# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project *loosely tries* to adhere to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/), even before v1.0. ## [0.5.11] - 2021-02-11 - [#76](https://github.com/boltops-tools/terraspace/pull/76) dont use auto generated plan when both yes and plan options used - fix plan path when 2 stacks of same name run at the same time ## [0.5.10] - 2020-12-11 - [#69](https://github.com/boltops-tools/terraspace/pull/69) require singleton earlier ## [0.5.9] - 2020-12-11 - [#68](https://github.com/boltops-tools/terraspace/pull/68) require singleton - fix graphviz check for format text, improve graphviz install help message ## [0.5.8] - 2020-12-04 - [#67](https://github.com/boltops-tools/terraspace/pull/67) fix find placeholder stack so config/terraform only builds for stacks ## [0.5.7] - 2020-12-02 - [#64](https://github.com/boltops-tools/terraspace/pull/64) fix completion_script ## [0.5.6] - 2020-11-30 - [#61](https://github.com/boltops-tools/terraspace/pull/61) allow envs and regions check feature - fix terraspace build before hook ## [0.5.5] - 2020-11-27 - fix link ## [0.5.4] - 2020-11-27 - fix check setup when terraform not found ## [0.5.3] - 2020-11-27 - [#60](https://github.com/boltops-tools/terraspace/pull/60) fix terraspace check_setup, use type and allow to run outside project - improve terraform is not installed message ## [0.5.2] - 2020-11-27 - [#59](https://github.com/boltops-tools/terraspace/pull/59) only run bundler/setup within terraspace project and check standalone install - fix terraspace help - fix terraspace setup check when terraform is not installed ## [0.5.1] - 2020-11-17 - [#56](https://github.com/boltops-tools/terraspace/pull/56) fix arg and hook generators - fix ci build ## [0.5.0] - 2020-11-15 - [#55](https://github.com/boltops-tools/terraspace/pull/55) custom helpers support - plugin helpers support: aws_secret, aws_ssm, google_secret, etc - introduce stack-level test concept and change project-level test concept - generators: standardize and unifiy new test - new generators: arg, hook, helper - clean up Terraspace check project - setup up autoloader and bundler/setup earlier. removes need for shim - test generator plugin autodetection - remove internal run_generator_hook_script - stack-level args customization support - improve test output noise-level - new setting: config.terraform.plugin_cache.purge_on_error - quiet option for project generator ## [0.4.4] - #50 retry logic for shared cache error - #51 fix cloud sync: call build first ## [0.4.3] * #49 add info --path option ## [0.4.2] * #48 add logs pid option * default to input false, encourage set tfvars ## [0.4.1] * #47 `terraspace list` fix and `terraspace all init` help updates ## [0.4.0] * #46 improve hooks, bundle, auto init and bug fixes * improve hooks: allow multiple hooks of same type, change path hooks/terraform.rb * improve hooks: introduce terraspace-level as well as terraform-level hooks * improve hooks: can take Ruby block or shell script * improve auto init: reinit when module source changed, improve auto init: generalize retry check * fix already_init? detection for case when stack does use module * terraspace bundler options: can set any option now * add `terraspace all init` command * improve terraspace clean, prompt user and add `-y` option * bundle: check if in terraspace project * Rename NullObject to Unresolved * improve error message when stacks not found. give `terraspace list` hint * terraspace list. change default to `--type stack` * change summary option to --details * include terraspace version in generated Gemfile * logs command to handle viewing, and clean logs to clean ## [0.3.6] * #44 improve logs management commands: `terraspace logs remove` and `terraspace logs truncate` ## [0.3.5] * #43 rename `terraform_output` helper to `output`. Keep `terraform_output` for backwards compatibility * to_ruby natural interface to access output with full power of Ruby * output formatters removed in favor for `.to_ruby` method. ## [0.3.4] * #42 update cli docs and bug fixes * fix console by using system instead of popen3 * fix build for edge case when app/modules exist but app/stacks do not * terraspace new project: do not generate spec folder by default * improve all output summary * remove redundant `terraspace cloud setup`, instead use: `terraspace cloud sync` * improve terraspace info output * fix integration test pipeline ## [0.3.3] * #41 fix `terraspace build` and `terraspace seed` when bucket doesnt exist yet and there are dependenices defined. ## [0.3.2] * #40 fix backend auto creation ## [0.3.1] * #39 fix backend auto creation ## [0.3.0] * All commands: Dependency graph calculated and deployed in proper order * All commands: `terraspace all up`, `terraspace all build`, `terraspace all down`, etc. `terraspace all -h` * Terraspace log: view and tail log files * Terraspace logs management commands: `terraspace logs truncate` and `terraspace logs remove` * TFC/TFE: Improve support. `config.cloud.vars`, `config.cloud.workspace.attrs` * TFC commands: terraspace cloud runs list, terraspace cloud runs prune * TFC VCS also sync as part of deploy. Also separate `terraspace cloud sync` command * Logger improvements: configurable formatter, log to stderr by default * Rename: `cloud.relative_root` to `cloud.working_dir_prefix` * Run a plan to capture the diff as part of `-y` option. IE: `terraspace up demo -y` * Run plan -destroy as part of down -y * Rename update cli to up. Only support the shorthand. * Config options: config.all.concurrency, config.all.exit_on_fail, etc * TFC: cloud.auto_sync option * Improve terraform version check * Terraform init: auto mode will retry initializing up to 3 times * Terraspace seed: fix instance option ## [0.2.4] * fix version check for some versions of terraform ## [0.2.3] * #37 config.clean_cache option ## [0.2.2] * #36 cloud.relative_root setting ## [0.2.1] * #35 fix summary bug when ran multiple times with different envs ## [0.2.0] * #34 Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise support added. * TFC Vars support: JSON and DSL. config.overwrite and config.overwrite_sensitive configs * Build all stacks with config/terraform files. Designed to support the TFC VCS-driven workflow. * Layer Interface module added. All latest provider plugins like terraspace\_plugin_aws make use of this module. * Backend pattern expansion auto-detects the provider bakcend. The `expansion` method replaces the `backend_expand` method. `backend_expand` is deprecated. * New expander variables: TYPE_INSTANCE, INSTANCE, CACHE_ROOT. Also added strip trailing - and / behavior. * Timeout for terraform init. The default timeout is 10m and will then print out the terraform init log. * Terraspace 0.2.x is compatible with terraspace\_plugin_aws 0.2.x, terraspace\_plugin_google 0.2.x, and terraspace\_plugin_azurerm 0.2.x * New commands: terraspace list, terraspace cloud list, terraspace cloud setup, terraspace cloud destroy, terraspace new shim, terraspace new git_hook * terraspace list: list of modules and stacks * terraspace cloud list: shows list of TFC workspaces * terraspace cloud setup: setups up TFC workspace for VCS-driven workflow. This automatically happens for the TFC CLI-driven workflow. * terraspace cloud destroy: destroys the TFC workspace associated with the stack. Can also use the `terraspace down demo --destroy-workspace` option. * terraspace new shim: An quick way to generate a terraspace shim. * terraspace new git_hook: An quick way to set up a git pre-push hook for the TFC VCS-driven workflow. * terraspace down: works even if there's no app/stacks folder. A fake stack is built. * terraspace build: terraspace build placeholder concept. * terraspace build: only builds now. auto bucket backend creation and terraform init is is still automatically called by terraform up, etc. * terraspace up: --reconfigure option. This is useful if upgrading Terraform version. ## [0.1.2] * #33 rspec-terraspace dependency added ## [0.1.1] * #32 terraspace summary --short option ## [0.1.0] * Initial release