Feature: Pipeline Scenario: Base Server Given the Server is running at "pipeline-app" When I go to "/assets/one_and_two.js" Then I should see "file1" And I should see "file2" When I go to "/assets/cstest.js" Then I should see "typeof" Scenario: Base Build Given a successfully built app at "pipeline-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following files should exist: | assets/one_and_two.js | | assets/cstest.js | Then the following files should not exist: | assets/one_and_two/file1.js | | assets/one_and_two/file2.js | | assets/cstest.js.coffee | And the file "assets/one_and_two.js" should contain "file1" And the file "assets/cstest.js" should contain "typeof"