require 'spina/engine' require 'spina/admin_sectionable' require 'spina/railtie' require 'spina/plugin' require 'spina/theme' require 'spina/tailwind_purger' require 'spina/attr_json_spina_parts_model' require 'spina/attr_json_monkeypatch' require 'spina/authentication/sessions' require 'spina/authentication/basic' module Spina include ActiveSupport::Configurable PARTS = [] PLUGINS = [] THEMES = [] config_accessor :api_key, :api_path, :authentication, :backend_path, :importmap, :frontend_parent_controller, :disable_frontend_routes, :disable_decorator_load, :locales, :embedded_image_size, :mailer_defaults, :thumbnail_image_size, :party_pooper, :tailwind_purge_content, :queues, :transliterations # Defaults self.api_key = nil self.api_path = "api" self.authentication = "Spina::Authentication::Sessions" self.backend_path = 'admin' self.disable_frontend_routes = false self.disable_decorator_load = false self.embedded_image_size = [2000, 2000] self.mailer_defaults = self.thumbnail_image_size = [400, 400] self.frontend_parent_controller = "ApplicationController" self.locales = [I18n.default_locale] self.party_pooper = false self.transliterations = %i(latin) # Queues for background jobs # - config.queues.page_updates self.queues = # An importmap specifically meant for Spina self.importmap = # Tailwind purging # Spina will by default purge all unused Tailwind classes by scanning # the files listed below. You probably don't want to override this in # your main app. Spina Plugins can add files to this array. self.tailwind_purge_content = Spina::Engine.root.glob("app/views/**/*.*") + Spina::Engine.root.glob("app/components/**/*.*") + Spina::Engine.root.glob("app/helpers/**/*.*") + Spina::Engine.root.glob("app/assets/javascripts/**/*.js") + Spina::Engine.root.glob("app/**/tailwind/custom.css") # Images that are embedded in the Trix editor are resized to fit # You can optimize this for your website and go for a smaller (or larger) size # Default: 2000x2000px class << self alias_method :config_original, :config def config config_obj = self.config_original def config_obj.embedded_image_size=(image_size) if image_size.is_a? String ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("Spina embedded_image_size should be set to an array of arguments to be passed to the :resize_to_limit ImageProcessing macro.") end self[:embedded_image_size] = image_size end config_obj end end end