class Object def self.instance ObjectSpace.objects(self).tap do |arr| arr.define_singleton_method(:console) { |*args| method_missing(:console, *args) } klass = self arr.define_singleton_method(:method_missing) do |method, *args, &block| if length > 1 && self[0].respond_to?(method) raise "Ambiguous #{klass}.instance.#{method} application.\n"\ "There are #{length} instances of #{klass}.\n"\ "You can either apply #{method} to a specific instance using #{klass}.instance[x].#{method};\n"\ "or use an enumerator method like each or collect." elsif length == 0 raise "There are no #{klass} instances." else self[0].send(method, *args, &block) end end end end end module ObjectSpace def self.objects(klass) objs = [] matching_objs = [] %x{ var walk_the_object = function(js_obj) { var keys = Object.keys(js_obj) //get all own property names of the object keys.forEach( function ( key ) { if ( key != '$$proto' ) { var value = js_obj[ key ]; // get property value // if the property value is an object... if ( value && typeof value === 'object' ) { // if we don't have this reference, and its an object of the class we want if ( #{objs}.indexOf( value ) < 0 ) { #{objs}.push( value ); // store the reference if ( Object.keys(value).indexOf('$$id') >= 0 && value.$$class == #{klass} ) { #{matching_objs}.push ( value ) } walk_the_object(value) // traverse all its own properties } } } }) } walk_the_object(window) } matching_objs end end