package com.rho.file; import; /** * Interface of file. * Programmer can provide its own impleentation of this interface, adding such features * as support of flash cards, encrypted files,... * Implentation of this interface should throw StorageError exception in case of failure */ public interface IFile { /** * Write data to the file * @param pos offset in the file * @param buf array with data to be writter (size is always equal to database page size) */ void write(long pos, byte[] buf)throws IOException; /** * Read data from the file * @param pos offset in the file * @param buf array to receive readen data (size is always equal to database page size) * @return number of bytes actually readen */ int read(long pos, byte[] buf)throws IOException; /** * Flush all fiels changes to the disk */ void sync()throws IOException; /** * Close file */ void close()throws IOException; /** * Length of the file */ long length(); }