require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Knjrbfw" do it "should be able to join arrays with callbacks." do res = Knj::ArrayExt.join(:arr => [1, 2, 3], :sep => ",", :callback => proc{|value| "'#{value}'"}) raise "Unexpected result from ArrayExt." if res != "'1','2','3'" end it "should be able to draw rounded transparent corners on images." do require "rubygems" require "RMagick" pic ="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../testfiles/image.jpg").first pic.format = "png" Knj::Image.rounded_corners( :img => pic, :radius => 10 ) blob_cont = pic.to_blob end it "should be possible to use Strings.html_links-method." do teststr = "This is a test. This is a test." #Test normal usage. test1 = Knj::Strings.html_links(teststr) raise "Unexpected string: '#{teststr}'" if test1 != "This is a test. This is a test." #Test with a block. test2 = Knj::Strings.html_links(teststr) do |data| data[:str].gsub(data[:match][0], "TEST") end raise "Unexpected string: '#{test2}'." if test2 != "This is a test. TEST This is a test." end =begin it "should be able to use Knj::Mutexcl with advanced arguments." do mutex = :modes => { :reader => { :blocks => [:writer] }, :writer => { :blocks => [:reader, :writer] } } ) $count = 0 do mutex.sync(:reader) do sleep 0.2 $count += 1 end end mutex.sync(:reader) do $count += 1 end raise "Count should be 1 by now but it wasnt: '#{$count}'." if $count != 1 sleep 0.3 raise "Count should be 2 by now but it wasnt: '#{$count}'." if $count != 2 $count = 0 do mutex.sync(:reader) do sleep 2 $count += 1 end end sleep 0.1 do mutex.sync(:writer) do $count += 1 end end sleep 1 raise "Count should be 0 but it wasnt: '#{$count}'." if $count != 0 sleep 1.1 raise "Count should be 2 but it wasnt: '#{$count}'." if $count != 2 do mutex.sync(:reader) do sleep 0.2 $count += 1 end end do mutex.sync(:reader) do sleep 0.2 $count += 1 end end sleep 0.35 raise "Count should be 4 but it wasnt: '#{$count}'." if $count != 4 end =end end