# Alephant::Logger Logger functionality for BBC News' [Alephant](https://github.com/BBC-News/alephant) framework. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/BBC-News/alephant-logger.png)](https://travis-ci.org/BBC-News/alephant-logger) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/alephant-logger.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/alephant-logger) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ``` gem 'alephant-logger' ``` And then execute: ``` $ bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ``` $ gem install alephant-logger ``` ## Usage ```rb require "alephant/logger" require "alephant/logger/statsd" require "alephant/logger/cloudwatch" config = { :host => "statsd.test.service.bbc.co.uk", :port => 6452, :namespace => "test" } statsd_driver = Alephant::Logger::Statsd.new config cloudwatch_driver = Alephant::Logger::CloudWatch.new "my_namespace" logger = Alephant::Logger.create([statsd_driver, cloudwatch_driver]) logger.increment "foo.bar" logger.metric(:name => "FooBar", :unit => "Count", :value => 1) ``` ## Drivers You can consume an array of other gems to allow Alephant Logger to send custom metrics: 1. [Statsd](https://github.com/BBC-News/alephant-logger-statsd#alephantloggerstatsd) ## Contributing 1. [Fork it!](http://github.com/BBC-News/alephant-logger/fork) 2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature` 3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'` 4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature` 5. Create new [Pull Request](https://github.com/BBC-News/alephant-logger/compare).