###* Forms and controls ================== Up.js comes with functionality to submit forms without leaving the current page. This means you can replace page fragments, open dialogs with sub-forms, etc. all without losing form state. \#\#\# Incomplete documentation! We need to work on this page: - Explain how to display form errors - Explain that the server needs to send 2xx or 5xx status codes so Up.js can decide whether the form submission was successful - Explain that the server needs to send an `X-Up-Current-Location` header if an successful form submission resulted in a redirect - Examples @class up.form ### up.form = (-> u = up.util ###* Submits a form using the Up.js flow: up.submit('form.new_user') Instead of loading a new page, the form is submitted via AJAX. The response is parsed for a CSS selector and the matching elements will replace corresponding elements on the current page. @method up.submit @param {Element|jQuery|String} formOrSelector A reference or selector for the form to submit. If the argument points to an element that is not a form, Up.js will search its ancestors for the closest form. @param {String} [options.url] @param {String} [options.method] @param {String} [options.target] @param {String} [options.failTarget] @param {Boolean|String} [options.history=true] Successful form submissions will add a history entry and change the browser's location bar if the form either uses the `GET` method or the response redirected to another page (this requires the `upjs-rails` gem). If want to prevent history changes in any case, set this to `false`. If you pass a `String`, it is used as the URL for the browser history. @param {String} [options.transition] @param {String} [options.failTransition] @return {Promise} A promise for the AJAX response ### submit = (formOrSelector, options) -> $form = $(formOrSelector).closest('form') options = u.options(options) successSelector = u.option(options.target, $form.attr('up-target'), 'body') failureSelector = u.option(options.failTarget, $form.attr('up-fail-target'), -> u.createSelectorFromElement($form)) historyOption = u.option(options.history, $form.attr('up-history'), true) successTransition = u.option(options.transition, $form.attr('up-transition')) failureTransition = u.option(options.failTransition, $form.attr('up-fail-transition')) httpMethod = u.option(options.method, $form.attr('up-method'), $form.attr('data-method'), $form.attr('method'), 'post').toUpperCase() url = u.option(options.url, $form.attr('action'), up.browser.url()) $form.addClass('up-active') if !up.browser.canPushState() && !u.castsToFalse(historyOption) $form.get(0).submit() return request = { url: url type: httpMethod data: $form.serialize(), selector: successSelector } successUrl = (xhr) -> url = if historyOption if historyOption == 'false' false else if u.isString(historyOption) historyOption else if currentLocation = u.locationFromXhr(xhr) currentLocation else if request.type == 'GET' request.url + '?' + request.data u.option(url, false) u.ajax(request) .always -> $form.removeClass('up-active') .done (html, textStatus, xhr) -> up.flow.implant(successSelector, html, history: successUrl(xhr), transition: successTransition ) .fail (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) -> html = xhr.responseText up.flow.implant(failureSelector, html, transition: failureTransition ) ###* Observes an input field by periodic polling its value. Executes code when the value changes. up.observe('input', { change: function(value, $input) { up.submit($input) } }); This is useful for observing text fields while the user is typing, since browsers will only fire a `change` event once the user blurs the text field. @method up.observe @param {Element|jQuery|String} fieldOrSelector @param {Function(value, $field)|String} options.change The callback to execute when the field's value changes. If given as a function, it must take two arguments (`value`, `$field`). If given as a string, it will be evaled as Javascript code in a context where (`value`, `$field`) are set. @param {Number} [options.frequency=500] ### observe = (fieldOrSelector, options) -> $field = $(fieldOrSelector) options = u.options(options, frequency: 500) knownValue = null timer = null callback = null if codeOnChange = $field.attr('up-observe') callback = (value, $field) -> eval(codeOnChange) else if options.change callback = options.change else u.error('observe: No change callback given') check = -> value = $field.val() skipCallback = _.isNull(knownValue) # don't run the callback for the check during initialization if knownValue != value knownValue = value callback.apply($field.get(0), [value, $field]) unless skipCallback resetTimer = -> if timer clearTimer() startTimer() clearTimer = -> clearInterval(timer) timer = null startTimer = -> timer = setInterval(check, options.frequency) # reset counter after user interaction $field.bind "keyup click mousemove", resetTimer # mousemove is for selects check() startTimer() # return destructor return clearTimer ###* Submits the form through AJAX, searches the response for the selector given in `up-target` and replaces the selector content in the current page:
@method form[up-target] @ujs @param {String} up-target @param {String} [up-fail-target] @param {String} [up-transition] @param {String} [up-fail-transition] @param {String} [up-history] @param {String} [up-method] The HTTP method to be used to submit the form (`get`, `post`, `put`, `delete`, `patch`). Alternately you can use an attribute `data-method` (Rails UJS) or `method` (vanilla HTML) for the same purpose. ### up.on 'submit', 'form[up-target]', (event, $form) -> event.preventDefault() submit($form) ###* Observes this form control by periodically polling its value. Executes the given Javascript if the value changes:
This is useful for observing text fields while the user is typing, since browsers will only fire a `change` event once the user blurs the text field. @method input[up-observe] @ujs @param {String} up-observe ### up.awaken '[up-observe]', ($field) -> return observe($field) # up.awaken '[up-autosubmit]', ($field) -> # return observe($field, change: -> # $form = $field.closest('form') # $field.addClass('up-active') # up.submit($form).always -> # $field.removeClass('up-active') # ) submit: submit observe: observe )() up.submit = up.form.submit up.observe = up.form.observe