# frozen_string_literal: true module Shreddies class Json class << self # Render a subject as json, where `subject` is a single object (usually a Rails model), or an # array/collection of objects. # # If subject is an array/collection then it will look for a `Collection` module prepend it to # the `module` option. # # A Hash of options can be given as the second argument: # - index_by - Key the returned array by the value, transforming it from an array to a hash. # - module - A Symbol or String of a local module to include. Or an array of several # modules, where each will be mixed in in order. Use this to mix in groups of # attributes. Eg. `ArticleSerializer.render(data, module: :WithBody)`. # def render(subject, options = {}) index_by = options.delete(:index_by) if subject.is_a?(Array) || subject.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) collection_options = options.merge(from_collection: true) if index_by mapped = {} subject.each do |x| mapped[x[index_by]] = new(x, collection_options) end else mapped = subject.map { |x| new(x, collection_options) } end mapped.as_json else new(subject, options).as_json end end alias render_as_json render end # Monkey patches Rails Module#delegate so that the `:to` argument defaults to `:subject`. def self.delegate(*methods, to: :subject, prefix: nil, allow_nil: nil, private: nil) super(*methods, to: to, prefix: prefix, allow_nil: allow_nil, private: private) end attr_reader :subject, :options, :from_collection def initialize(subject, options) @subject = subject.is_a?(Hash) ? OpenStruct.new(subject) : subject @options = { transform_keys: true }.merge(options) extend_with_modules end # Travel through the ancestors that are serializers (class name ends with "Serializer"), and # call all public instance methods, returning a hash. def as_json output = {}.with_indifferent_access methods = Set.new(public_methods(false)) self.class.ancestors.each do |ancestor| if ancestor.to_s.end_with?('Serializer') methods.merge ancestor.public_instance_methods(false) end end # Filter out methods using the `only` or `except` options. if options[:only] options[:only] = Array(options[:only]) methods = methods.select { |x| options[:only].include? x } elsif options[:except] methods = methods.excluding(options[:except]) end methods.map do |attr| res = public_send(attr) if res.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) || res.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) res = res.as_json(transform_keys: options[:transform_keys]) end output[attr] = res end output = before_render(output) return output unless options[:transform_keys] output.deep_transform_keys { |key| key.to_s.camelize :lower } end private def before_render(output) output end def extend_with_modules self.class.ancestors.reverse.each do |ancestor| next unless ancestor.to_s.end_with?('Serializer') # Extend with Collection module if it exists, and a collection is being rendered. Otherwise, # extend with the Single module if that exists. if options[:from_collection] (collection_mod = "#{ancestor}::Collection".safe_constantize) && extend(collection_mod) else (single_mod = "#{ancestor}::Single".safe_constantize) && extend(single_mod) end end # Extend with the :module option if given. if options[:module] Array(options[:module]).each do |m| extend m.is_a?(Module) ? m : "#{self.class}::#{m}".constantize end end end end end