require 'open_api/dsl/common_dsl' module OpenApi module DSL class CtrlInfoObj < Hash include DSL::CommonDSL include DSL::Helpers def schema component_key, type = nil, one_of: nil, all_of: nil, any_of: nil, not: nil, **schema_hash (schema_hash = type) and (type = type.delete(:type)) if type.is_a?(Hash) && type.key?(:type) type = schema_hash[:type] if type.nil? combined_schema = one_of || all_of || any_of || (_not = binding.local_variable_get(:not)) combined_schema = one_of, all_of: all_of, any_of: any_of, _not: _not) if combined_schema (self[:schemas] ||= { })[component_key] = combined_schema&.process ||, schema_hash).process end arrow_enable :schema def example summary, example_hash # TODO end def param component_key, param_type, name, type, required, schema_hash = { } (self[:parameters] ||= { })[component_key] =, param_type, type, required, schema_hash).process end def _param_agent component_key, name, type = nil, one_of: nil, all_of: nil, any_of: nil, not: nil, **schema_hash (schema_hash = type) and (type = type.delete(:type)) if type.is_a?(Hash) && type.key?(:type) type = schema_hash[:type] if type.nil? combined_schema = one_of || all_of || any_of || (_not = binding.local_variable_get(:not)) schema_hash = one_of, all_of: all_of, any_of: any_of, _not: _not) if combined_schema param component_key, "#{@param_type}".delete('!'), name, type, (@param_type['!'] ? :req : :opt), schema_hash end arrow_enable :_param_agent def request_body component_key, required, media_type, desc = '', schema_hash = { } (self[:requestBodies] ||= { })[component_key] =, media_type, desc, schema_hash).process end def _request_body_agent component_key, media_type, desc = '', schema_hash = { } request_body component_key, (@method_name['!'] ? :req : :opt), media_type, desc, schema_hash end arrow_enable :_request_body_agent arrow_enable :resp # alias_method 竟然也会指向旧的方法? arrow_enable :response def security_scheme scheme_name, other_info# = { } other_info[:description] = other_info.delete(:desc) if other_info[:desc] (self[:securitySchemes] ||= { })[scheme_name] = other_info end arrow_enable :security_scheme alias auth_scheme security_scheme def base_auth scheme_name, other_info = { } security_scheme scheme_name, { type: 'http', scheme: 'basic' }.merge(other_info) end def bearer_auth scheme_name, format = 'JWT', other_info = { } security_scheme scheme_name, { type: 'http', scheme: 'bearer', bearerFormat: format }.merge(other_info) end def api_key scheme_name, field:, in:, **other_info _in = binding.local_variable_get(:in) security_scheme scheme_name, { type: 'apiKey', name: field, in: _in }.merge(other_info) end def _process_objs self[:responses]&.each do |code, obj| self[:responses][code] = obj.process if obj.is_a?(ResponseObj) end end end end end