require 'pathname' require Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.expand_path.parent + 'spec_helper' module TypecastBypassSetter # Bypass typecasting so we can set values for specs def set(attributes) attributes.each do |k,v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) end end end class SailBoat include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Integer, :key => true property :name, String, :nullable => false, :validates => :presence_test property :description, String, :length => 10, :validates => :length_test_1 property :notes, String, :length => 2..10, :validates => :length_test_2 property :no_validation, String, :auto_validation => false property :salesman, String, :nullable => false, :validates => [:multi_context_1, :multi_context_2] property :code, String, :format => { |code| code =~ /A\d{4}\z/ }, :validates => :format_test property :allow_nil, String, :size => 5..10, :nullable => true, :validates => :nil_test property :build_date, Date, :validates => :primitive_test property :float, Float, :precision => 2, :scale => 1 property :big_decimal, BigDecimal, :precision => 2, :scale => 1 include TypecastBypassSetter end class HasNullableBoolean include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Integer, :key => true property :bool, Boolean # :nullable => true by default include TypecastBypassSetter end class HasNotNullableBoolean include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Integer, :key => true property :bool, Boolean, :nullable => false include TypecastBypassSetter end class HasNotNullableParanoidBoolean include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Integer, :key => true property :bool, ParanoidBoolean, :nullable => false include TypecastBypassSetter end describe "Automatic Validation from Property Definition" do it "should have a hook for adding auto validations called from DataMapper::Property#new" do SailBoat.should respond_to(:auto_generate_validations) end it "should auto add a validates_is_present when property has option :nullable => false" do validator = SailBoat.validators.context(:presence_test).first validator.should be_kind_of(DataMapper::Validate::RequiredFieldValidator) validator.field_name.should == :name boat = boat.valid_for_presence_test?.should == false = 'Float' boat.valid_for_presence_test?.should == true end it "should auto add a validates_length for maximum size on String properties" do # max length test max=10 boat = boat.valid_for_length_test_1?.should == true #no minimum length boat.description = 'ABCDEFGHIJK' #11 boat.valid_for_length_test_1?.should == false boat.description = 'ABCDEFGHIJ' #10 boat.valid_for_length_test_1?.should == true end it "should auto add validates_length within a range when option :length or :size is a range" do # Range test notes = 2..10 boat = boat.should be_valid_for_length_test_2 boat.notes = 'AB' #2 boat.should be_valid_for_length_test_2 boat.notes = 'ABCDEFGHIJK' #11 boat.should_not be_valid_for_length_test_2 boat.notes = 'ABCDEFGHIJ' #10 boat.should be_valid_for_length_test_2 end it "should auto add a validates_format if the :format option is given" do # format test - format = /A\d{4}\z/ on code boat = boat.should be_valid_for_format_test boat.code = 'A1234' boat.should be_valid_for_format_test boat.code = 'BAD CODE' boat.should_not be_valid_for_format_test end it "should auto validate all strings for max length" do klass = do include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Integer, :serial => true property :name, String end t = => 1) t.should be_valid = 'Lip­smackin­thirst­quenchin­acetastin­motivatin­good­buzzin­cool­talkin­high­walkin­fast­livin­ever­givin­cool­fizzin' t.should_not be_valid t.errors.full_messages.should include('Name must be less than 50 characters long') end it "should auto validate the primitive type" do validator = SailBoat.validators.context(:primitive_test).first validator.should be_kind_of(DataMapper::Validate::PrimitiveValidator) boat = boat.should be_valid_for_primitive_test boat.build_date = 'ABC' boat.should_not be_valid_for_primitive_test end it "should not auto add any validators if the option :auto_validation => false was given" do klass = do include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Integer, :serial => true, :auto_validation => false property :name, String, :nullable => false, :auto_validation => false property :bool, DM::Boolean, :nullable => false, :auto_validation => false end == true end it "should auto add range checking the length of a string while still allowing null values" do boat = boat.allow_nil = 'ABC' boat.should_not be_valid_for_nil_test boat.errors.on(:allow_nil).should include('Allow nil must be between 5 and 10 characters long') boat.allow_nil = 'ABCDEFG' boat.should be_valid_for_nil_test boat.allow_nil = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP' boat.should_not be_valid_for_nil_test boat.errors.on(:allow_nil).should include('Allow nil must be between 5 and 10 characters long') boat.allow_nil = nil boat.should be_valid_for_nil_test end describe 'for Integer properties' do before do @boat = end it 'should allow integers' do @boat.set(:id => 1) @boat.should be_valid end it 'should not allow floats' do @boat.set(:id => 1.0) @boat.should_not be_valid @boat.errors.on(:id).should == [ 'Id must be an integer' ] end it 'should not allow decimals' do @boat.set(:id => BigDecimal('1')) @boat.should_not be_valid @boat.errors.on(:id).should == [ 'Id must be an integer' ] end end describe 'for nullable Boolean properties' do before do @boat = => 1) end it 'should allow true' do @boat.set(:bool => true) @boat.should be_valid end it 'should allow false' do @boat.set(:bool => false) @boat.should be_valid end it 'should allow nil' do @boat.set(:bool => nil) @boat.should be_valid end end describe 'for non-nullable Boolean properties' do before do @boat = => 1) end it 'should allow true' do @boat.set(:bool => true) @boat.should be_valid end it 'should allow false' do @boat.set(:bool => false) @boat.should be_valid end it 'should not allow nil' do @boat.set(:bool => nil) @boat.should_not be_valid end end describe 'for non-nullable ParanoidBoolean properties' do before do @boat = => 1) end it 'should allow true' do @boat.set(:bool => true) @boat.should be_valid end it 'should allow false' do @boat.set(:bool => false) @boat.should be_valid end it 'should not allow nil' do @boat.set(:bool => nil) @boat.should_not be_valid end end { :float => Float, :big_decimal => BigDecimal }.each do |column,type| describe "for #{type} properties" do before do @boat = => 1) end it 'should allow integers' do @boat.set(column => 1) @boat.should be_valid end it 'should allow floats' do @boat.set(column => '1.0') @boat.should be_valid end it 'should allow decimals' do @boat.set(column => BigDecimal('1')) @boat.should be_valid end end end end