module Atome VERSION: String # See the writing guide of rbs: def add: -> untyped def add_to_array: -> untyped def add_to_hash: -> untyped def apply_style: -> untyped def atome_common: -> untyped def auto_render_generator: -> untyped def box: -> untyped def build_atome: -> Atome def build_option: -> untyped def build_particle: -> untyped def build_render: -> untyped def build_sanitizer: -> untyped def circle: -> untyped def detach_atome: -> untyped def each_with_index: -> untyped def format_matrix: -> untyped def get_column: -> untyped def get_column_or_row: -> untyped def get_row: -> untyped def matrix: -> untyped def set: -> untyped def sort_callback: -> untyped def visuals: -> untyped private def atome_parsing: -> untyped def found_parents_and_renderers: -> untyped def new_render_engine: -> untyped end