var RomoSelectedOptionsList = RomoComponent(function(focusElem) { this.elem = undefined; this.focusElem = focusElem; // picker/select dropdown elem this.items = []; this.doInit(); this._bindElem(); }); /* Options are specified as a list of items. Each 'option' item object has display text and a value. They are compatible with the option list dropdown option items. Example: [ { 'type': 'option', 'value': 'a', 'displayText': 'A' }, { 'type': 'option', 'value': 'b', 'displayText': 'B' }, { 'type': 'option', 'value': 'c', 'displayText': 'C' } ] */ RomoSelectedOptionsList.prototype.doSetItems = function(itemsList) { this.items = itemsList; } RomoSelectedOptionsList.prototype.doClearItems = function() { this.items = []; } RomoSelectedOptionsList.prototype.doAddItem = function(item) { if (!this._getItemValues().includes(item.value)) { this.items.push(item); } } RomoSelectedOptionsList.prototype.doRemoveItem = function(itemValue) { var index = this._getItemValues().indexOf(itemValue); if (index > -1) { this.items.splice(index, 1); } } RomoSelectedOptionsList.prototype.doRefreshUI = function() { var itemValues = this._getItemValues(); var uiListElem = Romo.find(this.elem, '.romo-selected-options-list-items')[0]; var uiItemElems = Romo.find(uiListElem, '.romo-selected-options-list-item'); var uiValues = { return, 'romo-selected-options-list-value'); }, this), []); var rmElems = uiItemElems.filter(function(uiItemElem) { return itemValues.indexOf(, 'romo-selected-options-list-value')) === -1; }); var addItems = this.items.filter(function(item) { return uiValues.indexOf(item.value) === -1; }); Romo.remove(rmElems); addItems.forEach(Romo.proxy(function(addItem) { var addElem = this._buildItemElem(addItem); Romo.append(uiListElem, addElem); var listWidth = Romo.width(uiListElem); var listLeftPad = parseInt(Romo.css(uiListElem, "padding-left"), 10); var listRightPad = parseInt(Romo.css(uiListElem, "padding-right"), 10); var itemBorderWidth = 1; var itemLeftPad = parseInt(Romo.css(addElem, "padding-left"), 10); var itemRightPad = parseInt(Romo.css(addElem, "padding-right"), 10); Romo.setStyle( Romo.find(addElem, 'DIV')[0], 'max-width', String(listWidth-listLeftPad-listRightPad-(2*itemBorderWidth)-itemLeftPad-itemRightPad)+'px' ); }, this)); var focusElemWidth = Romo.width(this.focusElem); Romo.setStyle(this.elem, 'width', String(focusElemWidth)+'px'); var maxRows = undefined; var uiListElemHeight = Romo.height(uiListElem); var firstItemElem = Romo.find(uiListElem, '.romo-selected-options-list-item')[0]; if (firstItemElem !== undefined) { var itemHeight = Romo.height(firstItemElem); var itemMarginBottom = parseInt(Romo.css(firstItemElem, "margin-bottom"), 10); var itemBorderWidth = 1; var listTopPad = parseInt(Romo.css(uiListElem, "padding-top"), 10); var listBottomPad = parseInt(Romo.css(uiListElem, "padding-bottom"), 10); var maxRows =, 'romo-selected-options-list-max-rows') || 0; var maxHeight = ( listTopPad+ (itemHeight*maxRows)+ (itemMarginBottom*(maxRows-1))+ (2*itemBorderWidth*maxRows)+ listBottomPad+ (itemHeight/2) ); } if (maxRows !== 0 && (uiListElemHeight > maxHeight)) { Romo.setStyle(this.elem, 'height', String(maxHeight)+'px'); Romo.setStyle(this.elem, 'overflow-y', 'auto'); var itemElems = Romo.find(uiListElem, '.romo-selected-options-list-item'); var lastItemElem = itemElems[itemElems.length-1]; this._scrollListTopToItem(lastItemElem); } else { Romo.setStyle(this.elem, 'height', String(uiListElemHeight)+'px'); Romo.rmStyle(this.elem, 'overflow-y'); } } // private RomoSelectedOptionsList.prototype._bindElem = function() { this.elem = Romo.elems( '
' )[0]; Romo.on(this.elem, 'click', Romo.proxy(function(e) { Romo.trigger(this.elem, 'romoSelectedOptionsList:listClick', [this]); return false; }, this)); this.doSetItems([]); } RomoSelectedOptionsList.prototype._buildItemElem = function(item) { var itemClass =, 'romo-selected-options-list-item-class') || ''; var itemElem = Romo.elems( ' ' )[0]; Romo.append( itemElem, Romo.elems( '