# rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize module Fastlane module Actions # Commits version bump. class HgCommitVersionBumpAction < Action def self.run(params) require 'xcodeproj' require 'pathname' require 'set' require 'shellwords' xcodeproj_path = params[:xcodeproj] ? File.expand_path(File.join('.', params[:xcodeproj])) : nil if Helper.is_test? xcodeproj_path = "/tmp/Test.xcodeproj" end # get the repo root path repo_path = Helper.is_test? ? '/tmp/repo' : Actions.sh('hg root').strip repo_pathname = Pathname.new(repo_path) if xcodeproj_path # ensure that the xcodeproj passed in was OK unless Helper.is_test? UI.user_error!("Could not find the specified xcodeproj: #{xcodeproj_path}") unless File.directory?(xcodeproj_path) end else # find an xcodeproj (ignoring the Cocoapods one) xcodeproj_paths = Dir[File.expand_path(File.join(repo_path, '**/*.xcodeproj'))].reject { |path| %r{Pods\/.*.xcodeproj} =~ path } # no projects found: error UI.user_error!('Could not find a .xcodeproj in the current repository\'s working directory.') if xcodeproj_paths.count == 0 # too many projects found: error if xcodeproj_paths.count > 1 relative_projects = xcodeproj_paths.map { |e| Pathname.new(e).relative_path_from(repo_pathname).to_s }.join("\n") UI.user_error!("Found multiple .xcodeproj projects in the current repository's working directory. Please specify your app's main project: \n#{relative_projects}") end # one project found: great xcodeproj_path = xcodeproj_paths.first end # find the pbxproj path, relative to hg directory if Helper.is_test? hg_dirty_files = params[:test_dirty_files].split(",") expected_changed_files = params[:test_expected_files].split(",") else pbxproj_pathname = Pathname.new(File.join(xcodeproj_path, 'project.pbxproj')) pbxproj_path = pbxproj_pathname.relative_path_from(repo_pathname).to_s # find the info_plist files # rubocop:disable Style/MultilineBlockChain project = Xcodeproj::Project.open(xcodeproj_path) info_plist_files = project.objects.select do |object| object.isa == 'XCBuildConfiguration' end.map(&:to_hash).map do |object_hash| object_hash['buildSettings'] end.select do |build_settings| build_settings.key?('INFOPLIST_FILE') end.map do |build_settings| build_settings['INFOPLIST_FILE'] end.uniq.map do |info_plist_path| Pathname.new(File.expand_path(File.join(xcodeproj_path, '..', info_plist_path))).relative_path_from(repo_pathname).to_s end # rubocop:enable Style/MultilineBlockChain # create our list of files that we expect to have changed, they should all be relative to the project root, which should be equal to the hg workdir root expected_changed_files = [] expected_changed_files << pbxproj_path expected_changed_files << info_plist_files expected_changed_files.flatten!.uniq! # get the list of files that have actually changed in our hg workdir hg_dirty_files = Actions.sh('hg status -n').split("\n") end # little user hint UI.user_error!("No file changes picked up. Make sure you run the `increment_build_number` action first.") if hg_dirty_files.empty? # check if the files changed are the ones we expected to change (these should be only the files that have version info in them) dirty_set = Set.new(hg_dirty_files.map(&:downcase)) expected_set = Set.new(expected_changed_files.map(&:downcase)) changed_files_as_expected = dirty_set.subset? expected_set unless changed_files_as_expected unless params[:force] str = ["Found unexpected uncommited changes in the working directory. Expected these files to have changed:", "#{expected_changed_files.join("\n")}.", "But found these actual changes: \n#{hg_dirty_files.join("\n")}.", "Make sure you have cleaned up the build artifacts and are only left with the changed version files at this", "stage in your lane, and don't touch the working directory while your lane is running. You can also use the :force option to ", "bypass this check, and always commit a version bump regardless of the state of the working directory." ].join("\n") UI.user_error!(str) end end # create a commit with a message command = "hg commit -m '#{params[:message]}'" return command if Helper.is_test? begin Actions.sh(command) UI.success("Committed \"#{params[:message]}\" 💾.") rescue => ex UI.error(ex) UI.important("Didn't commit any changes. 😐") end end def self.description "This will commit a version bump to the hg repo" end def self.available_options [ FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :message, env_name: "FL_COMMIT_BUMP_MESSAGE", description: "The commit message when committing the version bump", default_value: "Version Bump"), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :xcodeproj, env_name: "FL_BUILD_NUMBER_PROJECT", description: "The path to your project file (Not the workspace). If you have only one, this is optional", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please pass the path to the project, not the workspace") if value.end_with? ".xcworkspace" UI.user_error!("Could not find Xcode project") unless File.exist?(value) end), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :force, env_name: "FL_FORCE_COMMIT", description: "Forces the commit, even if other files than the ones containing the version number have been modified", optional: true, default_value: false, is_string: false), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :test_dirty_files, env_name: "FL_HG_COMMIT_TEST_DIRTY_FILES", description: "A list of dirty files passed in for testing", optional: true, default_value: "file1, file2"), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :test_expected_files, env_name: "FL_HG_COMMIT_TEST_EXP_FILES", description: "A list of expected changed files passed in for testin", optional: true, default_value: "file1, file2") ] end def self.author # credits to lmirosevic for original git version "sjrmanning" end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize