STATE_DISABLED STATE_ENABLED ATYPE_UNSET ATYPE_STAR_ADDRESS_STAR_PORT ATYPE_STAR_ADDRESS_EXPLICIT_PORT ATYPE_EXPLICIT_ADDRESS_EXPLICIT_PORT ATYPE_STAR_ADDRESS ATYPE_EXPLICIT_ADDRESS ITYPE_UNSET ITYPE_INTERVAL ITYPE_TIMEOUT ITYPE_PROBE_INTERVAL ITYPE_PROBE_TIMEOUT ITYPE_PROBE_NUM_PROBES ITYPE_PROBE_NUM_SUCCESSES ITYPE_TIME_UNTIL_UP ITYPE_UP_INTERVAL STYPE_UNSET STYPE_SEND STYPE_GET STYPE_RECEIVE STYPE_USERNAME STYPE_PASSWORD STYPE_RUN STYPE_NEWSGROUP STYPE_DATABASE STYPE_DOMAIN STYPE_ARGUMENTS STYPE_FOLDER STYPE_BASE STYPE_FILTER STYPE_SECRET STYPE_METHOD STYPE_URL STYPE_COMMAND STYPE_METRICS STYPE_POST STYPE_USERAGENT STYPE_AGENT_TYPE STYPE_CPU_COEFFICIENT STYPE_CPU_THRESHOLD STYPE_MEMORY_COEFFICIENT STYPE_MEMORY_THRESHOLD STYPE_DISK_COEFFICIENT STYPE_DISK_THRESHOLD STYPE_SNMP_VERSION STYPE_COMMUNITY STYPE_SEND_PACKETS STYPE_TIMEOUT_PACKETS STYPE_RECEIVE_DRAIN STYPE_RECEIVE_ROW STYPE_RECEIVE_COLUMN STYPE_DEBUG STYPE_SECURITY STYPE_MODE STYPE_CIPHER_LIST STYPE_NAMESPACE STYPE_PARAMETER_NAME STYPE_PARAMETER_VALUE STYPE_PARAMETER_TYPE STYPE_RETURN_TYPE STYPE_RETURN_VALUE STYPE_SOAP_FAULT STYPE_SSL_OPTIONS STYPE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE STYPE_PROTOCOL STYPE_MANDATORY_ATTRS STYPE_FILENAME STYPE_ACCOUNTING_NODE STYPE_ACCOUNTING_PORT STYPE_SERVER_ID STYPE_CALL_ID STYPE_SESSION_ID STYPE_FRAMED_ADDRESS STYPE_PROGRAM STYPE_VERSION STYPE_SERVER STYPE_SERVICE STYPE_GW_MONITOR_ADDRESS STYPE_GW_MONITOR_SERVICE STYPE_GW_MONITOR_INTERVAL STYPE_GW_MONITOR_PROTOCOL STYPE_DB_COUNT STYPE_REQUEST STYPE_HEADERS STYPE_FILTER_NEG STYPE_SERVER_IP STYPE_SNMP_PORT STYPE_POOL_NAME STYPE_NAS_IP STYPE_CLIENT_KEY STYPE_MAX_LOAD_AVERAGE STYPE_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT STYPE_FAILURES STYPE_FAILURE_INTERVAL STYPE_RESPONSE_TIME STYPE_RETRY_TIME STYPE_DIAMETER_ACCT_APPLICATION_ID STYPE_DIAMETER_AUTH_APPLICATION_ID STYPE_DIAMETER_ORIGIN_HOST STYPE_DIAMETER_ORIGIN_REALM STYPE_DIAMETER_HOST_IP_ADDRESS STYPE_DIAMETER_VENDOR_ID STYPE_DIAMETER_PRODUCT_NAME STYPE_DIAMETER_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_VENDOR_ID STYPE_DIAMETER_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_ACCT_APPLICATION_ID STYPE_DIAMETER_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_AUTH_APPLICATION_ID STYPE_RUN_V2 STYPE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_V2 STYPE_CLIENT_KEY_V2 STYPE_CHASE_REFERRALS STYPE_QUERY_NAME STYPE_QUERY_TYPE STYPE_ANSWER_CONTAINS STYPE_ACCEPT_RCODE STYPE_GW_MONITOR_MODE STYPE_GW_MONITOR_SECONDARY_ADDRESS STYPE_DSCP INSTANCE_STATE_UNCHECKED INSTANCE_STATE_CHECKING INSTANCE_STATE_UP INSTANCE_STATE_DOWN INSTANCE_STATE_FORCED_DOWN INSTANCE_STATE_DISABLED INSTANCE_STATE_DOWN_BY_IRULE INSTANCE_STATE_DOWN_WAIT_FOR_MANUAL_RESUME TTYPE_UNSET TTYPE_ICMP TTYPE_TCP TTYPE_TCP_ECHO TTYPE_EXTERNAL TTYPE_HTTP TTYPE_HTTPS TTYPE_NNTP TTYPE_FTP TTYPE_POP3 TTYPE_SMTP TTYPE_MSSQL TTYPE_GATEWAY TTYPE_IMAP TTYPE_RADIUS TTYPE_LDAP TTYPE_WMI TTYPE_SNMP_DCA TTYPE_SNMP_DCA_BASE TTYPE_REAL_SERVER TTYPE_UDP TTYPE_NONE TTYPE_ORACLE TTYPE_SOAP TTYPE_GATEWAY_ICMP TTYPE_SIP TTYPE_TCP_HALF_OPEN TTYPE_SCRIPTED TTYPE_WAP TTYPE_RPC TTYPE_SMB TTYPE_SASP TTYPE_MODULE_SCORE TTYPE_FIREPASS TTYPE_INBAND TTYPE_RADIUS_ACCOUNTING TTYPE_DIAMETER TTYPE_VIRTUAL_LOCATION TTYPE_MYSQL TTYPE_POSTGRESQL TTYPE_DNS ATYPE_UNKNOWN ATYPE_RELATIVE ATYPE_ABSOLUTE Gets the list of monitor templates. Creates monitor templates with some basic attributes. If the "parent_template" attribute in "template_attributes" is empty, then the new template is based on the template type field given in "templates". If the "parent_template" attribute in "template_attributes" is specified, then the new template is derived from the "parent_template", and template type field in "templates" is ignored. If "parent_template" is empty, and the template type field in "templates" is not specified, then the new template is a root template. Deletes the specified monitor templates. Deletes all user-defined (non-root) monitor templates. Determines if the specified monitor templates are of the base monitor templates. Determines if the specified monitor templates can be used directly, or a user-defined monitor based on each monitor must be created first before it can be used. Determines if the specified monitor templates are read-only. The user can only modify properties for read/write monitor templates. Gets the parent monitor templates from which the specified monitor templates are derived. A user-defined monitor template will get its defaults from its parent monitor template. Gets the destination address types of the monitor templates. This allows the user to determine what node IP:port can be associated with this monitor when creating a monitor instance. Gets the template types of the specified monitor templates. Sets the monitor templates' enabled/disabled states. This will enable/disable all instances that use the specified templates. This serves as a quick and convenient method to enable/disable all instances, but if you want only to enable/disable a specific instance, use set_instance_enabled. Gets the enabled/disabled states of the specified monitor templates. Sets the reverse mode states of the specified monitor templates. When in reverse mode, a successful test marks the node down instead of up. Gets the reverse mode states of the specified monitor templates. Sets the transparent mode states of the specified monitor templates. Transparent mode is used when a user has to go through a firewall to do monitoring. Gets the transparent mode states of the specified monitor templates. Sets the monitor templates' manual resume states. When enabled and a monitor has marked an object down, that object will not be marked up by the monitor, i.e. the object will be manually marked up. Gets the monitor templates' manual resume states. When enabled and a monitor has marked an object down, that object will not be marked up by the monitor, i.e. the object will be manually marked up. Sets the monitor templates' adaptive state. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespace Gets the monitor templates' adaptive state. Sets the monitor templates' adaptive type. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespan. Gets the monitor templates' adaptive divergence type. Sets the monitor templates' adaptive divergence value. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespace Gets the monitor templates' adaptive divergence value. Sets the monitor templates' adaptive limit. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespan Gets the monitor templates' adaptive limit. Sets the monitor templates' adaptive sampling timespan. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespace Gets the monitor templates' adaptive sampling timespan. Sets the destination IP:port values for the specified templates. NOTE: This should only be done when the monitor templates in "template_names" have NOT been associated to any node addresses or pool members. Gets the destination IP:port values of the specified monitor templates. Sets the description for a set of monitor templates. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the descriptions for a set of monitor templates. Sets an integer property values of the specified monitor templates. Gets the integer property values of the specified monitor templates. Sets a string property values of the specified monitor templates. Gets a string property values of the specified monitor templates. Sets the user-defined string property values of the specified monitor templates. The user-defined string property is an arbitrary name/value pair used as configuration information for the monitor. Only certain monitors accept such user-defined properties and the meaning of these name/value pairs is dependent on the specific monitor. Gets the user-defined string property values of the specified monitor templates. Sets the enabled/disabled states of the monitor instances. Gets the enabled/disabled states of the monitor instances. Gets the version information for this interface. Gets the list of monitor templates. Creates monitor templates with some basic attributes. If the "parent_template" attribute in "template_attributes" is empty, then the new template is based on the template type field given in "templates". If the "parent_template" attribute in "template_attributes" is specified, then the new template is derived from the "parent_template", and template type field in "templates" is ignored. If "parent_template" is empty, and the template type field in "templates" is not specified, then the new template is a root template. Deletes the specified monitor templates. Deletes all user-defined (non-root) monitor templates. Determines if the specified monitor templates are of the base monitor templates. Determines if the specified monitor templates can be used directly, or a user-defined monitor based on each monitor must be created first before it can be used. Determines if the specified monitor templates are read-only. The user can only modify properties for read/write monitor templates. Gets the parent monitor templates from which the specified monitor templates are derived. A user-defined monitor template will get its defaults from its parent monitor template. Gets the destination address types of the monitor templates. This allows the user to determine what node IP:port can be associated with this monitor when creating a monitor instance. Gets the template types of the specified monitor templates. Sets the monitor templates' enabled/disabled states. This will enable/disable all instances that use the specified templates. This serves as a quick and convenient method to enable/disable all instances, but if you want only to enable/disable a specific instance, use set_instance_enabled. Gets the enabled/disabled states of the specified monitor templates. Sets the reverse mode states of the specified monitor templates. When in reverse mode, a successful test marks the node down instead of up. Gets the reverse mode states of the specified monitor templates. Sets the transparent mode states of the specified monitor templates. Transparent mode is used when a user has to go through a firewall to do monitoring. Gets the transparent mode states of the specified monitor templates. Sets the monitor templates' manual resume states. When enabled and a monitor has marked an object down, that object will not be marked up by the monitor, i.e. the object will be manually marked up. Gets the monitor templates' manual resume states. When enabled and a monitor has marked an object down, that object will not be marked up by the monitor, i.e. the object will be manually marked up. Sets the monitor templates' adaptive state. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespace Gets the monitor templates' adaptive state. Sets the monitor templates' adaptive type. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespan. Gets the monitor templates' adaptive divergence type. Sets the monitor templates' adaptive divergence value. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespace Gets the monitor templates' adaptive divergence value. Sets the monitor templates' adaptive limit. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespan Gets the monitor templates' adaptive limit. Sets the monitor templates' adaptive sampling timespan. When enabled, the monitor will calculate the health based on response time. The behavior of the monitoring and health calculation can be further configured via set_adaptive_divergence_type, set_adaptive_allowed_divergence, set_adaptive_limit, and set_adaptive_sampling_timespace Gets the monitor templates' adaptive sampling timespan. Sets the destination IP:port values for the specified templates. NOTE: This should only be done when the monitor templates in "template_names" have NOT been associated to any node addresses or pool members. Gets the destination IP:port values of the specified monitor templates. Sets the description for a set of monitor templates. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the descriptions for a set of monitor templates. Sets an integer property values of the specified monitor templates. Gets the integer property values of the specified monitor templates. Sets a string property values of the specified monitor templates. Gets a string property values of the specified monitor templates. Sets the user-defined string property values of the specified monitor templates. The user-defined string property is an arbitrary name/value pair used as configuration information for the monitor. Only certain monitors accept such user-defined properties and the meaning of these name/value pairs is dependent on the specific monitor. Gets the user-defined string property values of the specified monitor templates. Sets the enabled/disabled states of the monitor instances. Gets the enabled/disabled states of the monitor instances. Gets the version information for this interface. The Monitor interface enables you to manipulate a local load balancer's monitor templates and instances. For example, use the Monitor interface to enable or disable a monitor instance, or to create a monitor template, or to get and set different attributes of a monitor template.