require 'pathname' require 'rake' require 'rake/rdoctask' ROOT = Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.expand_path JRUBY = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ WINDOWS = Gem.win_platform? SUDO = (WINDOWS || JRUBY) ? '' : ('sudo' unless ENV['SUDOLESS']) require ROOT + 'lib/dm-accepts_nested_attributes/version' AUTHOR = "Martin Gamsjäger" EMAIL = "gamsnjaga [a] gmail [d] com" GEM_NAME = "dm-accepts_nested_attributes" GEM_VERSION = DataMapper::NestedAttributes::VERSION GEM_DEPENDENCIES = [ ["dm-core", '>=0.10.0'], ["dm-validations", '>=0.10.0'] ] GEM_CLEAN = %w[ log pkg coverage ] GEM_EXTRAS = { :has_rdoc => true, :extra_rdoc_files => %w[ README.textile LICENSE TODO History.txt ] } PROJECT_NAME = "dm-accepts_nested_attributes" PROJECT_URL = "" PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = PROJECT_SUMMARY = %{ A DataMapper plugin that adds the possibility to perform nested model attribute assignment } Pathname.glob(ROOT.join('tasks/**/*.rb').to_s).each { |f| require f }