module Tagtical::Taggable module Ownership def self.included(base) base.send :include, Tagtical::Taggable::Ownership::InstanceMethods base.extend Tagtical::Taggable::Ownership::ClassMethods base.after_save :save_owned_tags base.initialize_acts_as_taggable_ownership end module ClassMethods def acts_as_taggable(*args) initialize_acts_as_taggable_ownership super(*args) end def initialize_acts_as_taggable_ownership tag_types.each do |tag_type| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{tag_type.pluralize}_from(owner) owner_tag_list_on(owner, '#{tag_type}') end RUBY end end end module InstanceMethods def owner_tags_on(owner, context, options={}) scope = tag_scope(context, options) if owner scope = scope.where([%{#{Tagtical::Tagging.table_name}.tagger_id = ?},]) scope = scope.where([%{#{Tagtical::Tagging.table_name}.tagger_type = ?}, owner.class.to_s]) if Tagtical.config.polymorphic_tagger? end scope.all end def cached_owned_tag_list_on(context) variable_name = find_tag_type!(context).tag_list_ivar(:owned) instance_variable_get(variable_name) || instance_variable_set(variable_name, {}) end def owner_tag_list_on(owner, context) cache = cached_owned_tag_list_on(context) cache.delete_if { |key, value| == && key.class == owner.class } cache[owner] ||=*owner_tags_on(owner, context).map(&:value)) end def set_owner_tag_list_on(owner, context, new_list) cache = cached_owned_tag_list_on(context) cache.delete_if { |key, value| == && key.class == owner.class } cache[owner] = Tagtical::TagList.from(new_list) end def reload(*args) tag_types.each do |tag_type| instance_variable_set(tag_type.tag_list_ivar(:owned), nil) end super(*args) end def save_owned_tags # Do the classes from top to bottom. We want the list from "tag" to run before "sub_tag" runs. # Otherwise, we will end up removing taggings from "sub_tag" since they aren't on "tag'. tag_types.sort_by(&:active_record_sti_level).each do |tag_type| cached_owned_tag_list_on(tag_type).each do |owner, tag_list| # Find existing tags or create non-existing tags: tag_value_lookup = tag_type.scoping { find_or_create_tags(tag_list) } tags = tag_value_lookup.keys owned_tags = owner_tags_on(owner, tag_type, :scope => [:current, :parents, :children]) old_tags = owned_tags - tags new_tags = tags - owned_tags # Find and remove old taggings: if old_tags.present? && (old_taggings = owner_taggings(owner).find_all_by_tag_id(old_tags)).present? old_taggings.reject! do |tagging| if tagging.tag.class > tag_type.klass # parent of current tag type/class, make sure not to remove these taggings. update_tagging_with_inherited_tag!(tagging, new_tags, tag_value_lookup) true end end Tagtical::Tagging.destroy_all :id => # Destroy old taggings: end # Create new taggings: new_tags.each do |tag| taggings.create!(:tagger => owner, :relevance => tag_value_lookup[tag].relevance, :tag_id => end end end true end # Find all taggings that belong to the taggable (self), are owned by the owner, # have the correct context, and are removed from the list. def owner_taggings(owner) relation = taggings.where(:tagger_id => relation = relation.where(:tagger_type => owner.class.to_s) if Tagtical.config.polymorphic_tagger? relation end end end end