require "testutil" require "util" require "test/unit" require "openid/consumer/idres" require "openid/protocolerror" require "openid/store/memory" require "openid/store/nonce" module OpenID class Consumer class IdResHandler # Subclass of IdResHandler that doesn't do verification upon # construction. All of the tests call this, except for the ones # explicitly for id_res. class IdResHandler < OpenID::Consumer::IdResHandler def id_res end end class CheckForFieldsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include ProtocolErrorMixin BASE_FIELDS = ['return_to', 'assoc_handle', 'sig', 'signed'] OPENID2_FIELDS = BASE_FIELDS + ['op_endpoint'] OPENID1_FIELDS = BASE_FIELDS + ['identity'] OPENID1_SIGNED = ['return_to', 'identity'] OPENID2_SIGNED = OPENID1_SIGNED + ['response_nonce', 'claimed_id', 'assoc_handle'] def mkMsg(ns, fields, signed_fields) msg = fields.each do |field| msg.set_arg(OPENID_NS, field, "don't care") end if fields.member?('signed') msg.set_arg(OPENID_NS, 'signed', signed_fields.join(',')) end msg end 1.times do # so as not to bleed into the outer namespace n = 0 [[], ['foo'], ['bar', 'baz'], ].each do |signed_fields| test = lambda do msg = mkMsg(OPENID2_NS, OPENID2_FIELDS, signed_fields) idres =, nil) assert_equal(signed_fields, idres.send(:signed_list)) # Do it again to make sure logic for caching is correct assert_equal(signed_fields, idres.send(:signed_list)) end define_method("test_signed_list_#{n += 1}", test) end end # test all missing fields for OpenID 1 and 2 1.times do [["openid1", OPENID1_NS, OPENID1_FIELDS], ["openid2", OPENID2_NS, OPENID2_FIELDS], ].each do |ver, ns, all_fields| all_fields.each do |field| test = lambda do fields = all_fields.dup fields.delete(field) msg = mkMsg(ns, fields, []) idres =, nil) assert_protocol_error("Missing required field #{field}") { idres.send(:check_for_fields) } end define_method("test_#{ver}_check_missing_#{field}", test) end end end # Test all missing signed for OpenID 1 and 2 1.times do [["openid1", OPENID1_NS, OPENID1_FIELDS, OPENID1_SIGNED], ["openid2", OPENID2_NS, OPENID2_FIELDS, OPENID2_SIGNED], ].each do |ver, ns, all_fields, signed_fields| signed_fields.each do |signed_field| test = lambda do fields = signed_fields.dup fields.delete(signed_field) msg = mkMsg(ns, all_fields, fields) # Make sure the signed field is actually in the request msg.set_arg(OPENID_NS, signed_field, "don't care") idres =, nil) assert_protocol_error("#{signed_field.inspect} not signed") { idres.send(:check_for_fields) } end define_method("test_#{ver}_check_missing_signed_#{signed_field}", test) end end end def test_no_signed_list msg = idres =, nil) assert_protocol_error("Response missing signed") { idres.send(:signed_list) } end def test_success_openid1 msg = mkMsg(OPENID1_NS, OPENID1_FIELDS, OPENID1_SIGNED) idres =, nil) assert_nothing_raised { idres.send(:check_for_fields) } end end class ReturnToArgsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include OpenID::ProtocolErrorMixin def check_return_to_args(query) idres =, nil) class << idres def verify_return_to_base(unused) end end idres.send(:verify_return_to) end def assert_bad_args(msg, query) assert_protocol_error(msg) { check_return_to_args(query) } end def test_return_to_args_okay assert_nothing_raised { check_return_to_args({ 'openid.mode' => 'id_res', 'openid.return_to' => '', 'foo' => 'bar', }) } end def test_unexpected_arg_okay assert_bad_args("Parameter foo does", { 'openid.mode' => 'id_res', 'openid.return_to' => '', 'foo' => 'bar', }) end def test_return_to_mismatch assert_bad_args('Message missing ret', { 'openid.mode' => 'id_res', 'openid.return_to' => '', }) assert_bad_args('Parameter foo val', { 'openid.mode' => 'id_res', 'openid.return_to' => '', 'foo' => 'foos', }) end end class ReturnToVerifyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_bad_return_to return_to = "http://some.url/path?foo=bar" m = m.set_arg(OPENID_NS, 'mode', 'cancel') m.set_arg(BARE_NS, 'foo', 'bar') # Scheme, authority, and path differences are checked by # IdResHandler.verify_return_to_base. Query args checked by # IdResHandler.verify_return_to_args. [ # Scheme only "https://some.url/path?foo=bar", # Authority only "http://some.url.invalid/path?foo=bar", # Path only "http://some.url/path_extra?foo=bar", # Query args differ "http://some.url/path?foo=bar2", "http://some.url/path?foo2=bar", ].each do |bad| m.set_arg(OPENID_NS, 'return_to', bad) idres =, return_to) assert_raises(ProtocolError) { idres.send(:verify_return_to) } end end def test_good_return_to base = '' [ [base, {}], [base + "?another=arg", {'another' => 'arg'}], [base + "?another=arg#frag", {'another' => 'arg'}], ].each do |return_to, args| args['openid.return_to'] = return_to msg = Message.from_post_args(args) idres =, base) assert_nothing_raised { idres.send(:verify_return_to) } end end end class DummyEndpoint attr_accessor :server_url def initialize(server_url) @server_url = server_url end end class CheckSigTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include ProtocolErrorMixin include TestUtil def setup @assoc ='{not_dumb}') @store = @server_url = 'http://server.url/' @endpoint = @store.store_association(@server_url, @assoc) @message = Message.from_post_args({ 'openid.mode' => 'id_res', 'openid.identity' => '=example', 'openid.sig' => GOODSIG, 'openid.assoc_handle' => @assoc.handle, 'openid.signed' => 'mode,identity,assoc_handle,signed', 'frobboz' => 'banzit', }) end def call_idres_method(method_name) idres =, nil, @store, @endpoint) idres.extend(InstanceDefExtension) yield idres idres.send(method_name) end def call_check_sig(&proc) call_idres_method(:check_signature, &proc) end def no_check_auth(idres) idres.instance_def(:check_auth) { fail "Called check_auth" } end def test_sign_good assert_nothing_raised { call_check_sig(&method(:no_check_auth)) } end def test_bad_sig @message.set_arg(OPENID_NS, 'sig', 'bad sig!') assert_protocol_error('Bad signature') { call_check_sig(&method(:no_check_auth)) } end def test_check_auth_ok @message.set_arg(OPENID_NS, 'assoc_handle', 'dumb-handle') check_auth_called = false call_check_sig do |idres| idres.instance_def(:check_auth) do check_auth_called = true end end assert(check_auth_called) end def test_check_auth_ok_no_store @store = nil check_auth_called = false call_check_sig do |idres| idres.instance_def(:check_auth) do check_auth_called = true end end assert(check_auth_called) end def test_expired_assoc @assoc.expires_in = -1 @store.store_association(@server_url, @assoc) assert_protocol_error('Association with') { call_check_sig(&method(:no_check_auth)) } end def call_check_auth(&proc) assert_log_matches("Using 'check_authentication'") { call_idres_method(:check_auth, &proc) } end def test_check_auth_create_fail assert_protocol_error("Could not generate") { call_check_auth do |idres| idres.instance_def(:create_check_auth_request) do raise Message::KeyNotFound, "Testing" end end } end def test_kv_server_error OpenID.extend(OverrideMethodMixin) send_error = lambda do |req, server_url| msg = raise ServerError.from_message(msg), 'For you!' end OpenID.with_method_overridden(:make_kv_post, send_error) do assert_protocol_error("Error from") { call_check_auth do |idres| idres.instance_def(:create_check_auth_request) { nil } end } end end def test_check_auth_okay OpenID.extend(OverrideMethodMixin) me = self send_resp = do |req, server_url| me.assert_equal(:req, req) :expected_response end OpenID.with_method_overridden(:make_kv_post, send_resp) do final_resp = call_check_auth do |idres| idres.instance_def(:create_check_auth_request) { :req } idres.instance_def(:process_check_auth_response) do |resp| me.assert_equal(:expected_response, resp) end end end end def test_check_auth_process_fail OpenID.extend(OverrideMethodMixin) me = self send_resp = do |req, server_url| me.assert_equal(:req, req) :expected_response end OpenID.with_method_overridden(:make_kv_post, send_resp) do assert_protocol_error("Testing") do final_resp = call_check_auth do |idres| idres.instance_def(:create_check_auth_request) { :req } idres.instance_def(:process_check_auth_response) do |resp| me.assert_equal(:expected_response, resp) raise ProtocolError, "Testing" end end end end end 1.times do # Fields from the signed list ['mode', 'identity', 'assoc_handle' ].each do |field| test = lambda do @message.del_arg(OPENID_NS, field) assert_raises(Message::KeyNotFound) { call_idres_method(:create_check_auth_request) {} } end define_method("test_create_check_auth_missing_#{field}", test) end end def test_create_check_auth_request_success msg = call_idres_method(:create_check_auth_request) {} openid_args = @message.get_args(OPENID_NS) openid_args['mode'] = 'check_authentication' assert_equal(openid_args, msg.to_args) end def test_create_check_auth_request_success_extra @message.set_arg(OPENID_NS, 'cookies', 'chocolate_chip') msg = call_idres_method(:create_check_auth_request) {} openid_args = @message.get_args(OPENID_NS) openid_args['mode'] = 'check_authentication' openid_args.delete('cookies') assert_equal(openid_args, msg.to_args) end end class CheckAuthResponseTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestUtil include ProtocolErrorMixin def setup @message = Message.from_openid_args({ 'is_valid' => 'true', }) @assoc = @store = @server_url = 'http://invalid/' @endpoint = @idres =, nil, @store, @endpoint) end def call_process @idres.send(:process_check_auth_response, @message) end def test_valid assert_log_matches() { call_process } end def test_invalid for is_valid in ['false', 'monkeys'] @message.set_arg(OPENID_NS, 'is_valid', 'false') assert_protocol_error("Server #{@server_url} responds") { assert_log_matches() { call_process } } end end def test_valid_invalidate @message.set_arg(OPENID_NS, 'invalidate_handle', 'cheese') assert_log_matches("Received 'invalidate_handle'") { call_process } end def test_invalid_invalidate @message.set_arg(OPENID_NS, 'invalidate_handle', 'cheese') for is_valid in ['false', 'monkeys'] @message.set_arg(OPENID_NS, 'is_valid', 'false') assert_protocol_error("Server #{@server_url} responds") { assert_log_matches("Received 'invalidate_handle'") { call_process } } end end def test_invalidate_no_store @idres.instance_variable_set(:@store, nil) @message.set_arg(OPENID_NS, 'invalidate_handle', 'cheese') assert_log_matches("Received 'invalidate_handle'", 'Unexpectedly got "invalidate_handle"') { call_process } end end class NonceTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestUtil include ProtocolErrorMixin def setup @store = class << @store attr_accessor :nonces, :succeed def use_nonce(server_url, time, extra) @nonces << [server_url, time, extra] @succeed end end @store.nonces = [] @nonce = Nonce.mk_nonce end def call_check_nonce(post_args, succeed=false) response = Message.from_post_args(post_args) if !@store.nil? @store.succeed = succeed end idres =, nil, @store, nil) idres.send(:check_nonce) end def test_openid1_success assert_nothing_raised { call_check_nonce({'rp_nonce' => @nonce}, true) } end def test_openid1_missing assert_protocol_error('Nonce missing') { call_check_nonce({}) } end def test_openid2_ignore_rp_nonce assert_protocol_error('Nonce missing') { call_check_nonce({'rp_nonce' => @nonce, 'openid.ns' => OPENID2_NS}) } end def test_openid2_success assert_nothing_raised { call_check_nonce({'openid.response_nonce' => @nonce, 'openid.ns' => OPENID2_NS}, true) } end def test_openid1_ignore_response_nonce assert_protocol_error('Nonce missing') { call_check_nonce({'openid.response_nonce' => @nonce}) } end def test_no_store @store = nil assert_nothing_raised { call_check_nonce({'rp_nonce' => @nonce}) } end def test_already_used assert_protocol_error('Nonce already used') { call_check_nonce({'rp_nonce' => @nonce}, false) } end def test_malformed_nonce assert_protocol_error('Malformed nonce') { call_check_nonce({'rp_nonce' => 'whee!'}) } end end class DiscoveryVerificationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include ProtocolErrorMixin include TestUtil def setup @endpoint = end def call_verify(msg_args) call_verify_modify(msg_args){} end def call_verify_modify(msg_args) msg = Message.from_openid_args(msg_args) idres =, nil, nil, @endpoint) idres.extend(InstanceDefExtension) yield idres idres.send(:verify_discovery_results) idres.instance_variable_get(:@endpoint) end def assert_verify_protocol_error(error_prefix, openid_args) assert_protocol_error(error_prefix) {call_verify(openid_args)} end def test_openid1_no_local_id @endpoint.claimed_id = 'http://invalid/' assert_verify_protocol_error("Missing required field: "\ "<#{OPENID1_NS}>identity", {}) end def test_openid1_no_endpoint @endpoint = nil assert_raises(StandardError) { call_verify({'identity' => 'snakes on a plane'}) } end def test_openid2_no_op_endpoint assert_protocol_error("Missing required field: "\ "<#{OPENID2_NS}>op_endpoint") { call_verify({'ns'=>OPENID2_NS}) } end def test_openid2_local_id_no_claimed assert_verify_protocol_error('openid.identity is present without', {'ns' => OPENID2_NS, 'op_endpoint' => 'Phone Home', 'identity' => 'Jorge Lius Borges'}) end def test_openid2_no_local_id_claimed assert_log_matches() { assert_protocol_error('openid.claimed_id is present without') { call_verify({'ns' => OPENID2_NS, 'op_endpoint' => 'Phone Home', 'claimed_id' => 'Manuel Noriega'}) } } end def test_openid2_no_identifiers op_endpoint = 'Phone Home' result_endpoint = assert_log_matches() { call_verify({'ns' => OPENID2_NS, 'op_endpoint' => op_endpoint}) } assert(result_endpoint.is_op_identifier) assert_equal(op_endpoint, result_endpoint.server_url) assert(result_endpoint.claimed_id.nil?) end def test_openid2_no_endpoint_does_disco endpoint = endpoint.claimed_id = 'monkeysoft' @endpoint = nil result = assert_log_matches('No pre-discovered') { call_verify_modify({'ns' => OPENID2_NS, 'identity' => 'sour grapes', 'claimed_id' => 'monkeysoft', 'op_endpoint' => 'Phone Home'}) do |idres| idres.instance_def(:discover_and_verify) {@endpoint = endpoint} end } assert(endpoint.equal?(result)) end def test_openid2_mismatched_does_disco @endpoint.claimed_id = 'nothing special, but different' @endpoint.local_id = 'green cheese' endpoint = endpoint.claimed_id = 'monkeysoft' result = assert_log_matches('Error attempting to use stored', 'Attempting discovery') { call_verify_modify({'ns' => OPENID2_NS, 'identity' => 'sour grapes', 'claimed_id' => 'monkeysoft', 'op_endpoint' => 'Green Cheese'}) do |idres| idres.extend(InstanceDefExtension) idres.instance_def(:discover_and_verify) {@endpoint = endpoint} end } assert(endpoint.equal?(result)) end def test_openid2_use_pre_discovered @endpoint.local_id = 'my identity' @endpoint.claimed_id = 'http://i-am-sam/' @endpoint.server_url = 'Phone Home' @endpoint.type_uris = [OPENID_2_0_TYPE] result = assert_log_matches() { call_verify({'ns' => OPENID2_NS, 'identity' => @endpoint.local_id, 'claimed_id' => @endpoint.claimed_id, 'op_endpoint' => @endpoint.server_url }) } assert(result.equal?(@endpoint)) end def test_openid2_use_pre_discovered_wrong_type text = "verify failed" me = self @endpoint.local_id = 'my identity' @endpoint.claimed_id = 'i am sam' @endpoint.server_url = 'Phone Home' @endpoint.type_uris = [OPENID_1_1_TYPE] endpoint = @endpoint msg = Message.from_openid_args({'ns' => OPENID2_NS, 'identity' => @endpoint.local_id, 'claimed_id' => @endpoint.claimed_id, 'op_endpoint' => @endpoint.server_url}) idres =, nil, nil, @endpoint) idres.extend(InstanceDefExtension) idres.instance_def(:discover_and_verify) { |to_match| me.assert_equal(endpoint.claimed_id, to_match.claimed_id) raise ProtocolError, text } assert_log_matches('Error attempting to use stored', 'Attempting discovery') { assert_protocol_error(text) { idres.send(:verify_discovery_results) } } end def test_openid1_use_pre_discovered @endpoint.local_id = 'my identity' @endpoint.claimed_id = 'http://i-am-sam/' @endpoint.server_url = 'Phone Home' @endpoint.type_uris = [OPENID_1_1_TYPE] result = assert_log_matches() { call_verify({'ns' => OPENID1_NS, 'identity' => @endpoint.local_id}) } assert(result.equal?(@endpoint)) end def test_openid1_use_pre_discovered_wrong_type verified_error = @endpoint.local_id = 'my identity' @endpoint.claimed_id = 'i am sam' @endpoint.server_url = 'Phone Home' @endpoint.type_uris = [OPENID_2_0_TYPE] assert_log_matches('Error attempting to use stored', 'Attempting discovery') { assert_raises(verified_error) { call_verify_modify({'ns' => OPENID1_NS, 'identity' => @endpoint.local_id}) { |idres| idres.instance_def(:discover_and_verify) do raise verified_error end } } } end def test_openid2_fragment claimed_id = "http://unittest.invalid/" claimed_id_frag = claimed_id + "#fragment" @endpoint.local_id = 'my identity' @endpoint.claimed_id = claimed_id @endpoint.server_url = 'Phone Home' @endpoint.type_uris = [OPENID_2_0_TYPE] result = assert_log_matches() { call_verify({'ns' => OPENID2_NS, 'identity' => @endpoint.local_id, 'claimed_id' => claimed_id_frag, 'op_endpoint' => @endpoint.server_url}) } [:local_id, :server_url, :type_uris].each do |sym| assert_equal(@endpoint.send(sym), result.send(sym)) end assert_equal(claimed_id_frag, result.claimed_id) end def test_endpoint_without_local_id # An endpoint like this with no local_id is generated as a result of # e.g. Yadis discovery with no LocalID tag. @endpoint.server_url = "http://localhost:8000/openidserver" @endpoint.claimed_id = "http://localhost:8000/id/id-jo" to_match = to_match.server_url = "http://localhost:8000/openidserver" to_match.claimed_id = "http://localhost:8000/id/id-jo" to_match.local_id = "http://localhost:8000/id/id-jo" idres =, nil) assert_log_matches() { result = idres.send(:verify_discovery_single, @endpoint, to_match) } end end class IdResTopLevelTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_id_res endpoint = endpoint.server_url = 'http://invalid/server' endpoint.claimed_id = 'http://my.url/' endpoint.local_id = 'http://invalid/username' endpoint.type_uris = [OPENID_2_0_TYPE] assoc = store = store.store_association(endpoint.server_url, assoc) signed_fields = [ 'response_nonce', 'op_endpoint', 'assoc_handle', 'identity', 'claimed_id', 'ns', 'return_to', ] return_to = '' args = { 'ns' => OPENID2_NS, 'return_to' => return_to, 'claimed_id' => endpoint.claimed_id, 'identity' => endpoint.local_id, 'assoc_handle' => assoc.handle, 'op_endpoint' => endpoint.server_url, 'response_nonce' => Nonce.mk_nonce, 'signed' => signed_fields.join(','), 'sig' => GOODSIG, } msg = Message.from_openid_args(args) idres =, return_to, store, endpoint) assert_equal(idres.signed_fields, {|f|'openid.' + f}) end end class DiscoverAndVerifyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include ProtocolErrorMixin include TestUtil def test_no_services me = self disco = do |e| me.assert_equal(e, :sentinel) [:undefined, []] end endpoint = endpoint.claimed_id = :sentinel idres =, nil) assert_log_matches('Performing discovery on') do assert_protocol_error('No OpenID information found') do OpenID.with_method_overridden(:discover, disco) do idres.send(:discover_and_verify, endpoint) end end end end end class VerifyDiscoveredServicesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include ProtocolErrorMixin include TestUtil def test_no_services endpoint = endpoint.claimed_id = :sentinel idres =, nil) assert_log_matches('Discovery verification failure') do assert_protocol_error('No matching endpoint') do idres.send(:verify_discovered_services, [], endpoint) end end end end end end end