describe Compel do context '#run' do context 'User validation example' do def user_schema Compel.hash.keys({ user: Compel.hash.keys({ first_name: Compel.string.required, last_name: Compel.string.required, birth_date: Compel.datetime, age: Compel.integer, admin: Compel.boolean, blog_role: Compel.hash.keys({ admin: Compel.boolean.required }) }).required }).required end context 'valid' do it 'return coerced values' do object = { user: { first_name: 'Joaquim', last_name: 'Adráz', birth_date: '1989-08-06T09:00:00', age: '26', admin: 'f', blog_role: { admin: '0' } } } result =, user_schema) expect(result.valid?).to be true expect(result.value).to eq \{ user: { first_name: 'Joaquim', last_name: 'Adráz', birth_date: DateTime.parse('1989-08-06T09:00:00'), age: 26, admin: false, blog_role: { admin: false } } }) end end context 'invalid' do it 'should not compel and leave other keys untouched' do object = { other_param: 1, user: { first_name: 'Joaquim' } } result =, user_schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.value).to eq \{ other_param: 1, user: { first_name: 'Joaquim', }, errors: { user: { last_name: ['is required'] } } }) end it 'should not compel for invalid hash' do result =, user_schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.errors[:base]).to include("'1' is not a valid Hash") end it 'should not compel for missing hash' do result =, user_schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.errors[:base]).to include('is required') end it 'should not compel for empty hash' do result ={}, user_schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.errors[:user]).to include('is required') end it 'should not compel for missing required key' do object = { user: { first_name: 'Joaquim' } } result =, user_schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.value).to eq \{ user:{ first_name: 'Joaquim', }, errors: { user: { last_name: ['is required'] } } }) end end end context 'Address validation example' do def address_schema Compel.hash.keys({ address: Compel.hash.keys({ line_one: Compel.string.required, line_two: Compel.string, post_code: Compel.hash.keys({ prefix: Compel.integer.length(4).required, suffix: Compel.integer.length(3), county: Compel.hash.keys({ code: Compel.string.length(2).required, name: Compel.string }) }).required }).required }) end context 'valid' do it 'should compel with #run?' do object = { address: { line_one: 'Lisbon', line_two: 'Portugal', post_code: { prefix: 1100, suffix: 100 } } } expect(, address_schema)).to eq(true) end end context 'invalid' do it 'should not compel for missing required keys' do object = { address: { line_two: 'Portugal' } } result =, address_schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.value).to eq \{ address: { line_two: 'Portugal' }, errors: { address: { line_one: ['is required'], post_code: ['is required'] } } }) end it 'should not compel missing key and length invalid' do object = { address: { line_two: 'Portugal', post_code: { prefix: '1', county: { code: 'LX' } } } } result =, address_schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.value).to eq \{ address: { line_two: 'Portugal', post_code: { prefix: 1, county: { code: 'LX' } } }, errors: { address: { line_one: ['is required'], post_code: { prefix: ['cannot have length different than 4'] } } } }) end it 'should not compel for givin invalid optional value' do object = { address: { line_one: 'Line', post_code: { prefix: '1100', suffix: '100', county: {} }, } } result =, address_schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.value).to eq \{ address: { line_one: 'Line', post_code: { prefix: 1100, suffix: 100, county: {} } }, errors: { address: { post_code: { county: { code: ['is required'] } } } } }) end it 'should not compel for missing required root key' do object = { address: nil } result =, address_schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.value).to eq \{ address: nil, errors: { address: ['is required'] } }) end it 'should not compel for empty object' do result ={}, address_schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.value).to eq \{ errors: { address: ['is required'] } }) end end end context 'Boolean' do it 'it not compel for invalid boolean' do result =, Compel.boolean.required) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.errors).to include('is required') end context 'required option' do it 'should compel with valid option' do expect(, Compel.boolean.required)).to be true end it 'should not compel for missing required boolean' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ admin: Compel.boolean.required }) result ={ admin: nil }, schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.errors[:admin]).to include('is required') end end context 'default option' do it 'should compel with default option set' do result =, Compel.boolean.default(false)) expect(result.value).to be false end end context 'is option' do it 'should compel' do expect(, be true end it 'should not compel' do result =, expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.errors).to include('must be true') end end end context 'String' do context 'format option' do it 'should compel' do schema = Compel.string.format(/^\d{4}-\d{3}$/) expect('1100-100', schema)).to be true end it 'should not compel' do schema = Compel.string.format(/^\d{4}-\d{3}$/) result ='110-100', schema) expect(result.errors).to include('must match format ^\\d{4}-\\d{3}$') end end end context 'Time' do context 'format option' do it 'should not compel' do schema = Compel.time result ='1989-08-06', schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.errors).to \ include("'1989-08-06' is not a parsable time with format: %FT%T") end it 'should compel with format' do schema = Compel.time.format('%Y-%m-%d') result ='1989-08-06', schema) expect(result.valid?).to be true expect(result.value).to eq(, 8, 6)) end it 'should compel by default' do schema = Compel.time result ='1989-08-06T09:00:00', schema) expect(result.valid?).to be true expect(result.value).to eq(, 8, 6, 9)) end it 'should compel with iso8601 format' do schema = Compel.time.iso8601 result ='1989-08-06T09:00:00', schema) expect(result.valid?).to be true expect(result.value).to eq(, 8, 6, 9)) end end end end context 'DateTime' do context 'format option' do it 'should not compel' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.datetime }) result ={ birth_date: '1989-08-06' }, schema) expect(result.valid?).to be false expect(result.errors[:birth_date]).to \ include("'1989-08-06' is not a parsable datetime with format: %FT%T") end it 'should compel with format' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.datetime.format('%Y-%m-%d') }) result ={ birth_date: '1989-08-06' }, schema) expect(result.valid?).to be true expect(result.value[:birth_date]).to eq(, 8, 6)) end it 'should compel by default' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.datetime }) result ={ birth_date: '1989-08-06T09:00:00' }, schema) expect(result.valid?).to be true expect(result.value[:birth_date]).to eq(, 8, 6, 9)) end it 'should compel with iso8601 format' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ birth_date: Compel.datetime.iso8601 }) result ={ birth_date: '1989-08-06T09:00:00' }, schema) expect(result.valid?).to be true expect(result.value[:birth_date]).to eq(, 8, 6, 9)) end end end context 'Compel methods' do context '#run!' do context 'Other Values' do it 'should compel valid integer' do result =!(1, Compel.integer.required) expect(result).to eq(1) end it 'should not compel for invalid integer' do expect{!('abc', Compel.integer.required) }.to \ raise_error Compel::InvalidObjectError, 'object has errors' end end context 'User validation example' do def make_the_call(method, hash) schema = Compel.hash.keys({ first_name: Compel.string.required, last_name: Compel.string.required, birth_date: Compel.datetime }) Compel.send(method, hash, schema) end it 'should compel' do hash = { first_name: 'Joaquim', last_name: 'Adráz', birth_date:, 12, 24) } expect(make_the_call(:run!, hash)).to \ eq \{ first_name: 'Joaquim', last_name: 'Adráz', birth_date:, 12, 24) }) end it 'should raise InvalidObjectError exception for missing required key' do hash = { first_name: 'Joaquim' } expect{ make_the_call(:run!, hash) }.to \ raise_error Compel::InvalidObjectError, 'object has errors' end it 'should raise InvalidObjectError exception with errors' do hash = { first_name: 'Joaquim' } expect{ make_the_call(:run!, hash) }.to raise_error do |exception| expect(exception.object).to eq \ 'Joaquim', errors: { last_name: ['is required'] }) end end it 'should raise InvalidObjectError exception for missing hash' do expect{ make_the_call(:run!, {}) }.to \ raise_error Compel::InvalidObjectError, 'object has errors' end end end end end