil.
=== Designate tenanted models
Add the following acts_as_tenant to *ALL* models which are to be tenanted:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
end # class Post
Note that the tenant_id of a tenanted model must always match the current
valid tenant.
=== Exceptions raised
=== Tenant pre-processing hooks
Milia expects a tenant pre-processing & setup hook:
Tenant.create_new_tenant(params) # see sample code below
where the sign-up params are passed, the new tenant must be validated, created,
and then returned. Any other kinds of prepatory processing are permitted here,
but should be minimal, and should not involve any tenanted models. At this point
in the new account sign-up chain, no tenant has been set up yet (but will be
immediately after the new tenant has been created).
def self.create_new_tenant(params)
tenant = Tenant.new(:cname => params[:user][:email], :company => params[:tenant][:company])
if new_signups_not_permitted?(params)
raise MaxTenantExceeded, "Sorry, new accounts not permitted at this time"
tenant.save # create the tenant
return tenant
=== Alternate use case: user belongs to multiple tenants
Your application might allow a user to belong to multiple tenants. You will need
to provide some type of mechanism to allow the user to choose which account
(thus tenant) they wish to access. Once chosen, in your controller, you will need
to put:
set_current_tenant( new_tenant_id )
== Cautions
* Milia designates a default_scope for all models (both universal and tenanted). From Rails 3.2 onwards, the last designated default scope overrides any prior scopes.
* Milia uses Thread.current[:tenant_id] to hold the current tenant for the existing Action request in the application.
* SQL statements executed outside the context of ActiveRecord pose a potential danger; the current milia implementation does not extend to the DB connection level and so cannot enforce tenanting at this point.
== Contributing to milia
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
* Fork the project
* Start a feature/bugfix branch
* Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
* Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
* Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2011 Daudi Amani. See LICENSE.txt for
further details.