RSpec.describe Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter do let(:solr_document) { } let(:request) { double(host: '', base_url: '') } let(:user_key) { 'a_user_key' } let(:attributes) do { "id" => '888888', "title_tesim" => ['foo', 'bar'], "human_readable_type_tesim" => ["Generic Work"], "has_model_ssim" => ["GenericWork"], "date_created_tesim" => ['an unformatted date'], "depositor_tesim" => user_key } end let(:ability) { double Ability } let(:presenter) {, ability, request) } subject {, double) } it { delegate_method(:to_s).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:human_readable_type).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:date_created).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:date_modified).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:date_uploaded).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:rights_statement).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:rights_notes).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:based_near_label).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:related_url).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:depositor).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:identifier).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:resource_type).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:keyword).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:itemtype).to(:solr_document) } it { delegate_method(:member_presenters).to(:member_presenter_factory) } it { delegate_method(:ordered_ids).to(:member_presenter_factory) } describe "#model_name" do subject { presenter.model_name } it { be_kind_of ActiveModel::Name } end describe '#manifest_url' do subject { presenter.manifest_url } it { eq '' } end describe '#iiif_viewer?' do let(:id_present) { false } let(:representative_presenter) { double('representative', present?: false) } let(:image_boolean) { false } let(:iiif_enabled) { true } let(:file_set_presenter) {, ability) } let(:file_set_presenters) { [file_set_presenter] } let(:read_permission) { true } before do allow(presenter).to receive(:representative_id).and_return(id_present) allow(presenter).to receive(:representative_presenter).and_return(representative_presenter) allow(presenter).to receive(:file_set_presenters).and_return(file_set_presenters) allow(file_set_presenter).to receive(:image?).and_return(true) allow(ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, allow(representative_presenter).to receive(:image?).and_return(image_boolean) allow(Hyrax.config).to receive(:iiif_image_server?).and_return(iiif_enabled) end subject { presenter.iiif_viewer? } context 'with no representative_id' do it { be false } end context 'with no representative_presenter' do let(:id_present) { true } it { be false } end context 'with non-image representative_presenter' do let(:id_present) { true } let(:representative_presenter) { double('representative', present?: true) } let(:image_boolean) { false } it { be false } end context 'with IIIF image server turned off' do let(:id_present) { true } let(:representative_presenter) { double('representative', present?: true) } let(:image_boolean) { true } let(:iiif_enabled) { false } it { be false } end context 'with representative image and IIIF turned on' do let(:id_present) { true } let(:representative_presenter) { double('representative', present?: true) } let(:image_boolean) { true } let(:iiif_enabled) { true } it { be true } context "when the user doesn't have permission to view the image" do let(:read_permission) { false } it { be false } end end end describe '#stats_path' do let(:user) { 'sarah' } let(:ability) { double "Ability" } let(:work) { build(:generic_work, id: '123abc') } let(:attributes) { work.to_solr } before do # allow(work).to receive(:persisted?).and_return(true) end it { expect(presenter.stats_path).to eq Hyrax::Engine.routes.url_helpers.stats_work_path(id: work, locale: 'en') } end describe '#itemtype' do let(:work) { build(:generic_work, resource_type: type) } let(:attributes) { work.to_solr } let(:ability) { double "Ability" } subject { presenter.itemtype } context 'when resource_type is Audio' do let(:type) { ['Audio'] } it do eq '' end end context 'when resource_type is Conference Proceeding' do let(:type) { ['Conference Proceeding'] } it { eq '' } end end describe 'admin users' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:ability) { } let(:attributes) do { "read_access_group_ssim" => ["public"], 'id' => '99999' } end before { allow(user).to receive_messages(groups: ['admin', 'registered']) } context 'with a new public work' do it 'can feature the work' do allow(user).to receive(:can?).with(:create, FeaturedWork).and_return(true) expect(presenter.work_featurable?).to be true expect(presenter.display_feature_link?).to be true expect(presenter.display_unfeature_link?).to be false end end context 'with a featured work' do before { FeaturedWork.create(work_id: attributes.fetch('id')) } it 'can unfeature the work' do expect(presenter.work_featurable?).to be true expect(presenter.display_feature_link?).to be false expect(presenter.display_unfeature_link?).to be true end end describe "#editor?" do subject { presenter.editor? } it { be true } end end describe '#tweeter' do let(:user) { instance_double(User, user_key: 'user_key') } subject { presenter.tweeter } it 'delegates the depositor as the user_key to TwitterPresenter.twitter_handle_for' do expect(Hyrax::TwitterPresenter).to receive(:twitter_handle_for).with(user_key: user_key) subject end end describe "#permission_badge" do let(:badge) { instance_double(Hyrax::PermissionBadge) } before do allow(Hyrax::PermissionBadge).to receive(:new).and_return(badge) end it "calls the PermissionBadge object" do expect(badge).to receive(:render) presenter.permission_badge end end describe "#work_presenters" do let(:obj) { create(:work_with_file_and_work) } let(:attributes) { obj.to_solr } it "filters out members that are file sets" do expect(presenter.work_presenters.size).to eq 1 expect(presenter.work_presenters.first).to be_instance_of(described_class) end end describe "#member_presenters" do let(:obj) { create(:work_with_file_and_work) } let(:attributes) { obj.to_solr } it "returns appropriate classes for each" do expect(presenter.member_presenters.size).to eq 2 expect(presenter.member_presenters.first).to be_instance_of(Hyrax::FileSetPresenter) expect(presenter.member_presenters.last).to be_instance_of(described_class) end end describe "#member_presenters_for" do let(:obj) { create(:work_with_file_and_work) } let(:attributes) { obj.to_solr } let(:items) { presenter.ordered_ids } let(:subject) { presenter.member_presenters_for(items) } it "returns appropriate classes for each item" do expect(subject.size).to eq 2 expect(subject.first).to be_instance_of(Hyrax::FileSetPresenter) expect(subject.last).to be_instance_of(described_class) end end describe "#list_of_item_ids_to_display" do let(:subject) { presenter.list_of_item_ids_to_display } let(:items_list) { ['item0', 'item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4', 'item5', 'item6', 'item7', 'item8', 'item9'] } let(:rows) { 10 } let(:page) { 1 } let(:ability) { double "Ability" } let(:current_ability) { ability } before do allow(presenter).to receive(:ordered_ids).and_return(items_list) allow(current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, 'item0').and_return true allow(current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, 'item1').and_return false allow(current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, 'item2').and_return true allow(current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, 'item3').and_return false allow(current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, 'item4').and_return true allow(current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, 'item5').and_return true allow(current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, 'item6').and_return false allow(current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, 'item7').and_return true allow(current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, 'item8').and_return false allow(current_ability).to receive(:can?).with(:read, 'item9').and_return true allow(presenter).to receive(:rows_from_params).and_return(rows) allow(presenter).to receive(:current_page).and_return(page) allow(Flipflop).to receive(:hide_private_items?).and_return(answer) end context 'when hiding private items' do let(:answer) { true } it "returns viewable items" do expect(subject.size).to eq 6 expect(subject).to be_instance_of(Kaminari::PaginatableArray) expect(subject).to include("item0", "item2", "item4", "item5", "item7", "item9") end end context 'when including private items' do let(:answer) { false } it "returns appropriate items" do expect(subject.size).to eq 10 expect(subject).to be_instance_of(Kaminari::PaginatableArray) expect(subject).to eq(items_list) end end context 'with pagination' do let(:rows) { 3 } let(:page) { 2 } let(:answer) { true } it 'partitions the item list and excluding hidden items' do expect(subject).to eq(['item5', 'item7', 'item9']) end end end describe "#total_pages" do let(:subject) { presenter.total_pages } let(:items) { 17 } let(:rows) { 4 } before do allow(Flipflop).to receive(:hide_private_items?).and_return(false) allow(presenter).to receive(:total_items).and_return(items) allow(presenter).to receive(:rows_from_params).and_return(rows) end it 'calculates number of pages from items and rows' do expect(subject).to eq(5) end end describe "#file_set_presenters" do let(:obj) { create(:work_with_ordered_files) } let(:attributes) { obj.to_solr } it "displays them in order" do expect( eq obj.ordered_member_ids end context "solr query" do before do expect(Hyrax::SolrService).to receive(:query).twice.with(anything, hash_including(rows: 10_000)).and_return([]) end it "requests >10 rows" do presenter.file_set_presenters end end context "when some of the members are not file sets" do let(:another_work) { create(:work) } before do obj.ordered_members << another_work! end it "filters out members that are not file sets" do expect( include end end end describe "#representative_presenter" do let(:obj) { create(:work_with_representative_file) } let(:attributes) { obj.to_solr } it "has a representative" do expect(Hyrax::PresenterFactory).to receive(:build_for) .with(ids: [obj.members[0].id], presenter_class: Hyrax::CompositePresenterFactory, presenter_args: [ability, request]) .and_return ["abc"] expect(presenter.representative_presenter).to eq("abc") end context 'without a representative' do let(:obj) { create(:work) } it 'has a nil presenter' do expect(presenter.representative_presenter).to be_nil end end context 'when it is its own representative' do let(:obj) { create(:work) } before do obj.representative_id = end it 'has a nil presenter; avoids infinite loop' do expect(presenter.representative_presenter).to be_nil end end end describe "#download_url" do subject { presenter.download_url } let(:solr_document) { } context "with a representative" do let(:work) { create(:work_with_representative_file) } it { eq "http://#{}/downloads/#{work.representative_id}" } end context "without a representative" do let(:work) { create(:work) } it { eq '' } end end describe '#page_title' do subject { presenter.page_title } it { eq 'Generic Work | foo | ID: 888888 | Hyrax' } end describe "#valid_child_concerns" do subject { presenter } it "delegates to the class attribute of the model" do allow(GenericWork).to receive(:valid_child_concerns).and_return([GenericWork]) expect(subject.valid_child_concerns).to eq [GenericWork] end end describe "#attribute_to_html" do let(:renderer) { double('renderer') } context 'with an existing field' do before do allow(Hyrax::Renderers::AttributeRenderer).to receive(:new) .with(:title, ['foo', 'bar'], {}) .and_return(renderer) end it "calls the AttributeRenderer" do expect(renderer).to receive(:render) presenter.attribute_to_html(:title) end end context "with a field that doesn't exist" do it "logs a warning" do expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:warn).with('Hyrax::WorkShowPresenter attempted to render restrictions, but no method exists with that name.') presenter.attribute_to_html(:restrictions) end end end context "with workflow" do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:ability) { } let(:entity) { instance_double(Sipity::Entity) } describe "#workflow" do subject { presenter.workflow } it { be_kind_of Hyrax::WorkflowPresenter } end end context "with inspect_work" do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:ability) { } describe "#inspect_work" do subject { presenter.inspect_work } it { be_kind_of Hyrax::InspectWorkPresenter } end end describe "graph export methods" do let(:graph) do do |g| g << [RDF::URI(''), RDF::Vocab::DC.title, 'Test title'] end end let(:exporter) { double } before do allow(Hyrax::GraphExporter).to receive(:new).and_return(exporter) allow(exporter).to receive(:fetch).and_return(graph) end describe "#export_as_nt" do subject { presenter.export_as_nt } it { eq " \"Test title\" .\n" } end describe "#export_as_ttl" do subject { presenter.export_as_ttl } it { eq "\n \"Test title\" .\n" } end describe "#export_as_jsonld" do subject { presenter.export_as_jsonld } it do eq '{ "@context": { "dc": "" }, "@id": "", "dc:title": "Test title" }' end end end describe "#manifest" do let(:work) { create(:work_with_one_file) } let(:solr_document) { } describe "#sequence_rendering" do subject do presenter.sequence_rendering end before do, + '/world.png'), :original_file) end it "returns a hash containing the rendering information" do work.rendering_ids = [] expect(subject).to be_an Array end end describe "#manifest_metadata" do subject do presenter.manifest_metadata end before do work.title = ['Test title', 'Another test title'] end it "returns an array of metadata values" do expect(subject[0]['label']).to eq('Title') expect(subject[0]['value']).to include('Test title', 'Another test title') end context "when there are html tags in the metadata" do before do work.title = ["The title", 'Another test title'] end it "sanitizes the metadata values" do expect(subject[0]['value']).to include('The title', 'Another test title') end end end end describe "#show_deposit_for?" do subject { presenter } context "when user has depositable collections" do let(:user_collections) { double } it "returns true" do expect(subject.show_deposit_for?(collections: user_collections)).to be true end end context "when user does not have depositable collections" do let(:user_collections) { nil } context "and user can create a collection" do before do allow(ability).to receive(:can?).with(:create_any, Collection).and_return(true) end it "returns true" do expect(subject.show_deposit_for?(collections: user_collections)).to be true end end context "and user can NOT create a collection" do before do allow(ability).to receive(:can?).with(:create_any, Collection).and_return(false) end it "returns false" do expect(subject.show_deposit_for?(collections: user_collections)).to be false end end end end describe '#iiif_viewer' do subject { presenter.iiif_viewer } it 'defaults to universal viewer' do expect(subject).to be :universal_viewer end end end