<%- assert_locals service -%>
<% @requires = capture do %>
  <%= render partial: "service/client/requires", locals: { service: service} -%>
  require "<%= service.proto_service_require %>"
<% end %>
# REST client for the <%= service.name %> service.
<%- if service.doc_description -%>
<%= indent service.doc_description, "# " %>
<%- end -%>
class <%= service.rest.client_name %>
  include <%= service.rest.transcoding_helper_name %>
<%- if service.paths? -%>
  include <%= service.paths_name %>
<%- end -%>

  # @private
  attr_reader :<%= service.stub_name %>

  # Configure the <%= service.name %> <%= service.rest.client_name %> class.
  # See {<%= service.rest.client_name_full %>::Configuration}
  # for a description of the configuration fields.
  # ## Example
  # To modify the configuration for all <%= service.name %> clients:
  #     <%= service.rest.client_name_full %>.configure do |config|
  #       config.timeout = 10.0
  #     end
  # @yield [config] Configure the <%= service.rest.client_name %> client.
  # @yieldparam config [<%= service.rest.client_name %>::Configuration]
  # @return [<%= service.rest.client_name %>::Configuration]
  def self.configure
<%= indent render(partial: "service/client/self_configure", locals: { service: service }), 4 %>

  # Configure the <%= service.name %> <%= service.rest.client_name %> instance.
  # The configuration is set to the derived mode, meaning that values can be changed,
  # but structural changes (adding new fields, etc.) are not allowed. Structural changes
  # should be made on {<%= service.rest.client_name %>.configure}.
  # See {<%= service.rest.client_name_full %>::Configuration}
  # for a description of the configuration fields.
  # @yield [config] Configure the <%= service.rest.client_name %> client.
  # @yieldparam config [<%= service.rest.client_name %>::Configuration]
  # @return [<%= service.rest.client_name %>::Configuration]
  def configure
    yield @config if block_given?

  # Create a new <%= service.name %> REST client object.
  # ## Examples
  # To create a new <%= service.name %> REST client with the default
  # configuration:
  #     client = <%= service.rest.client_name_full %>.new
  # To create a new <%= service.name %> REST client with a custom
  # configuration:
  #     client = <%= service.rest.client_name_full %>.new do |config|
  #       config.timeout = 10.0
  #     end
  # @yield [config] Configure the <%= service.name %> client.
  # @yieldparam config [<%= service.rest.client_name %>::Configuration]
  def initialize
    # These require statements are intentionally placed here to initialize
    # the REST modules only when it's required.
    require "gapic/rest"

    # Create the configuration object
    @config = Configuration.new <%= service.rest.client_name %>.configure

    # Yield the configuration if needed
    yield @config if block_given?

    # Create credentials
    credentials = @config.credentials
    <%- unless service.generic_endpoint? -%>
    credentials ||= Credentials.default scope: @config.scope
    if credentials.is_a?(String) || credentials.is_a?(Hash)
      credentials = Credentials.new credentials, scope: @config.scope
    <%- end -%>
    @client_stub = ::Gapic::Rest::ClientStub.new endpoint: @config.endpoint, credentials: credentials

  # Service calls
  <%- service.methods.each do |method| -%>

  <%= indent_tail render(partial: "service/rest/client/method/def", locals: { method: method }), 2 %>
  <%- end %>

  <%= indent_tail render(partial: "service/rest/client/config", locals: { service: service }), 2 %>