# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: strict # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/ruby-progressbar/all/ruby-progressbar.rbi # # ruby-progressbar-1.11.0 class ProgressBar end class ProgressBar::Output def bar; end def bar=(arg0); end def clear_string; end def initialize(options = nil); end def length; end def length_calculator; end def length_calculator=(arg0); end def log(string); end def print_and_flush; end def refresh(options = nil); end def self.detect(options = nil); end def stream; end def stream=(arg0); end def throttle; end def throttle=(arg0); end def with_refresh; end end module ProgressBar::Outputs end class ProgressBar::Outputs::Tty < ProgressBar::Output def bar_update_string; end def clear; end def default_format; end def eol; end def refresh_with_format_change; end def resolve_format(other_format); end end class ProgressBar::Outputs::NonTty < ProgressBar::Output def bar_update_string; end def clear; end def default_format; end def eol; end def last_update_length; end def last_update_length=(arg0); end def refresh_with_format_change(*arg0); end def resolve_format(*arg0); end end class ProgressBar::Time def initialize(time = nil); end def now; end def time; end def time=(arg0); end def unmocked_time_method; end end class ProgressBar::Timer def divide_seconds(seconds); end def elapsed_seconds; end def elapsed_whole_seconds; end def initialize(options = nil); end def pause; end def reset; end def reset?; end def restart; end def resume; end def start; end def started?; end def started_at; end def started_at=(arg0); end def stop; end def stopped?; end def stopped_at; end def stopped_at=(arg0); end def time; end def time=(arg0); end end class ProgressBar::InvalidProgressError < RuntimeError end class ProgressBar::Progress def absolute; end def decrement; end def finish; end def finished?; end def increment; end def initialize(options = nil); end def none?; end def percentage_completed; end def percentage_completed_with_precision; end def progress; end def progress=(new_progress); end def reset; end def running_average; end def running_average=(arg0); end def smoothing; end def smoothing=(arg0); end def start(options = nil); end def starting_position; end def starting_position=(arg0); end def total; end def total=(new_total); end def total_with_unknown_indicator; end def unknown?; end end class ProgressBar::Throttle def choke(options = nil); end def initialize(options = nil); end def rate; end def rate=(arg0); end def started_at; end def started_at=(arg0); end def stopped_at; end def stopped_at=(arg0); end def timer; end def timer=(arg0); end end module ProgressBar::Calculators end class ProgressBar::Calculators::Length def calculate_length; end def current_length; end def current_length=(arg0); end def dynamic_width; end def dynamic_width_stty; end def dynamic_width_tput; end def dynamic_width_via_io_object; end def dynamic_width_via_output_stream_object; end def dynamic_width_via_system_calls; end def initialize(options = nil); end def length; end def length_changed?; end def length_override; end def length_override=(other); end def output; end def output=(arg0); end def reset_length; end def terminal_width; end def unix?; end end class ProgressBar::Calculators::RunningAverage def self.calculate(current_average, new_value_to_average, smoothing_factor); end end module ProgressBar::Components end class ProgressBar::Components::Bar def bar(length); end def bar_with_percentage(length); end def complete_bar(length); end def complete_bar_with_percentage(length); end def completed_length; end def incomplete_space(length); end def incomplete_string; end def initialize(options = nil); end def integrated_percentage_complete_string; end def length; end def length=(arg0); end def progress; end def progress=(arg0); end def progress_mark; end def progress_mark=(arg0); end def remainder_mark; end def remainder_mark=(arg0); end def standard_complete_string; end def to_s(options = nil); end def unknown_progress_frame; end def unknown_string; end def upa_steps; end def upa_steps=(arg0); end end class ProgressBar::Components::Percentage def initialize(options = nil); end def justified_percentage; end def justified_percentage_with_precision; end def percentage; end def percentage_with_precision; end def progress; end def progress=(arg0); end end class ProgressBar::Components::Rate def base_rate; end def elapsed_seconds; end def initialize(options = nil); end def progress; end def progress=(arg0); end def rate_of_change(format_string = nil); end def rate_of_change_with_precision; end def rate_scale; end def rate_scale=(arg0); end def scaled_rate; end def started_at; end def started_at=(arg0); end def stopped_at; end def stopped_at=(arg0); end def timer; end def timer=(arg0); end end class ProgressBar::Components::Time def elapsed; end def elapsed_with_label; end def estimated; end def estimated_seconds_remaining; end def estimated_with_elapsed_fallback; end def estimated_with_friendly_oob; end def estimated_with_label; end def estimated_with_no_oob; end def estimated_with_unknown_oob; end def initialize(options = nil); end def out_of_bounds_time_format; end def out_of_bounds_time_format=(format); end def progress; end def progress=(arg0); end def timer; end def timer=(arg0); end end class ProgressBar::Components::Title def initialize(options = nil); end def title; end def title=(arg0); end end module ProgressBar::Format end class ProgressBar::Format::Molecule def bar_molecule?; end def full_key; end def initialize(letter); end def key; end def key=(arg0); end def lookup_value(environment, length = nil); end def method_name; end def method_name=(arg0); end def non_bar_molecule?; end end class ProgressBar::Format::Formatter def self.process(format_string, max_length, bar); end end class ProgressBar::Format::String < String def bar_molecule_placeholder_length; end def bar_molecules; end def displayable_length; end def molecules; end def non_bar_molecules; end end class ProgressBar::Base def autofinish; end def autofinish=(arg0); end def autostart; end def autostart=(arg0); end def bar; end def bar=(arg0); end def clear(*args, &block); end def decrement; end def finish; end def finished; end def finished=(arg0); end def finished?; end def format(other); end def format=(other); end def increment; end def initialize(options = nil); end def inspect; end def log(*args, &block); end def output; end def output=(arg0); end def pause; end def paused?; end def percentage; end def percentage=(arg0); end def progress(*args, &block); end def progress=(new_progress); end def progress_mark=(mark); end def progressable; end def progressable=(arg0); end def rate; end def rate=(arg0); end def refresh(*args, &block); end def remainder_mark=(mark); end def reset; end def resume; end def start(options = nil); end def started?; end def stop; end def stopped?; end def time; end def time=(arg0); end def timer; end def timer=(arg0); end def title; end def title=(title); end def title_comp; end def title_comp=(arg0); end def to_h; end def to_s(new_format = nil); end def total(*args, &block); end def total=(new_total); end def update_progress(*args); end extend Forwardable end module ProgressBar::Refinements end module ProgressBar::Refinements::Enumerator end