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      allow_page_comments?: "Page comments allowed"
      comments_have_attachments?: "Attachments allowed"
      editable_period: "Editable period"
      layout: "Forum layout"
      public?: "Forum public?"
  date_this_year: "on %B %e at %l:%M%p"
  edit_your_post: "edit your post"
  forum: "Forum"
  forums: "Discussion categories"
  forums_introduction: "These are the broad filing areas we use to organise the forum. You can also see a list of "
  if_not_you: "If that's not you, please"
  latest_discussion: "Latest topics"
  latest_posts: "Latest comments"
  latest_topics: "all the latest topics"
  logged_in_as: "You are logged in as %{name}."
  new_topic: "new topic"
  new_topic_button: "Submit topic"
  new_topic_heading: "Start a new topic"
  new_topic_here: "start a new<br />topic here"
  no_forums: "No discussion categories defined here yet."
  no_posts: "The forum is empty."
  no_topics: "No talk here yet."
  of: "of"
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  posted_by: "Posted by"
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  posts_introduction: "This is a list of all forum posts by date."
  really_remove_post: "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?"
  remove_post: "delete comment"
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  started_topic_on: "started a new topic on %{date}"
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  time_yesterday: "yesterday at %l:%M%p"
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  topic_empty: "Topic empty!"
  topics: "topics"
  topics_introduction: "This is a list of all the discussions going on here, with the most recently updated first. You can also see a more organised list of"
  unknown_date: "unknown date"