require 'sinatra/base' require 'json' require 'haml' require 'uri' require 'cgi' # See require 'rack/file' module Rumx class Server < Sinatra::Base configure do enable :logging mime_type :json, 'application/json' mime_type :properties, 'text/plain' end set :root, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'server') helpers do def render_tree_bean_attributes(path, bean) return '' unless bean.bean_has_attributes? partial :tree_bean_attributes, :locals => {:path => path, :bean => bean} end def render_tree_bean_operations(path, bean) return '' unless bean.bean_has_operations? partial :tree_bean_operations, :locals => {:path => path, :bean => bean} end def render_tree_bean_children(parent_path, parent_bean) val = '' parent_bean.bean_each_child do |name, bean| #puts "in child name=#{name} bean=#{bean}" path = "#{parent_path}/#{name}" val << partial(:tree_bean, :locals => {:path => path, :name =>name, :bean => bean}) end val end def attributes_path(path) url URI.escape(path + '/attributes') end def attribute_path(path) url URI.escape(path + '/attribute') end def operations_path(path) url URI.escape(path + '/operations') end def operation_path(path) url URI.escape(path + '/operation') end # but extract_options! part of ActiveSupport # Also look at def partial(template, options={}) options.merge!(:layout => false) if collection = options.delete(:collection) then collection.inject([]) do |buffer, member| buffer << haml(template, options.merge( :layout => false, :locals => {template.to_sym => member} ) ) end.join("\n") else haml(template, options) end end def haml_for_ajax(template, options={}) layout = request.xhr? ? false : :layout options = options.merge(:layout => layout) haml template, options end def link_to_attributes(path) partial :link_to_content, :locals => {:href => attributes_path(path), :name => 'Attributes'} end def link_to_attribute(parent_path, attribute_info) path = rel_path(attribute_info.ancestry) partial :link_to_content, :locals => {:href => attribute_path(parent_path+'/'+path), :name => path} end def link_to_operations(path) partial :link_to_content, :locals => {:href => operations_path(path), :name => 'Operations'} end def link_to_operation(parent_path, operation) partial :link_to_content, :locals => {:href => operation_path(parent_path+'/', :name =>} end def attribute_value_tag(attribute_info) partial :attribute_value_tag, :locals => {:attribute_info => attribute_info} end def rel_path(ancestry) ancestry.join('/') end def param_name(ancestry) pname = ancestry[0].to_s ancestry[1..-1].each do |name| pname += "[#{name}]" end return pname end end get '/' do haml :index end get '/*/attributes.?:format?' do # For get we read, then write. post is the other way around. do_get_or_post_splat_attributes(params, :bean_get_and_set_attributes) end post '/*/attributes.?:format?' do # For post we write, then read. get is the other way around. do_get_or_post_splat_attributes(params, :bean_set_and_get_attributes) end # Allow a monitor to get the attributes from multiple beans. # Use with params such as prefix_0=bean0&bean_0=MyFolder/MyBean&prefix_1=bean1&bean_1=MyOtherFolder/SomeOtherBean get '/attributes.?:format?' do do_get_or_post_attributes(params, :bean_get_and_set_attributes) end post '/attributes.?:format?' do do_get_or_post_attributes(params, :bean_set_and_get_attributes) end get '/*/operations' do path = params[:splat][0] bean = Bean.find(path.split('/')) return 404 unless bean haml_for_ajax :content_operations, :locals => {:path => '/' + path, :bean => bean} end get '/*/operation.?:format?' do path = params[:splat][0] bean, operation = Bean.find_operation(path.split('/')) return 404 unless bean if params[:format] == 'json' else haml_for_ajax :content_operation, :locals => {:path => '/' + path, :bean => bean, :operation => operation} end end post '/*/operation.?:format?' do path = params[:splat][0] bean, operation = Bean.find_operation(path.split('/')) return 404 unless bean, params).to_json end ####### protected ####### def handle_attributes(attribute_hash, format) case format when 'json' content_type :json attribute_hash.to_json when 'properties' content_type :properties to_properties(attribute_hash) else 404 end end ####### private ####### def to_properties(val, prefix=nil) str = '' new_prefix = (prefix + '.') if prefix new_prefix = new_prefix || '' if val.kind_of?(Hash) val.each do |key, value| str += to_properties(value, new_prefix + key.to_s) end elsif val.kind_of?(Array) val.each_with_index do |value, i| str += to_properties(value, new_prefix + i.to_s) end else str += "#{prefix}=#{val}\n" end return str end def do_get_or_post_splat_attributes(params, get_set_method) #puts "params=#{params.inspect}" path = params[:splat][0] bean = Bean.find(path.split('/')) return 404 unless bean if params[:format] handle_attributes(bean.send(get_set_method, params), params[:format]) else haml_for_ajax :content_attributes, :locals => {:get_set_method => get_set_method, :params => params, :path => path, :bean => bean} end end def do_get_or_post_attributes(params, get_set_method) hash = {} index = 0 while query = params["query_#{index}"] index += 1 uri = URI.parse(query) prefix = nil bean_path = uri.path if i = bean_path.index('=') prefix = bean_path[0,i] bean_path = bean_path[(i+1)..-1] end bean = Bean.find(bean_path.split('/')) return 404 unless bean new_params = {} if uri.query cgi = CGI.parse(uri.query) # We shouldn't have any dual params so let's turn this into a params object we can understand cgi.each do |key, value| new_params[key] = value[0] end end bean_hash = bean.send(get_set_method, new_params) if prefix hash[prefix.to_sym] = bean_hash else hash = hash.merge(bean_hash) end end handle_attributes(hash, params[:format]) end end end