require 'fullcontact' require 'helper' describe FullContact do after do FullContact.reset end context "when delegating to a client" do before do FullContact.configure do |config| config.api_key = "api_key" end stub_get("person.json"). with(:query => {:apiKey => "api_key", :email => ""}). to_return(:body => fixture("person.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should get the correct resource" do FullContact.person("") a_get("person.json") .with(:query => {:apiKey => "api_key", :email => ""}) .should have_been_made end it "should return the same results as a client" do FullContact.person("").should =="") end end describe '.respond_to?' do it 'takes an optional include private argument' do FullContact.respond_to?(:client, true).should be_true end end describe ".client" do it "should be a FullContact::Client" do FullContact.client.should be_a FullContact::Client end end describe ".adapter" do it "should return the default adapter" do FullContact.adapter.should == FullContact::Configuration::DEFAULT_ADAPTER end end describe ".adapter=" do it "should set the adapter" do FullContact.adapter = :typhoeus FullContact.adapter.should == :typhoeus end end describe ".endpoint" do it "should return the default endpoint" do FullContact.endpoint.should == FullContact::Configuration::DEFAULT_ENDPOINT end end describe ".endpoint=" do it "should set the endpoint" do FullContact.endpoint = '' FullContact.endpoint.should == '' end end describe ".format" do it "should return the default format" do FullContact.format.should == FullContact::Configuration::DEFAULT_FORMAT end end describe ".format=" do it "should set the format" do FullContact.format = 'xml' FullContact.format.should == 'xml' end end describe ".user_agent" do it "should return the default user agent" do FullContact.user_agent.should == FullContact::Configuration::DEFAULT_USER_AGENT end end describe ".user_agent=" do it "should set the user_agent" do FullContact.user_agent = 'Custom User Agent' FullContact.user_agent.should == 'Custom User Agent' end end describe ".configure" do FullContact::Configuration::VALID_OPTIONS_KEYS.each do |key| it "should set the #{key}" do FullContact.configure do |config| config.send("#{key}=", key) FullContact.send(key).should == key end end end end end