name: Feature request
about: Request a new feature
title: "[REQUEST]"
labels: 'enhancement'
assignees: ''


**IMPORTANT: please make sure you ask yourself all intro questions and fill all sections of the template.**

**Before we start...:**

- [ ] I checked the documentation and didn't find this feature
- [ ] I checked to make sure that this feature has not already been requested


Inform what branch/commit/version of bundler-leak you are using.

**Describe the feature:**

Please include a detailed description of the feature you are requesting and any detail on it’s expected behavior.

> **As a \<role name\>**
> **I do \<something\>**
> **And then I do \<another action\>**
> **And I see \<some result\>**


Please include a detailed description of the problem this feature would solve.

> **As a \<role name\>**
> **I want to \<do something\>**
> **So that I can achieve a \<goal\>**


Include any mockup idea related to the requested feature if it applies.


If you have resources related to the implementation or research for this feature, add them here.

**I will abide by the [code of conduct] (code_of_conduct.md)**