default: &DEFAULT application_url: localhost:3000 # Sent in emails to users application_name: 'example' from_email: '' # Emails will come from this address from_email_name: 'example' # This will show up as the name on emails. i.e. support_email: '' admin_email: '' customer_service_number: '1-800-' # Email charset mail_charset: 'utf-8' # Email server configuration email_user_name: '' email_password: 'test' base_domain: '' # sign up options automatically_activate: true automatically_login_after_account_create: true send_welcome: true application_url: localhost:3000 # if you use recaptcha you will need to also provide a public and private # key available from use_recaptcha: false recaptcha_pub_key: GET_A_RECAPTCHA_KEY(TODO) recaptcha_priv_key: GET_A_RECAPTCHA_KEY(TODO) # jgrowl related settings growl_enabled: false # application configuration let_users_delete_their_account: false # turn on/off ability for users to delete their own account # activity configuration enable_live_activity_updates: true # Turns on polling inside the user's activity feed so they constantly get updates from the site live_activity_update_interval: 60 # time between updates to live activity feed in seconds enable_activity_comments: true # Turn on comments in the activity feed # Friend configuration allow_following: true enable_friend_activity: true # ssl enable_ssl: false # session key information session_key: _test_session session_secret: 882585c5d472d21e832965410ab233be541ea626e50ed0eb68a00a2f49b59073480e58599404e3dc62105a803ee42d67872e3f95eb48e2d6508b42038436abd6 # Content options content_git_repository: "#{File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'repo', RAILS_ENV)}" enable_auto_translations: true content_enable_solr: true # Muck raker options inform_admin_of_global_feed: true production: <<: *DEFAULT development: <<: *DEFAULT test: <<: *DEFAULT # controls account activation and automatic login automatically_activate: false automatically_login_after_account_create: false # turn off for testing use_recaptcha: false application_url: 'localhost:3000'