# # = uri/generic.rb # # Author:: Akira Yamada # License:: You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby. # Revision:: $Id: generic.rb 16085 2008-04-19 11:56:22Z knu $ # require 'uri/common' module URI # # Base class for all URI classes. # Implements generic URI syntax as per RFC 2396. # class Generic include URI include REGEXP DEFAULT_PORT = nil # # Returns default port # def self.default_port self::DEFAULT_PORT end def default_port self.class.default_port end COMPONENT = [ :scheme, :userinfo, :host, :port, :registry, :path, :opaque, :query, :fragment ].freeze # # Components of the URI in the order. # def self.component self::COMPONENT end USE_REGISTRY = false # # DOC: FIXME! # def self.use_registry self::USE_REGISTRY end # # == Synopsis # # See #new # # == Description # # At first, tries to create a new URI::Generic instance using # URI::Generic::build. But, if exception URI::InvalidComponentError is raised, # then it URI::Escape.escape all URI components and tries again. # # def self.build2(args) begin return self.build(args) rescue InvalidComponentError if args.kind_of?(Array) return self.build(args.collect{|x| if x URI.escape(x) else x end }) elsif args.kind_of?(Hash) tmp = {} args.each do |key, value| tmp[key] = if value URI.escape(value) else value end end return self.build(tmp) end end end # # == Synopsis # # See #new # # == Description # # Creates a new URI::Generic instance from components of URI::Generic # with check. Components are: scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path, # opaque, query and fragment. You can provide arguments either by an Array or a Hash. # See #new for hash keys to use or for order of array items. # def self.build(args) if args.kind_of?(Array) && args.size == ::URI::Generic::COMPONENT.size tmp = args elsif args.kind_of?(Hash) tmp = ::URI::Generic::COMPONENT.collect do |c| if args.include?(c) args[c] else nil end end else raise ArgumentError, "expected Array of or Hash of components of #{self.class} (#{self.class.component.join(', ')})" end tmp << true return self.new(*tmp) end # # == Args # # +scheme+:: # Protocol scheme, i.e. 'http','ftp','mailto' and so on. # +userinfo+:: # User name and password, i.e. 'sdmitry:bla' # +host+:: # Server host name # +port+:: # Server port # +registry+:: # DOC: FIXME! # +path+:: # Path on server # +opaque+:: # DOC: FIXME! # +query+:: # Query data # +fragment+:: # A part of URI after '#' sign # +arg_check+:: # Check arguments [false by default] # # == Description # # Creates a new URI::Generic instance from ``generic'' components without check. # def initialize(scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path, opaque, query, fragment, arg_check = false) @scheme = nil @user = nil @password = nil @host = nil @port = nil @path = nil @query = nil @opaque = nil @registry = nil @fragment = nil if arg_check self.scheme = scheme self.userinfo = userinfo self.host = host self.port = port self.path = path self.query = query self.opaque = opaque self.registry = registry self.fragment = fragment else self.set_scheme(scheme) self.set_userinfo(userinfo) self.set_host(host) self.set_port(port) self.set_path(path) self.set_query(query) self.set_opaque(opaque) self.set_registry(registry) self.set_fragment(fragment) end if @registry && !self.class.use_registry raise InvalidURIError, "the scheme #{@scheme} does not accept registry part: #{@registry} (or bad hostname?)" end @scheme.freeze if @scheme self.set_path('') if !@path && !@opaque # (see RFC2396 Section 5.2) self.set_port(self.default_port) if self.default_port && !@port end attr_reader :scheme attr_reader :host attr_reader :port attr_reader :registry attr_reader :path attr_reader :query attr_reader :opaque attr_reader :fragment # replace self by other URI object def replace!(oth) if self.class != oth.class raise ArgumentError, "expected #{self.class} object" end component.each do |c| self.__send__("#{c}=", oth.__send__(c)) end end private :replace! def component self.class.component end def check_scheme(v) if v && SCHEME !~ v raise InvalidComponentError, "bad component(expected scheme component): #{v}" end return true end private :check_scheme def set_scheme(v) @scheme = v end protected :set_scheme def scheme=(v) check_scheme(v) set_scheme(v) v end def check_userinfo(user, password = nil) if !password user, password = split_userinfo(user) end check_user(user) check_password(password, user) return true end private :check_userinfo def check_user(v) if @registry || @opaque raise InvalidURIError, "can not set user with registry or opaque" end return v unless v if USERINFO !~ v raise InvalidComponentError, "bad component(expected userinfo component or user component): #{v}" end return true end private :check_user def check_password(v, user = @user) if @registry || @opaque raise InvalidURIError, "can not set password with registry or opaque" end return v unless v if !user raise InvalidURIError, "password component depends user component" end if USERINFO !~ v raise InvalidComponentError, "bad component(expected user component): #{v}" end return true end private :check_password # # Sets userinfo, argument is string like 'name:pass' # def userinfo=(userinfo) if userinfo.nil? return nil end check_userinfo(*userinfo) set_userinfo(*userinfo) # returns userinfo end def user=(user) check_user(user) set_user(user) # returns user end def password=(password) check_password(password) set_password(password) # returns password end def set_userinfo(user, password = nil) unless password user, password = split_userinfo(user) end @user = user @password = password if password [@user, @password] end protected :set_userinfo def set_user(v) set_userinfo(v, @password) v end protected :set_user def set_password(v) @password = v # returns v end protected :set_password def split_userinfo(ui) return nil, nil unless ui user, password = ui.split(/:/, 2) return user, password end private :split_userinfo def escape_userpass(v) v = URI.escape(v, /[@:\/]/o) # RFC 1738 section 3.1 #/ end private :escape_userpass def userinfo if @user.nil? nil elsif @password.nil? @user else @user + ':' + @password end end def user @user end def password @password end def check_host(v) return v unless v if @registry || @opaque raise InvalidURIError, "can not set host with registry or opaque" elsif HOST !~ v raise InvalidComponentError, "bad component(expected host component): #{v}" end return true end private :check_host def set_host(v) @host = v end protected :set_host def host=(v) check_host(v) set_host(v) v end def check_port(v) return v unless v if @registry || @opaque raise InvalidURIError, "can not set port with registry or opaque" elsif !v.kind_of?(Fixnum) && PORT !~ v raise InvalidComponentError, "bad component(expected port component): #{v}" end return true end private :check_port def set_port(v) unless !v || v.kind_of?(Fixnum) if v.empty? v = nil else v = v.to_i end end @port = v end protected :set_port def port=(v) check_port(v) set_port(v) port end def check_registry(v) return v unless v # raise if both server and registry are not nil, because: # authority = server | reg_name # server = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ] if @host || @port || @user # userinfo = @user + ':' + @password raise InvalidURIError, "can not set registry with host, port, or userinfo" elsif v && REGISTRY !~ v raise InvalidComponentError, "bad component(expected registry component): #{v}" end return true end private :check_registry def set_registry(v) @registry = v end protected :set_registry def registry=(v) check_registry(v) set_registry(v) v end def check_path(v) # raise if both hier and opaque are not nil, because: # absoluteURI = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part ) # hier_part = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ] if v && @opaque raise InvalidURIError, "path conflicts with opaque" end if @scheme if v && v != '' && ABS_PATH !~ v raise InvalidComponentError, "bad component(expected absolute path component): #{v}" end else if v && v != '' && ABS_PATH !~ v && REL_PATH !~ v raise InvalidComponentError, "bad component(expected relative path component): #{v}" end end return true end private :check_path def set_path(v) @path = v end protected :set_path def path=(v) check_path(v) set_path(v) v end def check_query(v) return v unless v # raise if both hier and opaque are not nil, because: # absoluteURI = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part ) # hier_part = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ] if @opaque raise InvalidURIError, "query conflicts with opaque" end if v && v != '' && QUERY !~ v raise InvalidComponentError, "bad component(expected query component): #{v}" end return true end private :check_query def set_query(v) @query = v end protected :set_query def query=(v) check_query(v) set_query(v) v end def check_opaque(v) return v unless v # raise if both hier and opaque are not nil, because: # absoluteURI = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part ) # hier_part = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ] if @host || @port || @user || @path # userinfo = @user + ':' + @password raise InvalidURIError, "can not set opaque with host, port, userinfo or path" elsif v && OPAQUE !~ v raise InvalidComponentError, "bad component(expected opaque component): #{v}" end return true end private :check_opaque def set_opaque(v) @opaque = v end protected :set_opaque def opaque=(v) check_opaque(v) set_opaque(v) v end def check_fragment(v) return v unless v if v && v != '' && FRAGMENT !~ v raise InvalidComponentError, "bad component(expected fragment component): #{v}" end return true end private :check_fragment def set_fragment(v) @fragment = v end protected :set_fragment def fragment=(v) check_fragment(v) set_fragment(v) v end # # Checks if URI has a path # def hierarchical? if @path true else false end end # # Checks if URI is an absolute one # def absolute? if @scheme true else false end end alias absolute absolute? # # Checks if URI is relative # def relative? !absolute? end def split_path(path) path.split(%r{/+}, -1) end private :split_path def merge_path(base, rel) # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 5) # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 6) base_path = split_path(base) rel_path = split_path(rel) # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 6), a) base_path << '' if base_path.last == '..' while i = base_path.index('..') base_path.slice!(i - 1, 2) end if (first = rel_path.first) and first.empty? base_path.clear rel_path.shift end # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 6), c) # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 6), d) rel_path.push('') if rel_path.last == '.' || rel_path.last == '..' rel_path.delete('.') # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 6), e) tmp = [] rel_path.each do |x| if x == '..' && !(tmp.empty? || tmp.last == '..') tmp.pop else tmp << x end end add_trailer_slash = !tmp.empty? if base_path.empty? base_path = [''] # keep '/' for root directory elsif add_trailer_slash base_path.pop end while x = tmp.shift if x == '..' # RFC2396, Section 4 # a .. or . in an absolute path has no special meaning base_path.pop if base_path.size > 1 else # if x == '..' # valid absolute (but abnormal) path "/../..." # else # valid absolute path # end base_path << x tmp.each {|t| base_path << t} add_trailer_slash = false break end end base_path.push('') if add_trailer_slash return base_path.join('/') end private :merge_path # # == Args # # +oth+:: # URI or String # # == Description # # Destructive form of #merge # # == Usage # # require 'uri' # # uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com") # uri.merge!("/main.rbx?page=1") # p uri # # => # # def merge!(oth) t = merge(oth) if self == t nil else replace!(t) self end end # # == Args # # +oth+:: # URI or String # # == Description # # Merges two URI's. # # == Usage # # require 'uri' # # uri = URI.parse("http://my.example.com") # p uri.merge("/main.rbx?page=1") # # => # # def merge(oth) begin base, rel = merge0(oth) rescue raise $!.class, $!.message end if base == rel return base end authority = rel.userinfo || rel.host || rel.port # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 2) if (rel.path.nil? || rel.path.empty?) && !authority && !rel.query base.set_fragment(rel.fragment) if rel.fragment return base end base.set_query(nil) base.set_fragment(nil) # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 4) if !authority base.set_path(merge_path(base.path, rel.path)) if base.path && rel.path else # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 4) base.set_path(rel.path) if rel.path end # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 7) base.set_userinfo(rel.userinfo) if rel.userinfo base.set_host(rel.host) if rel.host base.set_port(rel.port) if rel.port base.set_query(rel.query) if rel.query base.set_fragment(rel.fragment) if rel.fragment return base end # merge alias + merge # return base and rel. # you can modify `base', but can not `rel'. def merge0(oth) case oth when Generic when String oth = URI.parse(oth) else raise ArgumentError, "bad argument(expected URI object or URI string)" end if self.relative? && oth.relative? raise BadURIError, "both URI are relative" end if self.absolute? && oth.absolute? #raise BadURIError, # "both URI are absolute" # hmm... should return oth for usability? return oth, oth end if self.absolute? return self.dup, oth else return oth, oth end end private :merge0 def route_from_path(src, dst) # RFC2396, Section 4.2 return '' if src == dst src_path = split_path(src) dst_path = split_path(dst) # hmm... dst has abnormal absolute path, # like "/./", "/../", "/x/../", ... if dst_path.include?('..') || dst_path.include?('.') return dst.dup end src_path.pop # discard same parts while dst_path.first == src_path.first break if dst_path.empty? src_path.shift dst_path.shift end tmp = dst_path.join('/') # calculate if src_path.empty? if tmp.empty? return './' elsif dst_path.first.include?(':') # (see RFC2396 Section 5) return './' + tmp else return tmp end end return '../' * src_path.size + tmp end private :route_from_path def route_from0(oth) case oth when Generic when String oth = URI.parse(oth) else raise ArgumentError, "bad argument(expected URI object or URI string)" end if self.relative? raise BadURIError, "relative URI: #{self}" end if oth.relative? raise BadURIError, "relative URI: #{oth}" end if self.scheme != oth.scheme return self, self.dup end rel = URI::Generic.new(nil, # it is relative URI self.userinfo, self.host, self.port, self.registry, self.path, self.opaque, self.query, self.fragment) if rel.userinfo != oth.userinfo || rel.host.to_s.downcase != oth.host.to_s.downcase || rel.port != oth.port if self.userinfo.nil? && self.host.nil? return self, self.dup end rel.set_port(nil) if rel.port == oth.default_port return rel, rel end rel.set_userinfo(nil) rel.set_host(nil) rel.set_port(nil) if rel.path && rel.path == oth.path rel.set_path('') rel.set_query(nil) if rel.query == oth.query return rel, rel elsif rel.opaque && rel.opaque == oth.opaque rel.set_opaque('') rel.set_query(nil) if rel.query == oth.query return rel, rel end # you can modify `rel', but can not `oth'. return oth, rel end private :route_from0 # # == Args # # +oth+:: # URI or String # # == Description # # Calculates relative path from oth to self # # == Usage # # require 'uri' # # uri = URI.parse('http://my.example.com/main.rbx?page=1') # p uri.route_from('http://my.example.com') # #=> # # def route_from(oth) # you can modify `rel', but can not `oth'. begin oth, rel = route_from0(oth) rescue raise $!.class, $!.message end if oth == rel return rel end rel.set_path(route_from_path(oth.path, self.path)) if rel.path == './' && self.query # "./?foo" -> "?foo" rel.set_path('') end return rel end alias - route_from # # == Args # # +oth+:: # URI or String # # == Description # # Calculates relative path to oth from self # # == Usage # # require 'uri' # # uri = URI.parse('http://my.example.com') # p uri.route_to('http://my.example.com/main.rbx?page=1') # #=> # # def route_to(oth) case oth when Generic when String oth = URI.parse(oth) else raise ArgumentError, "bad argument(expected URI object or URI string)" end oth.route_from(self) end # # Returns normalized URI # def normalize uri = dup uri.normalize! uri end # # Destructive version of #normalize # def normalize! if path && path == '' set_path('/') end if host && host != host.downcase set_host(self.host.downcase) end end def path_query str = @path if @query str += '?' + @query end str end private :path_query # # Constructs String from URI # def to_s str = '' if @scheme str << @scheme str << ':' end if @opaque str << @opaque else if @registry str << @registry else if @host str << '//' end if self.userinfo str << self.userinfo str << '@' end if @host str << @host end if @port && @port != self.default_port str << ':' str << @port.to_s end end str << path_query end if @fragment str << '#' str << @fragment end str end # # Compares to URI's # def ==(oth) if self.class == oth.class self.normalize.component_ary == oth.normalize.component_ary else false end end def hash self.component_ary.hash end def eql?(oth) self.component_ary.eql?(oth.component_ary) end =begin --- URI::Generic#===(oth) =end # def ===(oth) # raise NotImplementedError # end =begin =end def component_ary component.collect do |x| self.send(x) end end protected :component_ary # == Args # # +components+:: # Multiple Symbol arguments defined in URI::HTTP # # == Description # # Selects specified components from URI # # == Usage # # require 'uri' # # uri = URI.parse('http://myuser:mypass@my.example.com/test.rbx') # p uri.select(:userinfo, :host, :path) # # => ["myuser:mypass", "my.example.com", "/test.rbx"] # def select(*components) components.collect do |c| if component.include?(c) self.send(c) else raise ArgumentError, "expected of components of #{self.class} (#{self.class.component.join(', ')})" end end end @@to_s = Kernel.instance_method(:to_s) def inspect @@to_s.bind(self).call.sub!(/>\z/) {" URL:#{self}>"} end def coerce(oth) case oth when String oth = URI.parse(oth) else super end return oth, self end end end