module PostgresUpsert class Writer def initialize(klass, source, options = {}) @klass = klass @options = options.reverse_merge({ :delimiter => ",", :header => true, :unique_key => [primary_key], :update_only => false}) @options[:unique_key] = Array.wrap(@options[:unique_key]) @source = source.instance_of?(String) ?, 'r') : source @columns_list = get_columns generate_temp_table_name end def write if @columns_list.empty? raise "Either the :columns option or :header => true are required" end csv_options = "DELIMITER '#{@options[:delimiter]}' CSV" copy_table = @temp_table_name columns_string = columns_string_for_copy create_temp_table @copy_result = database_connection.raw_connection.copy_data %{COPY #{copy_table} #{columns_string} FROM STDIN #{csv_options}} do while line = @source.gets do next if line.strip.size == 0 database_connection.raw_connection.put_copy_data line end end upsert_from_temp_table drop_temp_table summarize_results end private def database_connection @klass.connection end def summarize_results result =, @update_result, @copy_result) expected_rows = @options[:update_only] ? result.updated_rows : result.copied_rows if result.changed_rows != expected_rows raise "#{expected_rows} rows were copied, but #{result.changed_rows} were upserted to destination table. Check to make sure your key is unique." end return result end def primary_key @klass.primary_key end def column_names @klass.column_names end def quoted_table_name @klass.quoted_table_name end def get_columns columns_list = @options[:columns] ? @options[:columns].map(&:to_s) : [] if @options[:header] #if header is present, we need to strip it from io, whether we use it for the columns list or not. line = @source.gets if columns_list.empty? columns_list = line.strip.split(@options[:delimiter]) end end columns_list ={|c| @options[:map][c.to_s] } if @options[:map] return columns_list end def columns_string_for_copy str = get_columns_string str.empty? ? str : "(#{str})" end def columns_string_for_select columns = @columns_list.clone columns << "created_at" if column_names.include?("created_at") columns << "updated_at" if column_names.include?("updated_at") str = get_columns_string(columns) end def columns_string_for_insert columns = @columns_list.clone columns << "created_at" if column_names.include?("created_at") columns << "updated_at" if column_names.include?("updated_at") str = get_columns_string(columns) end def select_string_for_insert columns = @columns_list.clone str = get_columns_string(columns) str << ",'#{}'" if column_names.include?("created_at") str << ",'#{}'" if column_names.include?("updated_at") str end def select_string_for_create columns = @options[:unique_key].each do |key_component| columns << key_component.to_sym unless columns.include?(key_component.to_sym) end get_columns_string(columns) end def get_columns_string(columns = nil) columns ||= @columns_list columns.size > 0 ? "\"#{columns.join('","')}\"" : "" end def generate_temp_table_name @temp_table_name = "#{@table_name}_temp_#{rand(1000)}" end def upsert_from_temp_table update_from_temp_table insert_from_temp_table unless @options[:update_only] end def update_from_temp_table @update_result = database_connection.execute <<-SQL UPDATE #{quoted_table_name} AS d #{update_set_clause} FROM #{@temp_table_name} as t WHERE #{unique_key_select("t", "d")} AND #{unique_key_present("d")} SQL end def update_set_clause command = do |col| "\"#{col}\" = t.\"#{col}\"" end command << "\"updated_at\" = '#{}'" if column_names.include?("updated_at") "SET #{command.join(',')}" end def insert_from_temp_table columns_string = columns_string_for_insert select_string = select_string_for_insert @insert_result = database_connection.execute <<-SQL INSERT INTO #{quoted_table_name} (#{columns_string}) SELECT #{select_string} FROM #{@temp_table_name} as t WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #{quoted_table_name} as d WHERE #{unique_key_select("t", "d")}); SQL end def unique_key_select(source, dest) @options[:unique_key].map {|field| "#{source}.#{field} = #{dest}.#{field}"}.join(' AND ') end def unique_key_present(source) @options[:unique_key].map {|field| "#{source}.#{field} IS NOT NULL"}.join(' AND ') end def create_temp_table columns_string = select_string_for_create verify_temp_has_key database_connection.execute <<-SQL SET client_min_messages=WARNING; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{@temp_table_name}; CREATE TEMP TABLE #{@temp_table_name} AS SELECT #{columns_string} FROM #{quoted_table_name} WHERE 0 = 1; SQL end def verify_temp_has_key @options[:unique_key].each do |key_component| unless @columns_list.include?(key_component.to_s) raise "Expected a unique column '#{key_component}' but the source data does not include this column. Update the :columns list or explicitly set the unique_key option.}" end end end def drop_temp_table database_connection.execute <<-SQL DROP TABLE #{@temp_table_name} SQL end end end