module RiCal module Properties #:nodoc: #- ©2009 Rick DeNatale #- All rights reserved. Refer to the file README.txt for the license # # Properties::Timezone provides property accessing methods for the Timezone class # This source file is generated by the rical:gen_propmodules rake tasks, DO NOT EDIT module Timezone # return the the TZID property # which will be an instances of RiCal::PropertyValueText # # [purpose (from RFC 2445)] # This property specifies the text value that uniquely indentifies the "VTIMEZONE" calendar component. # # see RFC 2445 pp 97-98 def tzid_property @tzid_property end # set the TZID property # property value should be an instance of RiCal::PropertyValueText def tzid_property=(property_value) @tzid_property = property_value end # set the value of the TZID property def tzid=(ruby_value) self.tzid_property= RiCal::PropertyValue::Text.convert(self, ruby_value) end # return the value of the TZID property # which will be an instance of String def tzid tzid_property ? tzid_property.ruby_value : nil end def tzid_property_from_string(line) # :nodoc: @tzid_property =, line) end # return the the LAST-MODIFIED property # which will be an instances of RiCal::PropertyValueDateTime # # [purpose (from RFC 2445)] # This property specifies the date and time that the information associated with the calendar component was last revised in teh calendar store. # # see RFC 2445 p 131 def last_modified_property @last_modified_property end # set the LAST-MODIFIED property # property value should be an instance of RiCal::PropertyValueDateTime def last_modified_property=(property_value) @last_modified_property = property_value ? property_value.for_parent(self) : nil end # set the value of the LAST-MODIFIED property def last_modified=(ruby_value) self.last_modified_property= RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.convert(self, ruby_value) end # return the value of the LAST-MODIFIED property # which will be an instance of DateTime def last_modified last_modified_property ? last_modified_property.ruby_value : nil end def last_modified_property_from_string(line) # :nodoc: @last_modified_property =, line) end # return the the TZURL property # which will be an instances of RiCal::PropertyValueUri # # [purpose (from RFC 2445)] # The TZURL provies a means for a VTIMEZONE component to point to a network location that can be used to retrieve an up-to_date version of itself. # # see RFC 2445 p 101 def tzurl_property @tzurl_property end # set the TZURL property # property value should be an instance of RiCal::PropertyValueUri def tzurl_property=(property_value) @tzurl_property = property_value end # set the value of the TZURL property def tzurl=(ruby_value) self.tzurl_property= RiCal::PropertyValue::Uri.convert(self, ruby_value) end # return the value of the TZURL property # which will be an instance of Uri def tzurl tzurl_property ? tzurl_property.ruby_value : nil end def tzurl_property_from_string(line) # :nodoc: @tzurl_property =, line) end def export_properties_to(export_stream) #:nodoc: export_prop_to(export_stream, "LAST-MODIFIED", @last_modified_property) export_prop_to(export_stream, "TZURL", @tzurl_property) export_prop_to(export_stream, "TZID", @tzid_property) end def ==(o) #:nodoc: if o.class == self.class (last_modified_property == o.last_modified_property) && (tzurl_property == o.tzurl_property) && (tzid_property == o.tzid_property) else super end end def initialize_copy(o) #:nodoc: super last_modified_property = last_modified_property && last_modified_property.dup tzurl_property = tzurl_property && tzurl_property.dup tzid_property = tzid_property && tzid_property.dup end def add_date_times_to(required_timezones) #:nodoc: add_property_date_times_to(required_timezones, last_modified_property) end module ClassMethods #:nodoc: def property_parser #:nodoc: {"TZID"=>:tzid_property_from_string, "TZURL"=>:tzurl_property_from_string, "LAST-MODIFIED"=>:last_modified_property_from_string} end end def self.included(mod) #:nodoc: mod.extend ClassMethods end def mutual_exclusion_violation #:nodoc: false end end end end