require 'open-uri' require 'hpricot' require 'sqlite3' require 'time' class Dupe < Linkbot::Plugin Linkbot::Plugin.register('dupe', self, { :message => {:regex => /!stats/, :handler => :on_message, :help => :help} } ) def self.on_message(message, matches) rows = Linkbot.db.execute("select u.username,,s.dupes,k.karma,u.showname from stats s, users u, karma k where u.user_id = s.user_id AND u.user_id = k.user_id order by k.karma desc") mess = "Link stats:\n--------------------------\n" #find the maximum length karma total max = rows.collect { |row| row[1].to_s }.map(&:length).max rows.each {|row| username = (row[4].nil? || row[4] == '') ? row[0] : row[4] dupe = row[2] == 1 ? 'dupe' : 'dupes' mess = mess + sprintf("%#{max}d: #{username} (%d links, %d %s, %.2f%% new)\n", row[3], row[1], row[2], dupe, (row[1]/(row[1]+row[2]).to_f)*100) } mess end def self.on_dupe(message, url, duped_user, duped_timestamp) total,dupes = self.stats(message.user_id) Linkbot.db.execute("update stats set dupes = #{dupes+1} where user_id='#{message.user_id}'") res = Linkbot.db.execute("select username,showname from users where user_id='#{message.user_id}'")[0] username = (res[1].nil? || res[1] == '') ? res[0] : res[1] puts duped_timestamp "DUPE: Previously posted by #{duped_user} #{::Util.ago_in_words(, Time.parse(duped_timestamp.to_s))}" end def self.on_newlink(message, url) total,dupes = self.stats(message.user_id) Linkbot.db.execute("update stats set total = #{total+1} where user_id='#{message.user_id}'") end def self.stats(user_id) total = 0 dupes = 0 rows = Linkbot.db.execute("select user_id,total,dupes from stats where user_id = '#{user_id}'") if rows.empty? Linkbot.db.execute("insert into stats (user_id,total,dupes) values ('#{user_id}', 0, 0)") else total = rows[0][1] dupes = rows[0][2] end return total,dupes end def "!stats - show all karma and links stats for linkchat participants" end if Linkbot.db.table_info('stats').empty? Linkbot.db.execute('CREATE TABLE stats (user_id INTEGER, dupes INTEGER, total INTEGER)'); end end