module BaseCRM class Sync attr_reader :device_uuid attr_reader :client # Intantiate a new BaseCRM Sync API V2 high-level wrapper # # @param options[Hash] Wrapper options # @option options [String] :device_uuid Device's UUID. # @option options [BaseCRM::Client] :client BaseCRM API v2 client instance. # # @raise [ConfigurationError] if no device's uuid provided # @raise [ConfigurationError] if no client instance provided # # @return [Sync] New wrapper instance # # @see Client # @see SyncService def initialize(options) @device_uuid = options[:device_uuid] @client = options[:client] validate! end # Perform a full synchronization flow. # See the following example: # # client = "") # sync = client, device_uuid: "") # sync.fetch do |sync_meta, resource| # DB.send(sync_meta.event_type, entity) ? sync_meta.ack : sync_meta.nack # end # # @param block [Proc] Procedure that will be called for every item in the queue. Takes two input arguments: SyncMeta instance # associated with the resource, and the resource. You should use either `SyncQueue#ack` or `SyncQueue#nack` to return value from the block. # # @return nil def fetch(&block) return unless block_given? # Set up a new synchronization session for given device's UUID session = @client.sync.start(@device_uuid) # Check if there is anything to synchronize return unless session && # Drain the main queue unitl there is no more data (empty array) loop do queued_data = @client.sync.fetch(@device_uuid, # nothing more to synchronize ? break if queued_data.empty? ack_keys = [] queued_data.each do |sync_meta, resource| op, ack_key =, resource) ack_keys << ack_key if op == :ack end # As we fetch new data, we need to send ackwledgement keys - if any @client.sync.ack(@device_uuid, ack_keys) unless ack_keys.empty? end end private def validate! unless @device_uuid raise'No device UUID provided. '\ 'The UUID must not change between synchronization sessions. '\ 'Set your device\'s UUID during wrapper initialization using: '\ '" , client: client)".') end unless @client raise'No "BaseCRM::Client" instance provided. '\ 'The high-level sync wrapper is using "BaseCRM::SyncService"\'s lowl-level interface '\ 'exposed within "BaseCRM::Client" scope.') end end end end