# frozen_string_literal: true module Bridgetown module Utils # rubocop:todo Metrics/ModuleLength extend self autoload :Aux, "bridgetown-core/utils/aux" autoload :LoadersManager, "bridgetown-core/utils/loaders_manager" autoload :RequireGems, "bridgetown-core/utils/require_gems" autoload :RubyExec, "bridgetown-core/utils/ruby_exec" autoload :SmartyPantsConverter, "bridgetown-core/utils/smarty_pants_converter" # Constants for use in #slugify SLUGIFY_MODES = %w(raw default pretty simple ascii latin).freeze SLUGIFY_RAW_REGEXP = Regexp.new("\\s+").freeze SLUGIFY_DEFAULT_REGEXP = Regexp.new("[^\\p{M}\\p{L}\\p{Nd}]+").freeze SLUGIFY_PRETTY_REGEXP = Regexp.new("[^\\p{M}\\p{L}\\p{Nd}._~!$&'()+,;=@]+").freeze SLUGIFY_ASCII_REGEXP = Regexp.new("[^[A-Za-z0-9]]+").freeze # Takes a slug and turns it into a simple title. def titleize_slug(slug) slug.gsub(%r![_ ]!, "-").split("-").map!(&:capitalize).join(" ") end # XML escape a string for use. Replaces any special characters with # appropriate HTML entity replacements. # # Examples # # xml_escape('foo "bar" ') # # => "foo "bar" <baz>" # # @param input [String] The String to escape. # @return [String] the escaped String. def xml_escape(input) input.to_s.encode(xml: :attr).gsub(%r!\A"|"\Z!, "") end def unencode_uri(path) path = path.encode("utf-8") return path unless path.include?("%") Addressable::URI.unencode(path) end # Non-destructive version of deep_merge_hashes! See that method. # # Returns the merged hashes. def deep_merge_hashes(master_hash, other_hash) deep_merge_hashes!(master_hash.dup, other_hash) end # Merges a master hash with another hash, recursively. This code was lovingly stolen from # some random gem: https://rubygems.org/gems/tartan Thanks to whoever made it. # # @param target [Hash] the "parent" hash whose values will be overridden # @param overwrite [Hash] the other hash whose values will be persisted after the merge # @return [Hash] def deep_merge_hashes!(target, overwrite) merge_values(target, overwrite) merge_default_proc(target, overwrite) duplicate_frozen_values(target) target end def mergeable?(value) value.is_a?(Hash) || value.is_a?(Drops::Drop) end def duplicable?(obj) case obj when nil, false, true, Symbol, Numeric false else true end end # Read array from the supplied hash, merging the singular key with the # plural key as needing, and handling any nil or duplicate entries. # # @param hsh [Hash] the hash to read from # @param singular_key [Symbol] the singular key # @param plural_key [Symbol] the plural key # @return [Array] def pluralized_array_from_hash(hsh, singular_key, plural_key) array = [ hsh[singular_key], value_from_plural_key(hsh, plural_key), ] array.flatten! array.compact! array.uniq! array end def value_from_plural_key(hsh, key) val = hsh[key] case val when String val.split when Array val.compact end end # Parse a date/time and throw an error if invalid # # @param input [String] the date/time to parse # @param msg [String] the error message to show the user # @return [Time] the parsed date if successful, throws a FatalException if not def parse_date(input, msg = "Input could not be parsed.") Time.parse(input).localtime rescue ArgumentError raise Errors::InvalidDateError, "Invalid date '#{input}': #{msg}" end # Determines whether a given file has # # @return [Boolean] if the YAML front matter is present. def has_yaml_header?(file) # rubocop: disable Naming/PredicateName Bridgetown::Deprecator.deprecation_message( "Bridgetown::Utils.has_yaml_header? is deprecated, use " \ "Bridgetown::FrontMatter::Loaders::YAML.header? instead" ) FrontMatter::Loaders::YAML.header?(file) end def has_rbfm_header?(file) # rubocop: disable Naming/PredicateName Bridgetown::Deprecator.deprecation_message( "Bridgetown::Utils.has_rbfm_header? is deprecated, use " \ "Bridgetown::FrontMatter::Loaders::Ruby.header? instead" ) FrontMatter::Loaders::Ruby.header?(file) end # Slugify a filename or title # # When mode is `none`, return the given string. # # When mode is `raw`, return the given string, # with every sequence of spaces characters replaced with a hyphen. # # When mode is `default`, `simple`, or `nil`, non-alphabetic characters are # replaced with a hyphen too. # # When mode is `pretty`, some non-alphabetic characters (`._~!$&'()+,;=@`) # are not replaced with hyphen. # # When mode is `ascii`, some everything else except ASCII characters # `a-z` (lowercase), `A-Z` (uppercase) and `0-9` (numbers) are not replaced with hyphen. # # When mode is `latin`, the input string is first preprocessed so that # any letters with accents are replaced with the plain letter. Afterwards, # it follows the `default` mode of operation. # # If `cased` is `true`, all uppercase letters in the result string are # replaced with their lowercase counterparts. # # @example # slugify("The _config.yml file") # # => "the-config-yml-file" # # slugify("The _config.yml file", "pretty") # # => "the-_config.yml-file" # # slugify("The _config.yml file", "pretty", true) # # => "The-_config.yml file" # # slugify("The _config.yml file", "ascii") # # => "the-config-yml-file" # # slugify("The _config.yml file", "latin") # # => "the-config-yml-file" # # @param string [String] filename or title to slugify # @param mode [String] how string is slugified # @param cased [Boolean] whether to replace all uppercase letters with their # lowercase counterparts # @return [String] the slugified string. def slugify(string, mode: nil, cased: false) mode ||= "default" return nil if string.nil? unless SLUGIFY_MODES.include?(mode) return cased ? string : string.downcase end # Drop accent marks from latin characters. Everything else turns to ? if mode == "latin" I18n.config.available_locales = :en if I18n.config.available_locales.empty? string = I18n.transliterate(string) end slug = replace_character_sequence_with_hyphen(string, mode:) # Remove leading/trailing hyphen slug.gsub!(%r!^-|-$!i, "") slug.downcase! unless cased slug end # Work the same way as Dir.glob but seperating the input into two parts # (`'dir' + '/' + 'pattern'`) to make sure the first part(`'dir'`) does not act # as a pattern. # # For example, `Dir.glob("path[/*")` always returns an empty array, # because the method fails to find the closing pattern to `[` which is `]` # # @example # safe_glob("path[", "*") # # => ["path[/file1", "path[/file2"] # # safe_glob("path", "*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH) # # => ["path/.", "path/..", "path/file1"] # # safe_glob("path", ["**", "*"]) # # => ["path[/file1", "path[/folder/file2"] # # @param dir [String] the dir where glob will be executed under # (the dir will be included to each result) # @param patterns [String, Array] the patterns (or the pattern) which will be applied # under the dir # @param flags [Integer] the flags which will be applied to the pattern, # a bitwise OR of the `File::FNM_XXX` constants # @return [Array] matched pathes def safe_glob(dir, patterns, flags = 0) return [] unless Dir.exist?(dir) pattern = File.join(Array(patterns)) return [dir] if pattern.empty? Dir.chdir(dir) do Dir.glob(pattern, flags).map { |f| File.join(dir, f) } end end # @return [Hash] merged option hash for `File.read` of `site` (if exists) # and a given param def merged_file_read_opts(site, opts) merged = (site ? site.file_read_opts : {}).merge(opts) if merged[:encoding] && !merged[:encoding].start_with?("bom|") merged[:encoding] = "bom|#{merged[:encoding]}" end if merged["encoding"] && !merged["encoding"].start_with?("bom|") merged["encoding"] = "bom|#{merged["encoding"]}" end merged end # Provides a string that's been reindented so that Markdown's four+ spaces = # code doesn't get triggered for nested components # @param input [String] # @return [String] # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def reindent_for_markdown(input) lines = input.lines return input if lines.first.nil? starting_indentation = lines.find { |line| line != "\n" }&.match(%r!^ +!) return input unless starting_indentation starting_indent_length = starting_indentation[0].length skip_pre_lines = false lines.map do |line| continue_processing = !skip_pre_lines skip_pre_lines = false if skip_pre_lines && line.include?("") if line.include?(" e Bridgetown.logger.warn("Unable to connect to GitHub API: #{e.message}") "main" end def live_reload_js(site) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength return "" unless Bridgetown.env.development? && !site.config.skip_live_reload path = File.join(site.base_path, "/_bridgetown/live_reload") code = <<~JAVASCRIPT let lastmod = 0 let reconnectAttempts = 0 function startLiveReload() { const connection = new EventSource("#{path}") connection.addEventListener("message", event => { reconnectAttempts = 0 if (document.querySelector("#bridgetown-build-error")) document.querySelector("#bridgetown-build-error").close() if (event.data == "reloaded!") { location.reload() } else { const newmod = Number(event.data) if (lastmod > 0 && newmod > 0 && lastmod < newmod) { location.reload() } else { lastmod = newmod } } }) connection.addEventListener("builderror", event => { let dialog = document.querySelector("#bridgetown-build-error") if (!dialog) { dialog = document.createElement("dialog") dialog.id = "bridgetown-build-error" dialog.style.borderColor = "red" dialog.style.fontSize = "110%" dialog.innerHTML = `

There was an error when building the site:

Check your Bridgetown logs for further details.

` document.body.appendChild(dialog) dialog.showModal() } dialog.querySelector("pre").textContent = JSON.parse(event.data) }) connection.addEventListener("error", () => { if (connection.readyState === 2) { // reconnect with new object connection.close() reconnectAttempts++ if (reconnectAttempts < 25) { console.warn("Live reload: attempting to reconnect in 3 seconds...") setTimeout(() => startLiveReload(), 3000) } else { console.error("Too many live reload connections failed. Refresh the page to try again.") } } }) } startLiveReload() JAVASCRIPT %().html_safe end def chomp_locale_suffix!(path, locale) return path unless locale if path.ends_with?(".#{locale}") path.chomp!(".#{locale}") elsif path.ends_with?(".multi") path.chomp!(".multi") end end def dsd_tag(input, shadow_root_mode: :open) raise ArgumentError unless [:open, :closed].include? shadow_root_mode %().html_safe end private def merge_values(target, overwrite) target.merge!(overwrite) do |_key, old_val, new_val| if new_val.nil? old_val elsif mergeable?(old_val) && mergeable?(new_val) deep_merge_hashes(old_val, new_val) else new_val end end end def merge_default_proc(target, overwrite) return unless target.is_a?(Hash) && overwrite.is_a?(Hash) && target.default_proc.nil? target.default_proc = overwrite.default_proc end def duplicate_frozen_values(target) target.each do |key, val| target[key] = val.dup if val.frozen? && duplicable?(val) end end # Replace each character sequence with a hyphen. # # See Utils#slugify for a description of the character sequence specified # by each mode. def replace_character_sequence_with_hyphen(string, mode: "default") replaceable_char = case mode when "raw" SLUGIFY_RAW_REGEXP when "pretty" # "._~!$&'()+,;=@" is human readable (not URI-escaped) in URL # and is allowed in both extN and NTFS. SLUGIFY_PRETTY_REGEXP when "ascii" # For web servers not being able to handle Unicode, the safe # method is to ditch anything else but latin letters and numeric # digits. SLUGIFY_ASCII_REGEXP else SLUGIFY_DEFAULT_REGEXP end # Strip according to the mode string.to_s.gsub(replaceable_char, "-") end end end