require 'turnip/placeholder' describe Turnip::Placeholder do describe '.resolve' do before do described_class.add(:test) do match(/foo/) match(/\d/) end end it 'returns a regexp for the given placeholder' do resolved = described_class.resolve(:test) expect('foo').to match(resolved) expect('bar').not_to match(resolved) expect('5').to match(resolved) end it 'fall through to using the standard placeholder regexp' do resolved = described_class.resolve(:does_not_exist) match_standard_regexp_strings = [ [ %q(non_space_string), 'non_space_string' ], [ %q('around single quote'), 'around single quote' ], [ %q("around double quote"), 'around double quote' ], ] match_standard_regexp_strings.each do |step, expect_str| actual_str = resolved.match(step).captures.find { |m| !m.nil? } expect(expect_str).to eq(actual_str) end mismatch_standard_regexp_strings = [ [ %q(with space string), 'with space string' ], [ %q('single to double"), 'single to double' ], [ %q("double to single'), 'double to single' ], [ %q("double to none), 'double to none' ], [ %q(none to single'), 'none to single' ], ] mismatch_standard_regexp_strings.each do |step, expect_str| actual_str = resolved.match(step).captures.find { |m| !m.nil? } expect(expect_str).not_to eq(actual_str) end end end describe '.apply' do it 'recognize multiple placeholders and return block value' do described_class.add :test1 do match(/foo/) { :foo_bar } match(/\d/) { |num| num.to_i } end described_class.add :test2 do match(/bar/) { :bar_foo } match(/\d/) { |num| num.to_i * 2 } end expect(described_class.apply(:test1, 'foo')).to eq(:foo_bar) expect(described_class.apply(:test1, 'bar')).to eq('bar') expect(described_class.apply(:test1, '5')).to eq(5) expect(described_class.apply(:test2, 'foo')).to eq('foo') expect(described_class.apply(:test2, 'bar')).to eq(:bar_foo) expect(described_class.apply(:test2, '5')).to eq(10) end end describe '#apply' do it 'extracts a captured expression and passes to the block' do placeholder = do default { |value| value.gsub(' ', '').to_sym } match(/foo/) { :foo_bar } match(/\d/) { |num| num.to_i } # It will be ignored (does not override first `default`) default { |value| value.gsub(' ', '-').to_sym } end expect(placeholder.apply('foo')).to eq :foo_bar expect(placeholder.apply('bar')).to eq :bar expect(placeholder.apply('"fizz buzz"')).to eq :fizzbuzz expect(placeholder.apply("'fizz buzz'")).to eq :fizzbuzz expect(placeholder.apply('5')).to eq 5 end it 'extracts any captured expressions and passes to the block' do placeholder = do match(/mo(nk)(ey)/) { |nk, ey| nk.to_s.reverse + '|' + ey.to_s.upcase } end expect(placeholder.apply('monkey')).to eq('kn|EY') expect(placeholder.apply('bar')).to eq('bar') end it 'extracts captures by default placeholder and passes to the block' do placeholder = do default do |v| v end end expect(placeholder.apply('John Doe')).to eq('John Doe') expect(placeholder.apply('"John Doe"')).to eq('John Doe') expect(placeholder.apply('\'John Doe\'')).to eq('John Doe') expect(placeholder.apply('John \n Doe')).to eq('John \n Doe') expect(placeholder.apply('"John \n Doe"')).to eq('John \n Doe') end end describe '#regexp' do context 'placeholder has a matcher' do let :placeholder do do match(/foo/) end end it 'should match a given fragment' do expect('foo').to match(placeholder.regexp) expect('the fool').to match(placeholder.regexp) end it 'should not match an incorrect fragment' do expect('bar').not_to match(placeholder.regexp) end end context 'placeholder has multiple matchers' do let :placeholder do do match(/foo/) match(/\d/) end end it 'should match multiple fragments' do expect('foo').to match(placeholder.regexp) expect('5').to match(placeholder.regexp) expect('the fool').to match(placeholder.regexp) expect('12345678').to match(placeholder.regexp) end it 'should not multiple incorrect fragments' do expect('bar').not_to match(placeholder.regexp) end end end end