// ======================================================================== // SproutCore -- JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright ©2006-2011, Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions copyright ©2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // ======================================================================== require('core'); /** @class This is a simple undo manager. To use this UndoManager, all you need to do is to make sure that you register a function with this manager to undo every change you make. You can then invoke the undo/redo methods to do it. h4. USING THE UNDOMANAGER Typically you create an undo manager inside on of your controllers. Then, whenever you are about to perform an action on your model object, all you need to do is to register a function with the undo manager that can undo whatever you just did. Besure the undo function you register also saves undo functions. This makes redo possible. More docs TBD. @extends SC.Object */ SC.UndoManager = SC.Object.extend( /** @scope SC.UndoManager.prototype */ { /** (Property) Name of the next undo action name. Use this property to build your Undo menu name. */ undoActionName: function() { return this.undoStack ? this.undoStack.name : null ; }.property('undoStack'), /** (Property) Name of the next return action name. Use this property to build your Redo menu name. */ redoActionName: function() { return this.redoStack ? this.redoStack.name : null ; }.property('redoStack'), /** True if there is an undo action on the stack. Use to validate your menu item. */ canUndo: function() { return this.undoStack != null; }.property('undoStack'), /** True if there is an redo action on the stack. Use to validate your menu item. */ canRedo: function() { return this.redoStack != null; }.property('redoStack'), /** Tries to undo the last action. Returns true if succeeded. Fails if an undo group is currently open. */ undo: function() { this._undoOrRedo('undoStack','isUndoing'); }, /** Tries to redo the last action. Returns true if succeeded. Fails if an undo group is currently open. */ redo: function() { this._undoOrRedo('redoStack','isRedoing'); }, /** True if the manager is currently undoing events. */ isUndoing: false, /** True if the manager is currently redoing events. */ isRedoing: false, /** @private */ groupingLevel: 0, // -------------------------------- // SIMPLE REGISTRATION // // These are the core method to register undo/redo events. /** This is how you save new undo events. @param {Function} func A prebound function to be invoked when the undo executes. @param {String} [name] An optional name for the undo. If you are using groups, this is not necessary. */ registerUndo: function(func, name) { this.beginUndoGroup(name) ; this._activeGroup.actions.push(func) ; this.endUndoGroup(name) ; }, /** Begins a new undo groups Whenver you start an action that you expect to need to bundle under a single undo action in the menu, you should begin an undo group. This way any undo actions registered by other parts of the application will be automatically bundled into this one action. When you are finished performing the action, balance this with a call to endUndoGroup(). */ beginUndoGroup: function(name) { // is a group already active? Just increment the counter. if (this._activeGroup) { this.groupingLevel++ ; // otherwise, create a new active group. } else { var stack = this.isUndoing ? 'redoStack' : 'undoStack' ; this._activeGroup = { name: name, actions: [], prev: this.get(stack) } ; this.set(stack, this._activeGroup) ; this.groupingLevel = 1 ; } }, /** end the undo group. see beginUndoGroup() */ endUndoGroup: function(name) { // if more than one groups are active, just decrement the counter. if (!this._activeGroup) raise("endUndoGroup() called outside group.") ; if (this.groupingLevel > 1) { this.groupingLevel-- ; // otherwise, close out the current group. } else { this._activeGroup = null ; this.groupingLevel = 0 ; } this.propertyDidChange(this.isUndoing ? 'redoStack' : 'undoStack') ; }, /** Change the name of the current undo group. Normally you don't want to do this as it will effect the whole group. */ setActionName: function(name) { if (!this._activeGroup) raise("setActionName() called outside group.") ; this._activeGroup.name = name ; }, // -------------------------------- // PRIVATE // _activeGroup: null, undoStack: null, redoStack: null, _undoOrRedo: function(stack,state) { if (this._activeGroup) return false ; if (this.get(stack) == null) return true; // noting to do. this.set(state, true) ; var group = this.get(stack) ; this.set(stack, group.prev) ; var action ; var useGroup = group.actions.length > 1; if (useGroup) this.beginUndoGroup(group.name) ; while(action = group.actions.pop()) { action(); } if (useGroup) this.endUndoGroup(group.name) ; this.set(state, false) ; } }) ;