module Pageflow # A merged view of an entry and its published revision. class PublishedEntry < EntryAtRevision extend ActiveModel::Naming attr_accessor :share_target delegate(:authenticate, to: :entry) delegate(:password_protected?, to: :revision) def initialize(entry, revision = nil, theme: nil) super(entry, revision || entry.published_revision, theme: theme) @custom_revision = revision end def title revision.title.presence || entry.title end def stylesheet_model custom_revision? ? revision : entry end def stylesheet_cache_key revision.cache_key_with_version end def thumbnail_url(*args) thumbnail_file.thumbnail_url(*args) end def thumbnail_file share_image_file || page_thumbnail_file(pages.first) || PositionedFile.null end def page_thumbnail_file(page) return unless page.present?, page.page_type.thumbnail_candidates, page.configuration) .find_thumbnail end def self.find(id, scope = Entry) end def self.find_by_permalink(directory: nil, slug:, scope:) wrap( scope.published.includes(permalink: :directory).where( pageflow_permalink_directories: {path: directory || ''}, pageflow_permalinks: {slug: slug} ).first ) end def cache_key [ self.class.model_name.cache_key, entry.cache_key, revision.cache_key, theming.cache_key ].compact.join('-') end def cache_version [ entry.cache_version, revision.cache_version, theming.cache_version ].compact.join('-').presence end private def custom_revision? @custom_revision end def share_image_file PositionedFile.wrap(find_file_by_perma_id(ImageFile, share_image_id), share_image_x, share_image_y) end class << self private def wrap(entry) entry && new(entry) end end end end