Quick start. GNU Make (Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, CygWin, etc.), with gcc: make -f gcc.mak depend make -f gcc.mak install GNU Make (CygWin), with VC6: make -f cygwin-vc6.mak depend make -f cygwin-vc6.mak install GNU Make (SunOS), with SunPro CC: make -f CC.mak depend make -f CC.mak install Microsoft NMAKE (MS Windows), with VC6: nmake -f nmake-vc6 install Make system goals. - all source files declared in one place (for all platforms and compilers); the same is for base library (application) name and version. - derive object filenames from source filenames in make system - source files may be situated in few catalogs - avoid information duplication, if possible - support cross-compilation Make targets. release-static build STLport as static library dbg-static build STLport as static library (with debug information) stldbg-static build STLport as static library (STLP_DEBUG mode, with debug information) release-shared build STLport as dynamic (shared) library dbg-shared STLport as dynamic (shared) library (with debug information) stldbg-shared build STLport as dynamic (shared) library (STLP_DEBUG mode, with debug information) all (default) cumulative target for release,dbg,stldbg -shared on Unix-lile platforms and plus release,dbg,stldbg -static on Windows. depend create dependency files (by performance reasons dependency not created during compilation process); this target absent for MS NMAKE (due to pure scripting opportunities) install-release-shared install-dbg-shared install-stldbg-shared install-release-static install-dbg-static install-stldbg-static build and install appropriate libraries and related files, into 'STLport/lib' (../../lib, relative position of this file) install cumulative target for install-*-shared on Unix-like platforms and install-*-* on Windows. clean remove all intermediate files clobber remove all intermediate files, libraries and dependency files