# systemd input plugin for [Fluentd](http://github.com/fluent/fluentd) [](https://travis-ci.org/reevoo/fluent-plugin-systemd) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/reevoo/fluent-plugin-systemd) [](https://rubygems.org/gems/fluent-plugin-systemd) # Requirements <a name="requirements"></a> |fluent-plugin-systemd|fluentd|ruby| |----|----|----| | 0.1.x | >= 0.14.11, < 2 | >= 2.1 | | 0.0.x | ~> 0.12.0 | >= 1.9 | * The 0.1.x series is developed from this branch (master) * The 0.0.x series (compatible with fluentd v0.12) is developed on the [0.0.x branch](https://github.com/reevoo/fluent-plugin-systemd/tree/0.0.x) ## Overview **systemd** input plugin reads logs from the systemd journal ## Installation Simply use RubyGems: gem install fluent-plugin-systemd -v 0.1.0 or td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-systemd -v 0.6.0 ## Configuration <source> @type systemd path /var/log/journal filters [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "kube-proxy.service" }] pos_file kube-proxy.pos tag kube-proxy read_from_head true </source> **path** Path to the systemd journal, defaults to `/var/log/journal` **filters** Array of filters, see [here](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/systemd-journal/Systemd%2FJournal%2FFilterable%3Afilter) for further documentation, defaults to no filtering. **pos file** Path to pos file, stores the journald cursor. File is created if does not exist. **read_from_head** If true reads all available journal from head, otherwise starts reading from tail, ignored if pos file exists (and is valid). Defaults to false. **strip_underscores** If true strips underscores from the beginning of systemd field names. May be useful if outputting to kibana, as underscore prefixed fields are unindexed there. **tag** _Required_ A tag that will be added to events generated by this input. ## Example For an example of a full working setup including the plugin, [take a look at](https://github.com/assemblyline/fluentd) ## Dependencies This plugin depends on libsystemd ## Running the tests To run the tests with docker on several distros simply run `rake` For systems with systemd installed you can run the tests against your installed libsystemd with `rake test` ## Licence etc [MIT](LICENCE) Issues and pull requests welcome ## Maintainer * [Ed Robinson](https://github.com/errm) ## Contributors Many thanks to our fantastic contributors * [Jesus Rafael Carrillo](https://github.com/jescarri) * [Mike Kaplinskiy](https://github.com/mikekap) * [Sadayuki Furuhashi](https://github.com/frsyuki) * [Richard Megginson](https://github.com/richm) * [Masahiro Nakagawa](https://github.com/repeatedly) * [Hiroshi Hatake](https://github.com/cosmo0920)