class Raconteur::Processor DEFAULTS = { tag: nil, template: nil, handler: nil, payload: nil }.freeze ATTRS = DEFAULTS.keys.freeze # register new processor by providing a tag name + any payload (optional) def self.register!(tag, customizations={}) if find(tag) raise 'Processor already exists!' else all <<, customizations) end self end # delete existing processor by tag name def self.deregister!(tag) all.delete(find(tag)) self end # update existing processor by providing its tag name and passing in any customizations (optional) def self.update!(tag, customizations={}) deregister!(tag) register!(tag, customizations) self end # scoped def self.scoped(raconteur) @@raconteur = raconteur self end # return array of all processors def self.all @@raconteur.send(:data)[:processors] end # find processor by tag name def self.find(tag) all.detect { |processor| processor.tag == tag } end # print array def self.inspect "#{all} (Raconteur::Processor array)" end # treat class as array def self.method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block) if !arguments.empty? && block_given? all.send(method_sym, *arguments, &block) elsif !arguments.empty? all.send(method_sym, *arguments) elsif block_given? all.send(method_sym, &block) else all.send(method_sym) end end # -- Instances -- # new processor def initialize(tag, customizations={}) @data = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(DEFAULTS)) @processor = self @processor.tag = tag @processor.template = customizations[:template] if customizations[:template].is_a?(String) @processor.handler = customizations[:handler] if customizations[:handler].is_a?(Proc) @processor.payload = customizations[:payload] if customizations.has_key?(:payload) @processor end # prettier print def inspect "#" end # piecemeal access and manipulation of processor attributes ATTRS.each do |att| define_method(att) do @data[att] end define_method("#{att}=") do |val| @data[att] = val end end # regex for matching tag and its settings def regex /^\s*#{Regexp.quote(@processor.tag)}:?(?.*?)?\s*$/im end # execute the processor def execute(content="", settings={}) output = content if self.handler # if the processor has a custom handler, then pass everything to it for processing output = if output.is_a?(Hash) && self.template # if the handler returns a hash and has a template, then pass the hash as options to the template # (this allows for custom variable setting and overriding before the template is rendered) output = Raconteur::Parse.render_template(self.template, output) end elsif self.template # if there's no handler but there is a processor, simply render the template with the tag's settings output = Raconteur::Parse.render_template(self.template, settings) end output end end