# frozen_string_literal: true require "base64" require "marcel" require "tempfile" module Vectory class Utils class << self # Extracted from https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-utils/blob/v1.5.2/lib/utils/image.rb # # sources/plantuml/plantuml20200524-90467-1iqek5i.png # already includes localdir # Check whether just the local path or the other specified relative path # works. def datauri(uri, local_dir = ".") (datauri?(uri) || url?(uri)) and return uri path = path_which_exist(uri, local_dir) path and return encode_datauri(path) warn "Image specified at `#{uri}` does not exist." uri # Return original provided location end def path_which_exist(uri, local_dir) options = absolute_path?(uri) ? [uri] : [uri, File.join(local_dir, uri)] options.detect do |p| File.file?(p) end end def encode_datauri(path) return nil unless File.exist?(path) type = Marcel::MimeType.for(Pathname.new(path)) || 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"' bin = File.binread(path) data = Base64.strict_encode64(bin) "data:#{type};base64,#{data}" # rescue StandardError # warn "Data-URI encoding of `#{path}` failed." # nil end def datauri?(uri) /^data:/.match?(uri) end def url?(url) %r{^[A-Z]{2,}://}i.match?(url) end def absolute_path?(uri) %r{^/}.match?(uri) || %r{^[A-Z]:/}.match?(uri) end def svgmap_rewrite0_path(src, localdirectory) if /^data:/.match?(src) save_dataimage(src) else File.file?(src) ? src : localdirectory + src end end def save_dataimage(uri) %r{^data:(?:image|application)/(?[^;]+);(?:charset=[^;]+;)?base64,(?.+)$} =~ uri # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength imgtype.sub!(/\+[a-z0-9]+$/, "") # svg+xml imgtype = "png" unless /^[a-z0-9]+$/.match? imgtype Tempfile.open(["image", ".#{imgtype}"]) do |f| f.binmode f.write(Base64.strict_decode64(imgdata)) f.path end end # FIXME: This method should ONLY return 1 type, remove Array wrapper def datauri2mime(uri) output = decode_datauri(uri) return nil unless output && output[:type_detected] [output[:type_detected]] end def decode_datauri(uri) %r{^data:(?[^;]+);base64,(?.+)$} =~ uri return nil unless mimetype && mimedata data = Base64.strict_decode64(mimedata) { type_declared: mimetype, type_detected: Marcel::MimeType.for(data, declared_type: mimetype), data: data, } end end end end