[Back to Guides](../README.md) # Configuration Options The following configuration options can be set on `ActiveModelSerializers.config`, preferably inside an initializer. ## General ##### adapter The [adapter](adapters.md) to use. Possible values: - `:attributes` (default) - `:json` - `:json_api` ##### serializer_lookup_enabled Enable automatic serializer lookup. Possible values: - `true` (default) - `false` When `false`, serializers must be explicitly specified. ##### key_transform The [key transform](key_transforms.md) to use. | Option | Result | |----|----| | `:camel` | ExampleKey | | `:camel_lower` | exampleKey | | `:dash` | example-key | | `:unaltered` | the original, unaltered key | | `:underscore` | example_key | | `nil` | use the adapter default | Each adapter has a default key transform configured: | Adapter | Default Key Transform | |----|----| | `Attributes` | `:unaltered` | | `Json` | `:unaltered` | | `JsonApi` | `:dash` | `config.key_transform` is a global override of the adapter default. Adapters still prefer the render option `:key_transform` over this setting. *NOTE: Key transforms can be expensive operations. If key transforms are unnecessary for the application, setting `config.key_transform` to `:unaltered` will provide a performance boost.* ##### default_includes What relationships to serialize by default. Default: `'*'`, which includes one level of related objects. See [includes](adapters.md#included) for more info. ##### serializer_lookup_chain Configures how serializers are searched for. By default, the lookup chain is ```ruby ActiveModelSerializers::LookupChain::DEFAULT ``` which is shorthand for ```ruby [ ActiveModelSerializers::LookupChain::BY_PARENT_SERIALIZER, ActiveModelSerializers::LookupChain::BY_NAMESPACE, ActiveModelSerializers::LookupChain::BY_RESOURCE_NAMESPACE, ActiveModelSerializers::LookupChain::BY_RESOURCE ] ``` Each of the array entries represent a proc. A serializer lookup proc will be yielded 3 arguments. `resource_class`, `serializer_class`, and `namespace`. Note that: - `resource_class` is the class of the resource being rendered - by default `serializer_class` is `ActiveModel::Serializer` - for association lookup it's the "parent" serializer - `namespace` correspond to either the controller namespace or the [optionally] specified [namespace render option](./rendering.md#namespace) An example config could be: ```ruby ActiveModelSerializers.config.serializer_lookup_chain = [ lambda do |resource_class, serializer_class, namespace| "API::#{namespace}::#{resource_class}" end ] ``` If you simply want to add to the existing lookup_chain. Use `unshift`. ```ruby ActiveModelSerializers.config.serializer_lookup_chain.unshift( lambda do |resource_class, serializer_class, namespace| # ... end ) ``` See [lookup_chain.rb](https://github.com/rails-api/active_model_serializers/blob/master/lib/active_model_serializers/lookup_chain.rb) for further explanations and examples. ## JSON API ##### jsonapi_resource_type Sets whether the [type](http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-resource-identifier-objects) of the resource should be `singularized` or `pluralized` when it is not [explicitly specified by the serializer](https://github.com/rails-api/active_model_serializers/blob/master/docs/general/serializers.md#type) Possible values: - `:singular` - `:plural` (default) ##### jsonapi_namespace_separator Sets separator string for namespaced models to render `type` attribute. | Separator | Example: Admin::User | |----|----| | `'-'` (default) | 'admin-users' | `'--'` (recommended) | 'admin--users' See [Recommendation for dasherizing (kebab-case-ing) namespaced object, such as `Admin::User`](https://github.com/json-api/json-api/issues/850) for more discussion. ##### jsonapi_include_toplevel_object Include a [top level jsonapi member](http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-jsonapi-object) in the response document. Possible values: - `true` - `false` (default) ##### jsonapi_version The latest version of the spec to which the API conforms. Default: `'1.0'`. *Used when `jsonapi_include_toplevel_object` is `true`* ##### jsonapi_toplevel_meta Optional top-level metadata. Not included if empty. Default: `{}`. *Used when `jsonapi_include_toplevel_object` is `true`* ## Hooks To run a hook when ActiveModelSerializers is loaded, use `ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do end`