module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class Affirm < Gateway self.supported_countries = %w(US) self.default_currency = 'USD' self.money_format = :cents def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :api_key, :secret_key, :server) @api_key = options[:api_key] @secret_key = options[:secret_key] super end def set_charge(charge_id) @charge_id = charge_id end def authorize(money, affirm_source, options = {}) result = commit(:post, "", {"checkout_token"=>affirm_source.token}, options, true) return result unless result.success? if amount(money).to_i != result.params["amount"].to_i return, "Auth amount does not match charge amount", result.params ) elsif result.params["pending"].to_s != "true" return, "There was an error authorizing this Charge", result.params ) end result end # To create a charge on a card or a token, call # # purchase(money, card_hash_or_token, { ... }) # # To create a charge on a customer, call # # purchase(money, nil, { :customer => id, ... }) def purchase(money, affirm_source, options = {}) result = authorize(money, affirm_source, options) return result unless result.success? capture(money, @charge_id, options) end def capture(money, charge_source, options = {}) post = {:amount => amount(money)} set_charge(charge_source) result = commit(:post, "#{@charge_id}/capture", post, options) return result unless result.success? if amount(money).to_i != result.params["amount"].to_i return, "Capture amount does not match charge amount", result.params ) end result end def void(charge_source, options = {}) set_charge(charge_source) commit(:post, "#{@charge_id}/void", {}, options) end def refund(money, charge_source, options = {}) post = {:amount => amount(money)} set_charge(charge_source) commit(:post, "#{@charge_id}/refund", post, options) end def credit(money, charge_source, options = {}) set_charge(charge_source) return , "Credited Zero amount", {}, :authorization => @charge_id, ) unless money > 0 refund(money, charge_source, options) end def root_url "#{root_api_url}charges/" end def root_api_url "https://#{@options[:server]}/api/v2/" end def headers { "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Authorization" => "Basic " + Base64.encode64(@api_key.to_s + ":" + @secret_key.to_s).gsub(/\n/, '').strip, "User-Agent" => "Affirm/v1 ActiveMerchantBindings", } end def parse(body) JSON.parse(body) end def post_data(params) return nil unless params params.to_json end def response_error(raw_response) begin parse(raw_response) rescue JSON::ParserError json_error(raw_response) end end def json_error(raw_response) msg = 'Invalid response. Please contact affirm if you continue to receive this message.' msg += " (The raw response returned by the API was #{raw_response.inspect})" { "error" => { "message" => msg } } end def get_checkout(checkout_token) _url = root_api_url + "checkout/#{checkout_token}" _raw_response = ssl_request :get, _url, nil, headers parse(_raw_response) end def commit(method, url, parameters=nil, options = {}, ret_charge=false) raw_response = response = nil success = false begin raw_response = ssl_request(method, root_url + url, post_data(parameters), headers) response = parse(raw_response) success = !response.key?("status_code") && (!ret_charge || response.key?("id")) rescue ResponseError => e raw_response = e.response.body response = response_error(raw_response) rescue JSON::ParserError response = json_error(raw_response) end if success && ret_charge @charge_id = response["id"] end, success ? "Transaction approved" : response["message"], response, :authorization => @charge_id, ) end end end end