require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../spec_helper") require 'just_enumerable_stats/stats' class MyDataContainer include Enumerable include JustEnumerableStats::Stats def initialize(*values) @data = values end def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) @data.send(sym, *args, &block) end def to_a @data end end describe JustEnumerableStats::Stats do before do @a =,2,3) @b =,4,2) @doubler = lambda{|e| e * 2} @inverser = lambda{|e| 1/e.to_f} @inverse_matcher = lambda{|a, b| 1/a <=> 1/b} end it "should be able to generate a random number between two integers" do val = (1..100).map {rand_between(1,10)} (val.min >= 1).should be_true (val.max <= 10).should be_true end it "should be able to generate a random number between two floats" do val = (1..100).map {rand_in_floats(1.0,10.0)} (val.min >= 1).should be_true (val.max <= 10).should be_true val.all? {|v| v.should be_is_a(Float)} end it "should be able to work with floats from rand_between" do val = (1..100).map {rand_between(1.0,10.0)} (val.min >= 1).should be_true (val.max <= 10).should be_true val.all? {|v| v.should be_is_a(Float)} end it "should have a max" do @a.max.should eql(3) end it "should have a max that takes a block" do val = @a.max &@inverse_matcher val.should eql(1) end it "should be able to use a default block for max" do @a.default_block = @inverse_matcher @a.max.should eql(1) end it "should know the index of the max value" do @a.max_index.should eql(2) end it "should find the first index value with max_index, in case there are duplicates" do,2,3,3).max_index.should eql(2) end it "should use a block to find the max index" do val = @a.max_index &@inverse_matcher val.should eql(0) end it "should be able to use a default block to find the max index" do @a.default_block = @inverse_matcher @a.max_index.should eql(0) end it "should have a min" do @a.min.should eql(1) end it "should have a min that takes a block" do val = @a.min &@inverse_matcher val.should eql(3) end it "should be able to use a default block for min" do @a.default_block = @inverse_matcher @a.min.should eql(3) end it "should know the index of the min value" do @a.min_index.should eql(0) end it "should find the first index value with min_index, in case there are duplicates" do,1,2,3).min_index.should eql(0) end it "should use a block to find the min index" do val = @a.min_index &@inverse_matcher val.should eql(2) end it "should be able to use a default block to find the min index" do @a.default_block = @inverse_matcher @a.min_index.should eql(2) end it "should be able to sum a list" do @a.sum.should eql(6), 2, 3.0).sum.should eql(6.0) end it "should offer sum with a precision of 1.0e-15" do, 0.2, 0.3).sum.should be_close(0.6, 1.0e-15), 0.2, 0.3).sum.should_not be_close(0.6, 1.0e-16) end it "should be able to evaluate a sum with a block" do @a.sum(&@doubler).should eql(12) end it "should be able to use the default block to evaluate sum" do @a.default_block = @doubler @a.sum.should eql(12) end it "should be able to find the arithmetic average, mean, or avg" do @a.average.should eql(2) @a.mean.should eql(2) @a.avg.should eql(2), 2, 3.0).average.should eql(2.0) end it "should be able to calculate average with a block" do @a.average(&@doubler).should eql(4) @a.mean(&@doubler).should eql(4) @a.avg(&@doubler).should eql(4), 2, 3.0).average(&@doubler).should eql(4.0) end it "should be able to calculate average with a default block" do @a.default_block = @doubler @a.average.should eql(4) @a.mean.should eql(4) @a.avg.should eql(4) b =, 2, 3.0) b.default_block = @doubler b.average.should eql(4.0) end it "should be able to calculate the variance" do @a.variance.should eql(1) @a.var.should eql(1) end it "should be able to calculate the variance with a block" do @a.variance(&@doubler).should eql(4) @a.var(&@doubler).should eql(4) end it "should be able to calculate the variance with a default block" do @a.default_block = @doubler @a.variance.should eql(4) @a.var.should eql(4) end it "should be able to calculate the standard deviation" do @a.standard_deviation.should eql(1.0) @a.std.should eql(1.0) end it "should be able to calculate the standard deviation with a block" do @a.standard_deviation(&@doubler).should eql(2.0) @a.std(&@doubler).should eql(2.0) end it "should be able to calculate the standard deviation with a default block" do @a.default_block = @doubler @a.standard_deviation.should eql(2.0) @a.std.should eql(2.0) end it "should be able to calculate the median value" do @a.median.should eql(2),4,3,2,5).median.should eql(3),9,2,8).median.should eql(5.0) end it "should be able to get a max and min range from the list" do @a.range.should eql([1, 3]) end it "should be able to pass a block to the range method" do @a.range(&@inverse_matcher).should eql([3, 1]) end it "should be able to use a default block for the range method" do @a.default_block = @inverse_matcher @a.range.should eql([3, 1]) end it "should have a getter and a setter on the range class" do @a.set_range_class Array @a.range_class.should eql(Array) end it "should be able to send extra arguments for the range class" do @a.set_range_class FixedRange, 1, 3, 0.25 @a.range_as_range.should be_is_a(FixedRange) @a.range_instance.should be_is_a(FixedRange) end it "should use the range arguments when instantiating a range" do @a.set_range_class FixedRange, 1, 3, 0.5 @a.range_instance.should be_is_a(FixedRange) @a.range_instance.min.should eql(1) @a.range_instance.max.should eql(3) @a.range_instance.step_size.should eql(0.5) end it "should be able to instantiate a range" do @a.range_as_range.should eql(, 3)) end it "should know its categories, based on its range" do @a.categories.should eql([1,2,3]) end it "should know its categories with a different range class" do @a.set_range_class FixedRange, 1, 3, 0.5 @a.categories.should eql([1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0]) end it "should know its categories from non-numeric values" do a = [:this, :and, :that] a.categories.should eql(a) end it "should be able to set a range with a hash of lambdas" do @a.set_range({ "<= 2" => lambda{ |e| e <= 2 }, "> 2" => lambda{ |e| e > 2 } }) @a.categories.sort.should eql(["<= 2", "> 2"].sort) end it "should be able to get a hash of category values" do @a.set_range({ "<= 2" => lambda{ |e| e <= 2 }, "> 2" => lambda{ |e| e > 2 } }) @a.category_values["<= 2"].should eql([1,2]) @a.category_values["> 2"].should eql([3]) end it "should be able to get category values with a regular range" do @a.category_values[1].should eql([1]) @a.category_values[2].should eql([2]) @a.category_values[3].should eql([3]) end it "should be able to get category values with a custom range" do @a.set_range_class(FixedRange, 1, 3, 0.5) @a.category_values[1.0].should eql([1]) @a.category_values[1.5].should eql([]) @a.category_values[2.0].should eql([2]) @a.category_values[2.5].should eql([]) @a.category_values[3.0].should eql([3]) end it "should be able to count conditionally" do @a.count_if {|e| e == 2}.should eql(1) end it "should be able to dichotomize a list" do @a.dichotomize(2, :small, :big) @a.categories.should eql([:small, :big]) @a.category_values[:small].should eql([1,2]) @a.category_values[:big].should eql([3]) end it "should be able to instantiate a range" do @a.range_as_range.should eql(, 3)) end it "should be able to instantiate a range with a block" do @a.range_as_range(&@inverse_matcher).should eql(, 1)) end it "should be able to instantiate a range with a default block" do @a.default_block = @inverse_matcher @a.range_as_range.should eql(, 1)) end it "should be able to create a new object, sorted" do a = [3,1,2] b = a.new_sort b.object_id.should_not eql(a.object_id) b.should eql([1,2,3]) a << 4 b.should eql([1,2,3]) end it "should be able to take a block and still do new_sort" do @a.new_sort(&@doubler).should eql([2,4,6]) end it "should be able to take a default block and still do new_sort" do @a.default_block = @doubler @a.new_sort.should eql([2,4,6]) end it "should be able to rank a list" do @b.rank.should eql([3,2,1]) end it "should be able to use a block in rank" do @b.rank(&@inverser).should eql([1,2,3]) end it "should be able to use a default block in rank" do @b.default_block = @inverser @b.rank.should eql([1,2,3]) end it "should be able to get the order of values, handling duplicates" do [10,5,5,1].order.should eql([4,2,3,1]) end it "should be able to take a block in the ordering" do [10,5,5,1].order(&@inverser).should eql([1,2,3,4]) end it "should be able to take a default block in the ordering" do a = [10,5,5,1] a.default_block = @inverser a.order.should eql([1,2,3,4]) end it "should be able to calculate the cumulative sum" do @a.cumulative_sum.should eql([1,3,6]) @a.cum_sum.should eql([1,3,6]) [1,2,3.0].cum_sum.should eql([1.0, 3.0, 6.0]) end it "should be able to take a block to produce the cumulative sum" do @a.cumulative_sum(&@doubler).should eql([2,6,12]) @a.cum_sum(&@doubler).should eql([2,6,12]) [1,2,3.0].cum_sum(&@doubler).should eql([2.0, 6.0, 12.0]) end it "should be able to take a default block to produce the cumlative sum" do @a.default_block = @doubler @a.cumulative_sum.should eql([2,6,12]) @a.cum_sum.should eql([2,6,12]) b = [1,2,3.0] b.default_block = @doubler b.cum_sum.should eql([2.0, 6.0, 12.0]) end it "should be able to calculate the cumulative product" do @a.cumulative_product.should eql([1,2,6]) @a.cum_prod.should eql([1,2,6]) [1,2,3.0].cum_prod.should eql([1.0, 2.0, 6.0]) end it "should be able to take a block to produce the cumulative product" do @a.cumulative_product(&@doubler).should eql([2,8,48]) @a.cum_prod(&@doubler).should eql([2,8,48]) [1,2,3.0].cum_prod(&@doubler).should eql([2.0, 8.0, 48.0]) end it "should be able to take a default block to produce the cumlative product" do @a.default_block = @doubler @a.cumulative_product.should eql([2,8,48]) @a.cum_prod.should eql([2,8,48]) b = [1,2,3.0] b.default_block = @doubler b.cum_prod.should eql([2.0, 8.0, 48.0]) end it "should be able to produce the cumulative max" do @a.cumulative_max.should eql([1,2,3]) @a.cum_max.should eql([1,2,3]) end it "should be able to produce the cumulative max with a block" do @a.cumulative_max(&@doubler).should eql([2,4,6]) @a.cum_max(&@doubler).should eql([2,4,6]) end it "should be able to produce the cumulative max with a default block" do @a.default_block = @doubler @a.cumulative_max.should eql([2,4,6]) @a.cum_max.should eql([2,4,6]) end it "should be able to produce the cumulative min" do @a.cumulative_min.should eql([1,1,1]) @a.cum_min.should eql([1,1,1]) end it "should be able to produce the cumulative min with a block" do @a.cumulative_min(&@doubler).should eql([2,2,2]) @a.cum_min(&@doubler).should eql([2,2,2]) end it "should be able to produce the cumulative min with a default block" do @a.default_block = @doubler @a.cumulative_min.should eql([2,2,2]) @a.cum_min.should eql([2,2,2]) end it "should be able to multiply the values in the list" do @a.product.should eql(6) end it "should be able to yield an operation on pairs" do val = @a.to_pairs(@b) {|a, b| a + b} val.should eql([9,6,5]) end # [1,2,3] and [2,3,4] have 2 items in common, and 4 unique items together. # So 2 items / 4 items is 0.5 it "should be able to find the tanimoto coefficient" do b = [2,3,4] @a.tanimoto_pairs(b).should eql(0.5) @a.tanimoto_correlation(b).should eql(0.5) end it "should have long hand for union" do @a.union(@b).should eql([1, 2, 3, 8, 4]) end it "should have long hand for intersect" do @a.intersect(@b).should eql([2]) end it "should have a long hand for compliment" do @a.compliment(@b).should eql([1, 3]) end it "should have a long hand for exclusive not" do @a.exclusive_not(@b).should eql([1,3,8,4]) end it "should be able to generate a cartesian product" do @a.cartesian_product(@b).should eql([[1, 8], [1, 4], [1, 2], [2, 8], [2, 4], [3, 8], [3, 4], [3, 2]]) @a.cp(@b).should eql([[1, 8], [1, 4], [1, 2], [2, 8], [2, 4], [3, 8], [3, 4], [3, 2]]) @a.permutations(@b).should eql([[1, 8], [1, 4], [1, 2], [2, 8], [2, 4], [3, 8], [3, 4], [3, 2]]) end it "should be able to add pairwise computations" do # Remember: # @a = [1,2,3] # @b = [8,4,2] val = @a.sigma_pairs(@b) {|a, b| a / b} val.should eql(1/8 + 2/4 + 3/2) val = @a.sigma_pairs(@b) {|a, b| a * b} val.should eql(1*8 + 2*4 + 3*2) end it "should be able to find the euclidian distance between two lists" do @a.euclidian_distance(@b).should be_close(7.348, 0.001) [1,2,3].euclidian_distance([2,3,4]).should eql(Math.sqrt(3.0)) end it "should be able to generate a list of random numbers, each within the range between two lists" do a = [1,0,-1] b = [10,0,-20] list_min = a.min_of_lists(b) list_max = a.max_of_lists(b) 100.times do val = a.rand_in_range(b) val.each_with_index do |e, i| e >= list_min[i] e <= list_max[i] end end end it "should be able to find random numbers in the range between many lists" do a = [1,0,-2] b = [10,0,-20] c = [2,0,-1] list_min = a.min_of_lists(b) list_max = a.max_of_lists(b) 100.times do val = a.rand_in_range(b) val.each_with_index do |e, i| e >= list_min[i] e <= list_max[i] end end end it "should be able to yield a block for columns of values" do a = [1,2,6.0] b = [2,6.0,1] c = [6.0,1,2] val = a.yield_transpose(b, c) {|e| e.mean} val.should eql([3.0, 3.0, 3.0]) end it "should be able to transpose a list of lists (not dependent on Array#transpose)" do a =,2,6.0) b =,6.0,1) c =,1,2) val = a.yield_transpose(b, c) val.should eql( [[1, 2, 6.0], [2, 6.0, 1], [6.0, 1, 2]]) end it "should be able to get the correlation between two lists" do @a.correlation(,3,5)).should be_close(0.981, 0.001) @a.cor(,3,5)).should be_close(0.981, 0.001) end it "should be able to return the max of lists" do @a.max_of_lists(@b).should eql([8,4,3]) @a.max_of_lists(@b, [10,10,10]).should eql([10,10,10]) end it "should be able to return the min of lists" do @a.min_of_lists(@b).should eql([1,2,2]) end end